Catch of the Day (3+1)

Here are three new sets of electrons piled together in interesting ways. Each suffers from quasi-obvious flaws. Can you find them?  Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s still not the tits.

A bonus for all the good folk in rural America: Farm Girl

Catch of the Day (3+1)

Here are three new piles of electrons crafted to attract the alpha male.  Unfortunately, each woman/scenario suffers from a fatal flaw.  Can you find them?  Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s still not the tits.

As a bonus, the ever popular farm girl:

Catch of the Day (3+1)

Here are three more for today’s edition of the best of bad AI and/or Photoshop.  All have errors that can only be created by unsupervised electrons or their operators.  Can you spot them?  Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s still not the tits.

A bonus for the faithful reader:  Farm Girl:

Catch of the Day (3+1)

Three more strange ladies invite you to spot the errors their creator made. Can you see them? Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s still not the tits.

As a bonus, and because the AI used on one Facebook site is so terrible it becomes funny, I give you ‘Farm Girl’.

Catch of the Day

Three more strange ladies invite you to spot the errors their creator made. Can you see them? Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s still not the tits.

Catch of the Day

Three more for a Sunday evening: the best of bad AI and/or Photoshop.  Can you spot the errors?  Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s still not the tits

Catch of the Day

Here’s three more for the days best of bad AI and/or Photoshop.  Can you spot the errors?  Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s never the tits.

Catch of the Day

Here’s three more for the days best of bad AI and/or Photoshop.  Can you spot the errors?  Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s never the tits.

Bad Breeding?

Sometimes I fall into periods of deep thought.; yesterday was one of those days. The questions that kept turning over in my mind are related to the figures below that I found on Facebook and the question is/was: “Did the creator of these images purposely dumb them down, or are they the product of a mind suffering from sort of dissociative disorder, or is this person so dumb that they actually believe farm equipment actually operates like this and farm animal actually look like the do in the images?”

If it’s an IA operating shyster then there is someone out there that is trying to attract dumb people. I guess they see them as an easy ‘mark’. Which, if you extent this line of thought, means that this same nefarious seeker of dumb persons believes there are dollars to be made from them, which also (extending further) means they believe dumb folk have somehow gained wealth. Has this person stumbled upon a closely held secret path to wealth or are they an absolute idiot themself?

I’m thinking that the person generating these images has never seen a farm or farm critters; it’s some city dweller that is relying on the superior mind of his ‘in the public domain’ and free to download beta version of AI software. The scary part is that soon the world will be filled with such nonsense as future generative AI routines will find, and use as an example, images created by other faulty AI systems. Folk that are living in the inner cities of tens of millions people would have no way of independently verifying that a, for example, pig only has two nostrils and farm girls are born with three fingers per hand.

Catch of the Day

Here’s three of today’s best bad AI that I found on Facebook.  Can you spot the error(s)in the photos? Answers in the comments.  Hint: it’s never the tits.