That Huge Sucking Sound? | Our Southern Border

I’m pretty sure that you will create the largest humanitarian crisis ever seen if you fail to secure the border and give away free shit. Ten’s of Millions will flood in and absolutely demolish the economy. We’re not talking Latino’s, we are talking all of Africa and India. Subjugated population in China will be heading our way as well.

Where will they be housed, how will they be fed, into which homes do the enter and plunder when the system collapses?

I will absolutely guarantee that we will experience Ebola (and other exotic plagues) in the homeland if this crap at the border persists.

Doing What Must Be Done

So the world is going to hell rapidly and the politicians would have us believe that their is nothing we can do about it. That’s bullshit, we’ve faced the same tyranny before and found the resolve to beat it back

Take the Japanese during the WWII. Veterans of that war will tell you we stopped them with resolve and the will to use a level of brutality and violence that we are currently unable to stomach. Until we are willing to ‘go there’ this shit won’t stop. Our greatest generation hit them on the beaches with bullets, cleared out caves with flame throwers and burned down their cities killing people by the tens of thousands. It took 2 atom bombs. That’s what it took to win and we were willing to do it.

Until we are willing to do the same then we will have to endure the shit the enemy crams down our throat. It ain’t gonna stop until we are willing to stop it. The longer we wait, the greater the pain that will ultimately be inflicted.

Watch both the Drumbeat and the Drummer

Let’s all be careful not to get so wrapped up in showing support for our folk in blue (or the military for that matter) that we allow our God given freedoms to erode. A steady ebbing of our rights may go unnoticed, much like the rising heat for the frog in the pot, until tyranny’s march becomes irreversible.

Five Dimensional Chess

Trump is so wily in his communications that he leaves his opponents tripping over their own words and positions. While, to me, it seems that he has a limited amount of words in his repertoire and he often trips over words in a way that makes it appear as if he’s being deceitful (ie; my father was born in Germany), he really is a master at pushing people against their own position. So I wince whenever he errs in his delivery, I really do enjoy the way he can fix a target and move in for the kill.

Shadow Government/Deep State

As a nation we narrowly avoided falling into the ‘new world order’ crap that our betters have been crafting for years. The affection shown by Merkel to Barky reflects many years of shared dreams and goals, none of which are good for American’s or for freedom. You’ll note that MAGA Man receives no such touchy/feelie receptions from this scheming crowd.

Where are the screams from the left for a transcript of the meeting? Who’s water is Barky carrying and what plot is afoot? Not to worry, I’m sure our patriots in the media will get to the bottom of this and report in due time.

Just The Way It Is

The Judicial System is Broken, Immigration is Broken, Media is Broken, Education is Broken, Politics are Broken, Medical System is Broken, Race Relations are Broken, The Family is Broken. Liars Broke This Country, and One President is Fixing It. We’re Going to Fix This Country, We’re Going To MAGA..

The Tree of Liberty

WND has a great commentary on the ‘why and how’ of our national malaise. A few paragraphs in it reads:

Like the rest of our Founding Fathers, Jefferson knew that government was at its best a mechanism to be closely observed and strictly constrained. He understood that government must be fiercely constrained or it would become the creation by which our rights and freedoms would be sadistically controlled to the exclusion of the personal rights and freedoms of We the People.

The worst fears of our Founding Fathers have become reality. Two things the founders were unable to protect our great republic from were the evil machinations of corrupt men and an inbred craven citizenry. Thus, both of these illegitimate vagrancies have led America to the very precipice of destruction vis-a-vis the satanic transmogrification of government – a precipice, I might add, President Trump for the moment has spared us from going over.

Full article can be found here.