School board associations would appear to be wonderfully tyrannical bastards of the first order, but even they cannot match the Machiavellian weasels in government. If I understand the play-by-play of the drip, drip, drip from the fourth estate, the school board leadership coordinated the development of their letter to the government (Biden administration) with the ‘White House’ (Biden Administration) who in turn coordinated the response with the Justice Department (Biden Administration). Essentially, the ‘White House’ coordinated both the complaint and the response. The school board didn’t target the parents, the White House did.

This stinks on so many levels what with the nail-biter gubernatorial elections, the targeting of the white middle class, the corruption in the justice department, white house, state house, school boards, and schools (not to mention political parties). All this to perpetuate the false narrative on transvestites and the safety of children in schools. What all of this hullabaloo was designed to do was to cover up the first crime and to mask the reality of liberal social policies: the rape of a child by man who claimed to be a woman so he could abuse innocent children.

There are bunches of assholes that should be praying earnestly that there be no God.