I saw this over at Mike’s place and it struck a chord.

I saw this over at Mike’s place and it struck a chord.
This is how future generations will view this moment. For some, this is how we see the moment now.
I wandered down to the south side of the property a little earlier today to see just how bad the rain/storms had ravaged the area where I used to have my garden planted.
I’m standing on what was a waterfall we had constructed all the rabble and rock in the foreground is what has accreted in what was once a pool that was 2 foot deep or so. You can see how the water has blown out the far side of the fall and ripped away at the hillside in the background. What cannot be seen is the post that existed on the far side and the cattle panels that crossed the ‘dam’ that kept the cows on one side of the fence (or other).
The picture below is where the garden was. I’m standing pretty close to where the picture above was taken from. This area was previously filled with raised beds and dirt filled tires. The blue objects in the background are 50 gallon drums that I used to water the garden. I connected a small 12 DC pump to a battery and pumped water out of the creek into the drums.
I ginned up a manifold system on the barrels so I could water the entire garden by opening and closing valves. Here is what the area looked like before I ripped everything out and moved it to the hilltop near the cabin. It got dark down by the creek.
Just to the right of the drums is the area of the creek that I pumped the water from. Notice how dark it is in the creek.
Had this area not set down in a valley and only received 6 or so hours of sunlight daily, my garden would still be there. With the water fall noises in the background I could piddle here all day every day.
There was no real planned bottom line to this rambling other than noting that things are in a constant state of change. I guess man could properly be called ‘changlings’, as we not only change, but constantly note the change. With all this said, I guess I begin working on changing out of my winter weight!
I started outlining a book once. I guess it followed the same pattern as most apocalyptic story’s; world blows up, the hero (a prepper) moves from modest surroundings to champion ‘his people’ through a recovery and everyone lives happily ever after in the brave new world.
My book offered something no other story had though: a completely incompetent author with terrible writing skills.
Now, despite having all of this going for me, one of the early challenges I had to have my characters address was the uncertainty of determining just when Zero Hour would occur. How would he know when the trigger was to be pulled and the fuses lit? How would he know when to hop in the truck and go?
I mean obviously he (or we) would know after the fact when the optimum time to begin executing plans should have been. Beginning to soon, especially if your plans have elements of bravado (such as storming a Walmart for canned goods and ammo) means that you’d end up in jail for a very long time if the crises does not fully materialize. Starting to late would mean that everyone in Bumfuck beat you to the goods you were counting on.
So how do you know when/if the SHTF moment is here and it’s time to start doing lion shit? This question is not rhetorical. Let me frame the same question a little differently: Does the corona virus have the potential to cause irrational responses in our communities and can those responses be disastrous enough to crash the economy/society. Can COVID-19 usher in a world wide collapse?
Before today I would have thought not. Today I found that Bernie and Biden, enabled by panicked voices across the spectrum of media organization, are doing their best to scare the holy shit out of our citizenry.
Sanders warned the coronavirus pandemic could cause deaths on par with a major war, in an address slamming Donald Trump and calling for an aggressive response by congress.
“In terms of potential deaths and in terms of the economic impact on our economy the crisis we face from the coronavirus is on a scale of a major war and we must act accordingly,”
Both CNN and MSMBC are pumping fear into the atmosphere as fast as the wide eyed hosts can manage. If there is a way to crash the country, these guys will find it.
All of this brings us back to the original question. How do you know when?
Old Nancy made a habit of flaming anyone that suggested that peachmints would interfere with the faithful administration of the peoples business. They could, after all, walk and chew at the same time. If only that was true.
Joel Pollak at Breitbart lays out the stunning timelines of two parallel events: COVID-19 and impeachment.
His article lays out the true cost of the democrats quest for power.
January 11: Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.
January 15: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a vote to send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Pelosi and House Democrats celebrate the “solemn” occasion with a signing ceremony, using commemorative pens.
January 21: The first person with coronavirus arrives in the United States from China, where he had been in Wuhan.
January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.
January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China.
January 30: Senators begin asking two days of questions of both sides in the president’s impeachment trial.
January 30: The World Health Organization declares a global health emergency as coronavirus continues to spread.
January 31: The Senate holds a vote on whether to allow further witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial.
January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.
February 2: The first death from coronavirus outside China is reported in the Philippines.
February 3: House impeachment managers begin closing arguments, calling Trump a threat to national security.
February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page.
February 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47.
February 5: House Democrats finally take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.
For twenty days, from the day the first death from coronavirus was known, Democrats did nothing about it. They were too busy with the president’s impeachment trial — a trial Pelosi had delayed unnecessarily for several weeks.
To the extent that they commented on coronavirus at all, it was only to tear up the president’s remarks or to call him a racist. They told the nation that he, not coronavirus, was a threat to the national security of the United States.
I started outlining a book once. I guess it followed the same pattern as most apocalyptic story’s; world blows up, the hero (a prepper) moves from modest surroundings to champion ‘his people’ through a recovery and everyone lives happily ever after in the brave new world.
My book offered something no other story had though: a completely incompetent author with terrible writing skills.
Now, despite having all of this going for me, one of the early challenges I had to have my characters address was the uncertainty of determining just when Zero Hour would occur. How would he know when the trigger was to be pulled and the fuses lit? How would he know when to hop in the truck and go?
I mean obviously he (or we) would know after the fact when the optimum time to begin executing plans should have been. Beginning to soon, especially if your plans have elements of bravado (such as storming a Walmart for canned goods and ammo) means that you’d end up in jail for a very long time if the crises does not fully materialize. Starting to late would mean that everyone in Bumfuck beat you to the goods you were counting on.
So how do you know when/if the SHTF moment is here and it’s time to start doing lion shit? This question is not rhetorical. Let me frame the same question a little differently: Does the corona virus have the potential to cause irrational responses in our communities and can those responses be disastrous enough to crash the economy/society. Can COVID-19 usher in a world wide collapse?
Before today I would have thought not. Today I found that Bernie and Biden, enabled by panicked voices across the spectrum of media organization, are doing their best to scare the holy shit out of our citizenry.
Sanders warned the coronavirus pandemic could cause deaths on par with a major war, in an address slamming Donald Trump and calling for an aggressive response by congress.
“In terms of potential deaths and in terms of the economic impact on our economy the crisis we face from the coronavirus is on a scale of a major war and we must act accordingly,”
Both CNN and MSMBC are pumping fear into the atmosphere as fast as the wide eyed hosts can manage. If there is a way to crash the country, these guys will find it.
All of this brings us back to the original question. How do you know when?
The governor of NY has called out the national guard and directed that schools, temples, churches and other large gathering places within New Rochelle be shut down. Right now he is saying this will last for two weeks. I betcha that changes real quick.
The National Guard has been called out. The Gov hopes all involved are stupid enough to believe they will be used to clean facilities and deliver food.
A 1-mile radius ‘containment zone’ around the center of New Rochelle has been established. My bet is that this will be enforced by the afore mentioned cleaners and delivery folk.
Here is how paranoid I am; I’ll bet that there are a thousand eyes watching every aspect of this quarantine. Our benevolent big brother will be trying to ascertain the good/bad/ugly of this operation, gathering lessons learned, to improve government actions on the next go-round.
I missed this when it first appeared on American Greatness. Let me say that before you believe that this is water under the bridge, all of the folk that advanced this crap are busy at work dredging up more blather for your consumption. It does us all well to examine how they got away with it.
Further, it reads in part: On no less than three occasions before President Trump fired him, FBI Director James Comey testified to Congress about the DNC’s strange unwillingness to let his agency examine their servers in a case they were simultaneously hyping as akin to “an act of war.” Comey testified that the DNC rejected the FBI’s “[m]ultiple requests at different levels” to collect forensic evidence.
The raw power of governments over supposedly free people is now in full view. In Italy they have made it illegal to move about at all. Here in the ‘land of the free’ (etc) entire industries are being closed off and others are quite literally being managed by the state.
I’m interested in seeing just how far our government is willing to go (and how much shit our population is willing to accept) in the name of protecting us from ourselves.
A tough pill to swallow is the ease at which we are so completely manipulated.
Good news folks, someone has married a little math with a lot of panic and produced a scary story. Full article (actually a pretty good read) over at Zero Hedge (link below)
It reads:
Let’s conservatively assume that there are 2,000 current cases in the US today, March 6th. This is about 8x the number of confirmed (lab-diagnosed) cases. We know there is substantial under-Dx due to lack of test kits; I’ll address implications later of under-/over-estimate. 2/n
—Liz Specht (@LizSpecht) March 7, 2020
We can expect that we’ll continue to see a doubling of cases every 6 days (this is a typical doubling time across several epidemiological studies). Here I mean *actual* cases. Confirmed cases may appear to rise faster in the short term due to new test kit rollouts. We’re looking at about 1M US cases by the end of April, 2M by ~May 5, 4M by ~May 11, and so on.
Exponentials are hard to grasp, but this is how they go. As the healthcare system begins to saturate under this case load, it will become increasingly hard to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In absence of extreme interventions, this likely won’t slow significantly until hitting >>1% of susceptible population.
What does a case load of this size mean for healthcare system? We’ll examine just two factors — hospital beds and masks — among many, many other things that will be impacted. The US has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1000 people. With a population of 330M, this is ~1M beds. At any given time, 65% of those beds are already occupied. That leaves about 330k beds available nationwide (perhaps a bit fewer this time of year with regular flu season, etc).
One of the places that I can count on for a good read is “American Thinker”. It seems that they always have someone, staff or contributor, that is both dialed into the meaning behind headlines and able to string more that a few words together to entertain.
Today they dropped several good reads, not the least of which is the piece titled “The Democratic Party Is Wounded and Dangerous”.
Below is a snippet from their site (formatting by me). I’d hate to have their pundits on my ass. Bottom line is a link. Enjoy.
Joe Biden is hardly Lancelot to President Trump’s dragon. The Democrats and the Deep State needed a first-class warrior; instead, their best option is a walking advertisement for Alzheimer’s awareness.
In his best days, Joe Biden was the political equivalent of Jack McCall, shooting his adversaries in the back. When he wasn’t using his position of power for financial gain or stealing other people’s words, he was helping his family line their own pockets.
Today, he’s a disoriented and stumbling shell of an unimportant political hack who looks on in confusion while his wife does his fighting for him. If you’ve ever wondered what happens to the shriveled soul of a lifetime liar and Democratic swindler, just cast your eyes upon Old Joe.
He’s a walking, talking effigy of Democratic corruption and amorality. He’s what the Democratic Party usually keeps far off the main stage for the back-alley entertainment; now he’s the main event, but no amount of stick-prodding by Donna Brazile or Tom Perez is going to turn Joe Biden into Fred Astaire.
He’s a freak-show carnival attraction at best, amazing onlookers by his ability to occasionally jumble audible words together into a sentence. The Democrats needed a man who could command a movement; all they got was a man who can barely control his own.
If one owns the educational system and has no qualms about stealing from one class of citizen to bribe another, it’s amazing what can be accomplish in a short span of time. An entire nation ruined in a generation.
I’ve had a few of the links drop off of the page. Will have them added back shortly. If there is one that I’ve missed or you would like see added, send it as a comment to this post. Thank
Talking in code to those that may know: Can you identify the location below?
I thought that there were only three of these in the CZ; Amador, Kobbe, and Sherman. It’s absolutely not Amador (O Club off of the first island) or Kobbe.
The waters are calm enough to be behind Colon’s break-wall, and the terrain within the boundary of the netting looks right, but that area behind and to the right looks to be jungle (and I remember that area as being cleared).
Your best guess?
Was there a forth?
Oh, bye the way, here is what the beach at Sherman looks like now:
Orientation (Google Earth)
I’ll be making a few adjustments to site over the next day or two. It will still be up and running but you’ll probably note that things will be moving around on the side-bar.
With a little luck I’ll be able to incorporate a trending items from Gab and (with more than a little luck) be able to reach into my of favorite sites and list the last couple of posts from each.
If you see something you like (or don’t like) shoot me an email.
A photo (not by me) taken at White Sands (NM)
I’m thinking this happens a lot in Alabama. She did miss out in capturing those family member bonus points everyone there seems to shoot for though.
You know what they say……I’ve got a family tree but it ain’t got no limbs
A 22-year-old Alabama elementary school teacher has been arrested for allegedly having sex with a high school student, say authorities.
On Friday night, Catherine Lynn Coffey was charged with being a school employee engaging in a sex act with a student and engaging in sexual contact with a student younger than 19, both felonies, the Madison County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE.
Authorities interviewed the alleged victim after learning about the allegations on Feb. 24, the statement says. Coffey was subsequently arrested.
She is accused of having sex with the student from August to December of 2019.
Coffey is a resource teacher at Madison County Elementary School, according to the school website. AL.com reports she is an assistant softball coach at Madison County High School, which the alleged victim attends.
There was a poll conducted a few years back that showed that 80 percent of the people surveyed believed they were smarter than average.
LB was probably one of those surveyed.
Iran has the second highest death toll outside mainland China, at least 978 people are said to have checked out. Given the insane level of religious fervor, color me shocked (shocked I say, simply shocked!)
Not to worry though folks, last week the deputy health minister, Iraj Harirchi, was taken into quarantine, just a day after sweating profusely at a press conference. No word yet on the condition of the idiot standing next to Iraj.
Before being carted off to quarantine, Iraj tells us that 250 people had been quarantined in the city (75 miles south of Tehran) but because none of the nurses have access to proper protective gears, many of the health care specialists had left the city. This should be an Oh-Shit moment….left the city for where?
It’s about to get absolutely biblical in the middle east.
Another outtake from the series of photo’s I posted a couple of weeks ago. I grabbed/isolated a couple of the birds and then used the ‘oil painting’ option that is under ‘artistic’ in the ‘effects’ drop down menu.
If you’re into playing around with images you find on the intertubes, or like to post process your own digital photos, Paint.Net is both powerful and free. Download site is here.
A photo taken before the full meaning of the Reich was understood. Looking back we can see what the photographer could not imagine. He (she?) saw the Menorah as a symbol of hope, maybe even defiance. When the crushing weight of the hate fell on the Jewish race in Europe a scene such as this, staged or otherwise, was no longer heroic, it meant sure death..
I wonder when the next such moment will be. Surely it cannot be as long as free men are informed and armed. But what if those arms are lost (freely given or taken), what symbols will sit in an awkward juxtaposition then?
If those knuckleheads start rolling out of California, we could all be hosed.