Way Too Far

I noticed an article on Breitbart this morning that talked to the battle in congress over defense dollars being spent to lop off the dicks and tits of service member’s dependents. As currently written the 1,800-page National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) prohibits funding for this foolishness under TRICARE.

The D’s want to pay for that foolishness and the R’s don’t. The problem that I have (beyond the fucking stupidity of allowing children to abandon body parts) is with the reporting that Breitbart has done. Here is one of the references that the rag used in advancing the proposition that dick lopping is, in large part, popular among the doctor crowd because it’s big money:

It’s shit like this that gets me back on my soapbox (a term that is rapidly loosing meaning) about how the press is filled with dolts that are 2 IQ points above the idiots that soak up crap they read on line as if it were gospel.

Aimee and Jed

I don’t know where Aimee Picchi, the author of the article below on insurance rates, is from, but I’ll bet is wasn’t someplace where an abacus is commonly used.

Why wouldn’t we trust an article printed in such an infallible institution such as CBS News? After all, this is the mainstream media that we are all being conditioned to trust. Surely we can all believe without question that Climate Change is driving rates up by greater than 50%, right?

By my math (I’ll grant you that it’s been a long, long time since I sharpened a pencil) 41% of $3, 400 is $1,394 and would result in a rate of $4,794 not the $3,748 quoted in the article. Like wise, 38% of $3,336 is $1,268 and results in a rate of $4,604, not $3,687.

The new average rates for Maryland and South Carolina are both a little more than 10% higher than the old rates. Pretty much an anemic figure when the cost of fuel (along with pretty much everything else) has doubled.

Aimee Picchi: Uncle Jed, get a hold a yourself. I got some bad news for ya.
Jed Clampett: What is it, boy?
Aimee Picchi: I hope this ain’t gonna break your heart, but I just gotta say it.
Jed Clampett: Well come on, get it over with.
Aimee Picchi: Uncle Jed, I decided I ain’t gonna be a brain surgeon.
Jed Clampett: Well I recon I can bear up under that.

Shocked | Taken Aback

As the day broke and the sun crept over the trees to the east, I prepared myself for an onslaught of falsehoods that the fourth estate has prepared for our consumption. It’s day one of the Democratic National Convention and those boys of blue (D’s) are in desperate need of a smoked mirror. For this entire week we can the press to do all they can to aid them in that cause:

The authors did a bang-up job when they released this puppy, they worked up a ‘twofer’: 1) R’s are trying to deprive 40K registered ‘Arizonans’ of he right to vote and 2) are using those bastards on the Supreme Court to do it.

It really doesn’t matter that the 40K Arizonans in question may not be US Citizens (which is what the issue is here) as long as those just and upright members of the press can get a clean shot at those un-American R’s. The name of the game in any election is to get out the vote and there is no surer way to do that than to infuriate an uninformed population.

The shit is really going to get deep over the next several days and the only real upside to engaging with the news is that every now and again someone errs and the truth slips out:

Your Lying Eyes

It’s a good thing that we have someone like Karine Jean-Pierre, a government employee whom we pony up the salary for, at the helm of the truth machine. Who knows what kind of mischief will ensue should Americans believe their lying eyes instead of the party line.

Another Bang-up Job by the Investigative Press

Here are two paragraphs from our good friends in the press as they talk about Hunter Biden’s choice of weapons. Below that my comments on a brief read of those great journalists.

The gun Hunter Biden purchased and held onto for 11 days in 2018 is a .38 caliber Cold Cobra, known as a 38 special. The revolver is a rimmed, centerfire cartridge designed by Smith & Wesson that can range in price from a couple hundred to a thousand dollars.

The handgun is known for its accuracy and is often used for small-game hunting, recreational target shooting, and personal defense. The president’s son told Delaware State Police he bought it for target practice in 2018.

  1. Not ‘Cold Cobra’
  2. Not know as a 38 special
  3. The revolver is not rimmed
  4. The revolver is not a cartridge
  5. The cartridge does not cost a couple of hundred bucks
  6. A 38 Special is not know for it’s accuracy
  7. A 38 Special is never used for small-game hunting
  8. Rarely does someone use an expensive round for recreational target shooting.

Can they really be that confused? Really? These folks don’t know the difference between a firearm and a round yet they pull up their big girl pants and take us to school.

Perspective | A Twist of Phrase

Almost 1,000 were killed or wounded in Israel’s hostage rescue. There are perhaps 2.5 million Palestinians and untold millions of observers planet wide that are familiar with the numbers. Imagine how much closer to a resolution of this conflict we would be if the words in the media used were: ‘showed the heavy cost of taking innocent Israeli prisoners’, instead of blasting the aggrieved party. Perhaps if the blame for Palestinian ills were laid at the feet of Hamas, Ahmed would feel a little more obliged to rat out the rats that oppress the people of that dusty land. Just a thought

How deep does it run, this manipulation of reality to fit an agenda? An agenda that the huddled masses in Palestine don’t even know is in play. The twist of a phrase here, the choice of word there, it’s all in a days work.

Is it Me?

Am I all confused about how things work or is the Sec Def and the media pulling my chain?

First, I hadn’t thought war with China was either imminent or unavoidable. I thought they took a look at the US, looked at their watch, and then shrugged knowingly; they are willing to wait while we tear it all down ourselves. BUT now that he has said it, I can’t think of anyone less intellectually trustworthy to receive that message from. Why did he feel the need to share that message with us, and why now?

Now, the real scary part is in small type on the graphic above; The Sec Def doesn’t inform ‘top security officials’, they inform him. If what the article says is true then where is the Sec Def getting his information from? China?

Who is feeding this line of shit to the Associated Press, and who in there is still naive enough to slurp this stuff up?

Strange Goings On

For shits and giggles I clicked on the Yahoo article shown below.

Sounds promising, but the words that accompanied the article tell a different story: Netanyahu stressed on Saturday that Israel would not agree to a ceasefire unless Hamas’s military and governing capabilities are totally destroyed, all hostages are freed and “Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.” To suggest an immediate ceasefire without those goals is a “non-starter,” Netanyahu said in a statement on X.

Netanyahu’s chief foreign policy adviser, Ophir Falk, clarified the statement with Britain’s Sunday Times, reiterating that Israel’s conditions for a ceasefire “have not changed” and that while Biden’s plan “is not a good deal,” they’re hoping for a swift solution.

These folk no longer care to conceal their contempt for the truth nor for the intelligence of their audience.

A Rant on Truthiness

I’m normally not one to rant and rave, I’m the guy that pretty much takes things as they come and marvel/remark at the wonders and weirdness of this place/reality we’ve all been cast into. But as of late I can’t help but notice that what is usually a tolerable level of incongruence, mischief, and deceit has dramatically escalated. I’m being swarmed with untruthfulness and chicanery from every quadrant.

Has this always been so and I never realized it? Have I been blind and only now shaken off the innocence and naivete to process it?

While not on the top of the list of falsehoods being visited up me is the notion that we should jail the former president for 34 (turdy fo) felony counts for signing a lawful check? It was a just debt incurred for a lawful act. 34 felonies because the CFO of his multi billion dollar firm chose to use ‘services rendered’ instead of ‘reimbursement’ in the notes section of the check? Are you shitting me?

Next, my inbox is now a minefield. Here is a sample of the trickery some endless stream of Nigerian never-do-wells have decided needed to be sent my way.

I turn to the news and get this:

The intertubes are swamped by AI entities that can’t seem to get it right:

Until the AI can figure out how a mirror works or the number of fingers that belong on a hand I’m not worried about them taking over the world.

I am worried that given enough time the technology will become proficient enough and prolific enough that a tipping point will be reached. Until then, a false image (and narrative) such as that shown below will receive north of 12 thousand up votes without anyone realizing the ‘boy’ has 3 arms.

The worst part of all of this is that the government, under the guise of solving the ‘truthiness’ problem, will develop and deploy a set of cyber tools that squash all narratives that don’t match the reality they choose to impose.

We all knew it was to good to last anyway. Right?

A Rant | Journalists and Nigerians

So here was the headline on Breitbart.

Intrigued, I took a look at how it was possible to significantly increase the number of consumers in a closed system and not simultaneously create growth (unless the production side of the equation was max’d out).

As in all things manipulative, success comes gaslighting your audience.  Changing the meaning of words helps bunches as well.  There is a lot going on with this article and I’m not going to get into any more than the first two paragraphs.   

First paragraph:  In a rebuke of the neo-liberal orthodoxy (1) which has dominated both major political parties in Britain, a study has found that mass migration has not actually stimulated the economy and has been a major drag (2) on public services and the housing sector.

  1.  When did one of the most meaningful characteristics of a free market (supply and demand) become ‘neo-liberal orthodoxy’?
  2. A ‘major’ drag would result in less available public services and more available housing.  Exactly the opposite is the case here: more people are availing themselves to public services and the demand for housing has gone through the roof.

Second paragraph A report from the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) and co-authored by former immigration minister Robert Jenrick (1) finds record levels of immigration imposed upon the country (2) by the so-called Conservative Party — despite promising the public to reduce the influx of foreigners following Brexit — has not been correlated with an increase to economic growth per capita. (3) This report must have been ginned up for consumption in the US, as Jenrick is one of the least credible bog (think swamp) creatures in the UK.  God did not create enough electrons to get into all of this guy’s faults but through the magic of the interwebs we can link to the Wiki article. 

  1. This report must have been ginned up for consumption in the US, as Jenrick is one of the least credible bog (think swamp) creatures in the UK.  God did not create enough electrons to get into all of this guy’s faults but through the magic of the interwebs we can link to the Wiki article. did it work?  They used his name in order to hang this report on a seemingly credible official title that most will not evaluate.
  2. Here it comes, leveraging the politics of divisiveness with words and phrases ‘imposed’ and ‘so called Conservative Party’. 
  3. And finally, here is where they are slipping the mickey to the simple minded masses:  ‘per capita’.  So, economic growth can be going like gangbusters, but ‘per capita’ income drops.  No shit!  If I add a buttload of low/no income folk to the equasion then ‘per capita’ income MUST drop.  The only way that it wouldn’t drop is if all of the immigrates (on average) immediately earned more than the population of Briton earned on average.

Just because I’ve become accustomed to being lied to by politicians, the news media, and auto repairpersons doesn’t mean I’m going to overlook it.   

Speaking of being lied to and hoodwinked, the entire nation of Nigeria must have established Facebook accounts.  Surely at least half of that nation has decided the path to riches flows directly from posing as a MILF or GILF.  Here are some examples:

These two creatures (what’s the proper term for an AI cartoon) are shown in the same setting with the one on the right demonstrating the buildings in he background a little larger. That’s something not possible given the setting. But there is also a problem:

The problem? The creature on the left. . .

It’s not just the fingers (left photo 6, right photo 4) that AI seems to have a problem with; it’s also the background (note the rail behind the creature on the right):

Almost every AI created image has a flaw of some type that your subconscious mind registers but you can’t quite figure it out without some conscious effort. A couple more to prove this point.

Sometimes, it’s more than just an added or deformed digit your mind sees, sometimes it’s an entire limb.

That’s my morning rant, time to check the fence lines. The most simple rule about raising cattle? They’re easier to keep up than they are to put up.

The Diddle Daley of Dali

In case you’ve missed it, someone did something to something in Baltimore.

So we hear that: “The 948-foot ship, Dali, was chartered by the Danish shipping company Maersk and was en route to Colombo, Sri Lanka.”

There are a lot of questions surrounding this and I have one that’s bugging me: What is in all of those containers heading for Sri Lanka? What could we possibly have been exporting to an Asian country that sits just off of the coast of India. We offer needed wares at competitive prices to Sri Lanka?

It’s not like this small island nation is just around the block from Baltimore, which (because I see a conspiracy behind every tree) has me thinking something smells about this whole Sri Lanka story line.

An Update: A little research shows that Sri Lanka imports 396 million dollars annually from the United States. about 100 million dollars of that is agricultural products. 40 million in fabric and 15 million in petroleum based items. That ship could easily hold 100 percent of the entire annual imports that the US provides to Sri Lanka (less the Soy).

An American Princess and the Manly Man

I guess Ms Swift enjoys the same sort of public adoration as the royalty in Great Britain do/did. Folks hang on every word, every facial expression evaluated against a backdrop of R and D politics and current events. The public’s keen ear picking out what was said or left unsaid; a constant evaluation of what may be on the mind of this maiden. Such is the life of Diva.

That she is pretty much an airhead politically means little to those that are D’s, someone in high social station associates with their team and all is right with the world. Were she an R then the strait laced of that party would be showering her with their conservative accolades. It’s OK to be naive politically if you are on the right team. What she is so very adept at is ‘image management’. There are not many folk who can capture the hearts and minds of the D’s while floating around the world in a couple of their own aircraft.

Now one of the problems that those who travel in the rare airs of the Diva have is folk are ascribing meaning to actions (or inaction), They are hanging on every event, every squint, a twinkle of the eye has them furiously banging the keyboard to advise the world of what amazing thing is occurring in Divaland.

Now that Kelce is slipping in and out those bed sheets, you would reasonably expect that he would forgo one or more of the pleasures only bachelors, or those wanting to be bachelors, enjoy. Not that this would be demanded of him by the owner of the sheets, but rather as a sign of good will/intent between the couple.

The world could reasonably expect to see a little less of the Kelce of old (shown below).

That, however, is not how the press presented it. Enter Ms. Beth Silliday of ‘In Touch’ who has decided that Kelce forbearance was actually Ms Swift’s demand: “The Ohio native previously talked about going to adult-entertainment venues on his “New Heights” podcast with brother Jason Kelce. He even supported the Crazy Horse 3 Las Vegas strip club by wearing one of their T-shirts to a November 2023 football game, but those days are over. Travis “is fine not going to strip clubs anymore,” as that’s one of the “Cruel Summer” artist’s “hard rules,” the insider told the publication. However, “she also doesn’t want him posing for photographs with female fans, mostly to avoid inaccurate headlines.” Since Travis has a legion of female Chiefs fans, “He had to roll his eyes at that one,” the insider said.

Who is this infamous insider? Outside of the phantom of the mind do they exist at all, or is this an example of why ‘journalists’ are permitted to maintain the confidentiality of their sources (cause they don’t exist).

I’m calling bull shit on this entire ‘insider’ crap. Ms Beth just made this shit up and attributed the words to Ms Diva. Beth knows what the Diva knows, it is impossible for the Diva to battle against the thousands of Pulitzer winner wannabees who crank out this nonsense on a twice daily basis. Even if the Diva was aware of what words were being place in her ruby red lips, she’d have a hard time stating that it was OK for Kelce to continue on as he had in the past.

Don’t know if Ms Silliday is a member of the 4th estate or is merely a 5th estate blogger with delusions of grandeur, but for those that hang on every word of the new Princess of American royalty, a D, it matters little. That folks is a problem. When it doesn’t matter if it’s a lie or not, as long as it paints your team (R or D) in a positive light then its another proof that we are a nation in decline.

Which Dirt?

It’s no secret that I have high disdain for a 4th estate that lies and conceals information our citizens need to make informed decisions. Unfortunately those efforts are so very effective as our population is more content to pull up a lawn chair and watch the show than they are to run a little ‘Dick and Jane logic’ test on what is being forced down our collective throats.

Here are the first three paragraphs of the article, but before we go there, the entire title and subtitle (above) is deceitful. It implies that any negative information you have about hunter is fake/fraud because it is sourced from the boogieman. It also implies that the only source of information on Biden was from this ‘discredited’ source (when it isn’t/ wasn’t )

Article: Prosecutors also said Alexander Smirnov has been “actively peddling new lies that could impact US elections” after meeting with Russian spies late last year and that the fallout from his previous false bribery accusations about the Bidens “continue[s] to be felt to this day.”

To which I say: You’ll notice that It does not say that the Russians are the source of the ‘new lies’, but the author is adept at leading you to that conclusion. If you read it carefully, the ‘new lies’ are distinct and different from ‘his previous’ false bribery accusations which by the way is being tested in the House right now with many, many witnesses.

Article: Smirnov claims to have “extensive and extremely recent” contacts with foreign intelligence officials, prosecutors said in the filing. They said he previously told the FBI that he has longstanding and extensive contacts with Russian spies, including individuals he said were high-level intelligence officers or command Russian assassins abroad.

To which I say: Yep got it, he gets inside information from foreign intelligence agents. Where did you think it came from? The source may make the information suspect, but that doesn’t make it false. OBTW, here is what a snake looks and sounds like as they twist words in remarkable ways to suit their nefarious deeds. Of note, what goes unsaid is that he (Brennan) is relying on Russian agents to reach the conclusions he comes to….the very thing they are accusing Smirnov of.

Article: Prosecutors with special counsel David Weiss’ team said Tuesday that Smirnov has maintained those ties and noted that, in a post-arrest interview last week, “Smirnov admitted that officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story about Businessperson 1,” referring to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

To which I say: David Weiss? The same David Weiss that tried to sneak absolution for Hunter Biden past a sleeping public last year? These folk have so little respect for the intelligence of our citizenry that they’ll push out that looser before us again. Finally, they cannot help themselves and need to repeat that the whistleblower associated with intelligence officials so I’ll repeat myself as well (from a slightly different vector) no one in our government was going to provide us with the truth, so if it hadn’t come from them then who?

Here is a little reminder of the type of folks were dealing with.

Those Pesky Electrons | A Read Between the Lines

An article out of California popped up this morning (here) talking about the brown boots out that way confiscating a butt load (248) of weapons and a platoon’s butt load (over a million) rounds of ammunition.

After due deliberation (3 seconds after reading the last paragraph in the article) I’ve determined the objective of the author and the publication (Business Insider) is not to inform but rather to inflame the public, scare children and startle the dog.

A short while before reaching the end of the article I saw the photo below. I see what looks like an air-cool 60 in the background and what resembles a Maw Deuce (M2) in the foreground . I have no idea what that rail is on the top of the M2.

Then it hit me, this guy has a federal firearms license. They are not handing out FFL to whomever asks. I hear that to get one in California requires you bring KY Jelly with you to your interview. And yes, a sit down with one of the friendly Industry Operations Investigators (IOI) cadre of the BATF is required.

The last sentence in the article? “The state’s Armed and Prohibited Persons System, established in 2006, tracks people who lawfully bought and owned firearms but were later barred from possessing them.”

If the owner lawfully bought them previously then he must have had a FFL. Knowing the love that the pencil necks in the state legislatures (and the manly-man governor )have for the 2nd amendment, you can J walk in California and they’ll grab your weapons.

BTW, what is most chilling about that little statement pegged to the bottom of the article is that in order to ‘track people who lawfully bought guns and then became prohibited from possessing them’ one must first track all gun purchases. It’s all about the electrons baby and those electron are cozy’d up in a warm little data base just waiting to be called into service.

A Little Spot on the Coast

My best guess is that the cash value less all taxes (net) is right at $140,000,000. I’m in !

Here is a little place on the coast that I thought would make a nice place to set up in on weekends and reflect on the tragic world we live in.

The tragedy? According to the spot-on sarcasm over at Genesius Times (The Most Reliable Source of Fake News on the Planet), the nation mourns:

Other reasons one might have to mourn is the incredible ignorance that floods blog-o-spheres everywhere:

Wish me luck on tonight’s drawing. I figure I’ve got a 50/50 chance of winning (I either win or I don’t)


Most folks look at the headlines on news sites and rarely drill down into the actual article to gather more information. In today’s America that’s proving to be a bad practice.

The lead in twice states that Fox burned Trump; once in the title and once in the summary. Unless you clicked through to get to the actual article do you find that it’s bullshit.

The question we should be asking ourselves is why report on the falsehood at all? I’m guessing that there is more going on here that the drumming up of clicks. My guess is that smart folk someplace are creating articles like this for dual purposes: to spread disinformation about the event (given that most folk don’t go past the headline/summary) and reinforce the bias of the D’s in advance of the November 2024 Circus election.

My life, I guess, would be much more enjoyable if I could just quit questioning the intent of our overlords and the minions they’ve enlisted to message us. Our lives would be like:

Time to Smoke that Mirror

About the only way to battle back against the damning ‘Joe’s an Idiot’ report out of the DOJ is to have the news media circle the wagons and confuse the issue as only they can. Take a look at headline below and then read the first sentence under that. I thought we were going to talk about Biden?.

I guess an editor someplace thought that wasn’t confusing enough and the only patriotic thing to do was make the entire issue as un-understandable as possible, here is how it reads:

An overwhelming majority of Americans think President Joe Biden is too old to serve another term, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.

According to the poll, conducted using Ipsos’ Knowledge Panel, 86% of Americans think Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. That figure includes 59% of Americans who think both he and former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, are too old and 27% who think only Biden is too old.

Lets see if I understand: the 86% that think Joe is too old is made up, in part, by the 59% that think Trump is too old? If I exclude the Trump numbers do Joe’s rise to only 27 percent?

Is it ‘their’ intent to create so much damage to the credibility of the 4th estate that it will no longer matter whether what is being reported is true (or not) as no one has any faith in the media.

Those elements of the media that are meeting the issue head on are not being kind to the stumbling old man.

I’ll say it once again, the only person that thinks Joe is just fine is Joe. That being the case, the person with the least objective view on his ability to serve is Joe himself. And yet they push him out in front of the cameras with the whole world wondering if this is just a bad SNL skit.

One final point on how obvious his senility is: AI wouldn’t touch it. Not a peep from that ‘helpful’ little algorithm that dominates every response on Yahoo. Even it knew better than to defend the indefensible.

Not News

The DOJ released the Special Councils report on Old Joe’s mishandling of classified information.  Accompanying the release was the explanation (misdirection by the way) of why he wouldn’t be charged:  the jury would be sympathetic to an aged old man loosing his memory.  In fact, the reason he won’t be charged is he is not fit to stand trial. 

What is telling is that the DOJ said the silent part out loud:  He is unfit for office.  That is damning not only to the President, but also speaks volumes about the group of weasels that prop up this walking sock puppet.  If you have/had any doubts about the existence of The Deep State consider the depth and breadth of the deception visited upon the citizens of our nation. OBTW, there is a broad swath of brainiacs that still deny there are little men behind the green curtain pulling the levers. They will not easily abandon the belief that you and I are conspiracy theorists and that all remains well in the city along the Potomac .

If an investigator picked up on his incompetence in a simple interview, surely those with a seat at the table knew his elevator had quit functioning sometime in the distant past.  Here then is an indicator of just how hosed the nation is: not one of the thousands of folk that knew of his incompetence said a fuqen word.  Not a peep.  Was this because they lacked ‘free choice’? Nope. It was because they would sacrifice the country (indeed the future of the free world) in order to save their own jobs and the perks that flow therefrom.  

That this guy is incompetent is not news, that little secret has been in the public domain from the time he started staying in his basement to run for public office.  What is news is that a series of ‘someones’ decided that now is the time to deep six his administration. 

I don’t blame Biden, he is probably the only person within the halls of Whitehouse and the vast administration that didn’t know he was well beyond his use-by date.  I blame all those around him that would do whatever it took, including destroying the nation in order to satisfy their need to self actualize in the Democratic party. 

Abused by the News

Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of folk.

Ms Karine Grabapussy’s pained face during her response is priceless. Most telling is that even the paid propagandist couldn’t even take a try at explaining the unexplainable.

Knicky had a rough night in Nevada; loosing by more than 32 points to ‘None of the Above’. I haven’t found Mr. Above’s victory speech nor is there a concession speech splattered across cyberspace by the former ambassador. There must be a tremendous financial upside compelling her forge on well past the use by date. Who is she working for?

Time to pass the hat for poor Taylor Swift. Having been nominated for 54 Grammy’s and bringing home no less than 14, America’s sweetheart has landed on skid row and is forced to sell one of her two private jets. Pass the hat around folks.

Not that I particularly care about your health (my own being another matter altogether), but I was kinda/sorta intrigued by the company that issued a nation wide recall on dairy products: Rizo Lopez. They are recalling 61 products including cheese, yogurt, and sour cream (crema) sold under 13 brand names. The real news here, for us in the general population, is we are operating under the false perception that we are choosing from an array of alternatives in the market place when what we really have are choices in the packaging.

Breitbart says: “26 Americans have been stricken with the virus, with another 23 hospitalized in 11 states.” Which means, if their reporting is correct, that 49 Americans have been stricken. But, alas their reporting is not correct: The CDC says that a total of 26 have been effected and 23 of them have been hospitalized.

From Microsoft: Microsoft is launching several collaborations with news organizations to adopt generative AI. In a year where billions of people will vote in democratic elections worldwide, journalism is critical to creating healthy information ecosystems, and it is our mission, working with the industry, to ensure that newsrooms can innovate to serve this year and in the future.

The good news is that Microsoft is teaming with the a firm called Semafor to get this effort off of the ground. Semafor is a firm founded by notorious former Buzzfeed editors Ben Smith and Justin Smith. The hits keep on coming.

Our Brave New World

This is a perfect example of how our world is evolving: A bad AI produced piece on the death of Mike Gill?

Or, it could be what now passes as journalism. This at the bottom of the article.

In either case I do expect that there are powerful interests that benefit from ignorant societies. I guess it doesn’t much matter if that ignorance is born from misinformation or from mistrust.

Even Breitbart cannot seem to give an article a quick smell test before going to print:

The Miami Herald and Telegraph (respectively) below:

Then, whenever the narrative gets uncomfortable, we can count on the gatekeepers to shield us from unapproved thought.

It’s a good thing that we are no longer teaching follow on generations how to think (vice how to access a search engine) who knows how much damage could be done.

They Tee Them Up, I Knock Them Down

It’s that time of year. When December rolls around many of the subscriptions that I have on my site are up for renewal. They all come at a cost and are billed to the secured payment facility I’ve established with the firm. About a two weeks prior to expiration, the providers hit my account and notify me that the payment was made and provide me a receipt.

The scammers have bots that float around the web-o-sphere and divine when various certificates and features are due to expire and then create nifty little notes (as below) to separate folk from their cash and hijack their site.

I got this one a short while ago

Disaster Averted

Not the ‘climate change’ disaster, that’s still on. The averted disaster was the premature end to the UN generated climate change Ponzi Scheme. For a short while it looked like the announcement of a successful nuclear fusion demonstration would slam the breaks on that money generating power grab. Here (below) is the corner of the rapidly wetted blanket that’s being thrown on that little glimmer of hope/sanity.

The latest: Despite the scientists conducting the experiment stating that there was a 20 percent net gain in energy the climate cartel is saying that it actually used 100 times as much energy as it produced. I’m no math pro, but these two sets of numbers don’t do much to reinforce my faith in the scientific community.

Just to make sure you stay the course on funding the madness, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change continues to say the world must cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 if it is to avoid warming to the point that irreversible and catastrophic climate change effects, such as massive glacier collapse, are virtually guaranteed.

Damn, this sounds serious. I’ve got some late breaking new on this front that I think the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change might want to be aware of: cutting emissions in half by 2030 ain’t gonna hap’n. And because it ain’t gonna hap’n and these clowns ain’t gonna go quietly into the night (as long as there is money to be made), I’ve got to put up with the endless tales of doom and gloom for the rest of my natural life.

Shit, this is worse than having the crabs.

The Beat Goes On–Targeting the Weak Minded

I did a quick scan of the news this morning, not much change. While almost every publication/site is practicing spreading their pixie dust deceptions, some really blatant examples come to the fore. Here are a choice few:

If you didn’t know better, you would have thought that Trump pardoned Snowden; that simply isn’t so. When you get into the article the author ‘supposes’ that republicans would disagree about a pardon.

Again, if you weren’t paying attention you’d of thought that the military is on alert. Not so. Then there is this gem that would have you think that the National Guard has been called out. ‘The biggest mobilization since WW2’!

I’m happy to report that almost every single guardsmen in the country is at home with their family.

Finally, here is a cute example of the press forcing the racial narrative by implying that this good doctor was denied care as a Kung Flu patient. Wrong again, she was denied narcotics some time ago, before she ever contract the virus, when the physician that was treating her was concerned about administering addictive drugs.

Why do I have the distinct feeling that this deception is going to grow worse with the incoming administration?

A Little Memorializing (Monday’s Polls)

We will see how this whole thing fleshes out, but regardless of who ultimately prevails one thing is certain: the pollsters have been playing the public like a finely tuned instrument.

We can all take heart in another simple truth, Plugs believed the crap his handlers produced so much that he dragged is tired old ass out for public ridicule. That ridicule will come if he looses and, should he win, when Kneepads Harris pushes him aside.

Where’s The Rona?

I’ve scanned news stations and every major publication available on the web, not a sign of the virus that has plagued the nation and threatened our very civilization. It’s almost as if the hell the country (and world for that matter) has been put through for the last 9 months never actually existed. Go figure.

Smackdown Coming in 3, 2, 1, . . . .


Yahoo seems to have fallen into complete madness. Today’s pages show that more than just a ‘mite’ of bias may have invaded the site.

This is what journalism looks like in our brave new world.

Even a Novice Can Play

The deceit within the fourth estate is getting more than obvious. Take the amazing crowd that showed up for the Biden event (upper frame below); turns out it was a Trump event mislabeled by the kids over at CNN. These are the same folk that are going to report (fair and balanced I suppose) the outcome of the Presidential election.

We are so hosed!

The Toppling of Society

I saw this on one of the pages I haunt and decided to run a little trial to see how it would come out.

So I tried it on Google. Here is what I got:

How about Yahoo? I got this:


There is no one to hold big tech into account. The Asshats we’ve sent to Washington are there to collect the buckets of cash that flow from these huge firms. This radical new world is not just being ushered in, its being slammed down the throat of our citizenry and the balance of the western world. Me thinks the nation has slipped away and that is an absolute disaster for freedom on this planet.

Who knows, perhaps in another few hundred years another America can be birthed.

No Harm/Foul, But Still a Whiny Little Bitch of a Victim

Truth is:

View image on Twitter

Little bitch says:

NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace says he’s “pissed” members of the public are now questioning his integrity after the FBI said a noose found in his garage stall this week was there before his team moved in.”

“I’m mad because people are trying to test my character and the person that I am and my integrity,” he told CNN’s Don Lemon Tuesday night.”

Talking to Lemon, Wallace said the image he saw of “what was hanging in my garage is not a garage pull.” **

Looks like a friggin pull rope to me !

“It was a noose,” Wallace said. “Whether tied in 2019 or whatever, it was a noose. So, it wasn’t directed at me but somebody tied a noose. That’s what I’m saying.”

On Tuesday night, he said he continued to stand by what he said.”

“This will not break me, none of the allegations of being a hoax will break me or tear me down,” he said.”

“It will piss me off, absolutely. But that only fuels the competitive drive in me to shut everybody up,” he added.”

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So NASCAR was so damn quick to blame/abandon their fans for a few minutes in the ‘I’m also woke’ lime light that they quit any pretense of reason or rationality. What a joke. Defund the bastards.

** If I’m reading this correctly, Wallace never even saw the rope, just a picture of the rope. What a lousy victim !

Drudge: Doing the Master’s Bidding

They’re hard at work over at Drudge. The masters want chaos and far be it for Drudge to not immediately go to their knees to comply.

What a sad, sad, state of affairs for our once free press.

Meanwhile, I get the follow from a reader in Arizona:

Hey Garry
I live in the central highlands of Arizona. Deaths from COVID Went up here in Yavapai County; from 6 to 7. It’s shameful when truth is plowed under in order to plant a crop of lies! Stay vigilant my friend
-The Old Goat

A Note From A Professional Player

A new twist on the Nigerian Scam: Caught the corona and have days left to live. From my inbox:

My name is John Blair i am 20 years of age and a professional NFL player, I have tested positive for the coronavirus presently on isolation under the supervision of professional doctors, my girl friend and best friend died last week no family left and just yesterday the doctors confirmed i have a couple of days left.

Therefore i am in search of an honest, reliable and sincere person, to help me give my life savings of US$4.6 Million to all the coronavirus isolation control hospital this is to help in the fight against this virus.

Although i only got your contact from the internet but i ask if you can be trusted to do this because it took me a little time to make up my mind to contact you and to offer you this proposal which many life depends so if you can help get back to me as quickly as possible.

Thank you
