The Way Things Were
The Enemy Within
That’s Not How This Works
Ol’ Joe. We Gotta Get the Jabs In Now, He Won’t be Around Much Longer
The Waters Rise | A Man-Made Disaster
Protection From the Leftist Elite
Remember This When You Think The Odds Are Stacked Against You
Post Turtles
That Look
From the Mouth of Babes | The Alpha Male
You Can Almost See the Gears Turning
A Gentle and Encouraging Note on How to Succeed
The Real Winner
Venezuela | 10 Years In
Damn Jr., That’s Bold!
I Call Your Bullshit and Raise 1 Illusion
Here is what I believe is going on: these three lawyers are pawns. The purpose of challenging the results is so that when additional information comes out down the road the conspirators can ‘we’ve been down this road’ or ‘this is old news’.
There is a game being played and an illusion being created that protects powerful pedophiles. The object in this opening portion of the illusion is to have us look at the events in the prison and ignore the events that put Epstein there. Such is the world in which we find ourselves
That Look You Get
Poor Little Ilhan
In Passing
Peter Fonda has passed on. Today, at 79, he succumbed respiratory failure brought on by lung cancer.
A quick scan of comments from the many news articles on his death tells of two things: Americans pretty much hate the Fonda family in general (and the Hollywood elite in particular) and, that as a population we (at least the “we” that are veterans of the 60’s) have been irrevocably divided into two camps: one is patriotic, nationalistic and flag-waving, the other idealistic, sympathetic, one-worldish.
There is a very great divide in this country that can be traced directly to the war in Vietnam. Not that the war itself divided us, but rather the actors (both literally and figuratively) forced us into hard stands on positions of great import (peace, war, life, death). Those of us that traveled through the 60’s carry heavy baggage that can be triggered by words. Words such as Kent State, Kennedy, Nixon, Johnson, Baez, Woodstock, Saigon, peace, love, and a hundred other words (that of course includes Hanoi Jane (Fonda)).
So Peter Fonda passes and soon Jane will as well. Each of us will. Each of us does the best we can in this life and we head off to our grave with our own joys, regrets, and burdens. Those we leave behind carry heavy loads of the same nature. For the time being, at least until the family has had a time to recover from their grief, lets set aside our baggage from the 60’s, become humane once again, and offer condolences to those that are suffering. We can pick-up the fight another day.
Her Own Words
Word of the Day: Bodywash
Supporting Ilhan and Tlaib
Thoughts and Prayers | The Unraveling
How To: Race Baiting for Votes and Fun
History Of The World: Technology’s Rise
A Point Well Made
Soft Tyranny
Note To Leftardia/Stupidia: This Is No Game
AESOP has posted a great rant over at the Raconteur Report. It’s a little “dark” but does a great job of sternly advising the unruly of the hazards of pursuing greater conflict within our society. Here is a brief segment of AESOP’s tale:
…..In short, minions of Leftardia and Stupidia, you have blundered into a minefield, on a pogo stick. Stop what you’re doing, tiptoe out, and pray to whatever deity you think appropriate that you get away with your skins.
Because if you insist on pushing your revolution, you’re going to get the war of which you cannot grasp, and the results of which you cannot even conjure in your wildest fever-swamp nightmares.
And your opponents, who’ve been stacking in supplies and loading magazines, are shifting from backing away, and hoping the fight you long for doesn’t come, and instead coming to a feeling of thinking it’s about time to roll up their sleeves, and end you.
Not your party.
Not your progressive communist utopia.
For all values of that word.
Every goddamned traitorous last one of you. Followed by your spouses, your children, your pets, your semi-domesticated illegal alien hordes, your schemes, your putrescent institutions, your metastasizing socialist programs, and every festering vestige of pustulence you’ve spewed onto a country you do not understand, didn’t build, and over which you and yours will never rule.
Better Safe Than Sorry
I’m Going To Go With The Odd’s On This One
A Casualty Of The Times
AOC Dives In | Bonnie Makes Repudiation Look Easy
Why? To Beat Back Tyranny, That’s Why
A Good Man. Kinda Brash and Uncouth, But A Good Man None-The-Less
Friday Morning Thoughts
Donald Trump held a freedom loving presidential rally last night. A good time was had by all.
Hillary Clinton sat on her swollen ass wondering why there was a painting of her unfaithful husband wearing Monica’s dress hanging in a child trafficking pedophiles home.
However else your Friday goes, be grateful that Trump won.