Who raised these kids?
Lighting the Fire
Venezuela Vs Sweden

Our Many Blessings

I stumbled across this picture on the Eye of Photography website the other day and it struck me that I often forget of the many privileges being a resident of the US has. Knowing that I am a natural born citizen and could never be shipped out/back to a shit-hole country gives great peace of mind.
In no way am I denigrating the folk that live in what must be great despair, but rather I look on their plight and am further encouraged to fight the systems, philosophy, and manipulations that would drag our nation in that direction.
So when the Trumpster uses coarse words, spoken un-artfully, to slap around the idiots that would take us there, I cheer him on. I don’t think it’s the time to mince words or play nice. If many, many feelings are bruised by his language then so be it.
That Face You Make | The Hat You Wear, When…..

The Great Awakening

It Doesn’t Get More Telling Than This

That’s Just Disgusting

What an Amazing Country

The US is so great and capitalism is so strong a system that they allow an absolute idiot, who has never held a real job, become a multi-millionaire, brand his name, obtain 3 houses and have an army of mindless nitwits support him to rule the country not once, but twice…..all while advocating for socialism!
Their Followers Absolutely Gush Over This

I’m Surprised at How Well This Analogy Works.

That Look You Get

Our New World

Turns Out They’ve Got a Name For That
I thought that she was just stupid, but it turns out she’s stupid and has a mental disorder. The Spectator has an article on something called the Wagnerian Phenomenon . Link to the full article is here.

Both Omar and Wagner bit the hands that fed them.
How do you explain the ingratitude of Ilhan Omar and thousands like her who hate not the culture that threw them into the misery of a refugee camp, but the culture that rescued them?
Among those who become dependent on another culture, there some who despise their reliance on something alien, something they need to survive but grow to hate. As their reliance on an alien culture grows, so too does their hatred. I have thought of Ilhan Omar as I have thought of Richard Wagner. Wagner was not just an anti-Semite; he was a vicious anti-Semite. His hatred of Jews consumed him, often dominated his thinking, and led to vile and irrational expressions for which the word “bigot” or “racist” could not begin to scratch the surface of meaning.
About Your Government’s Concern

What’s Up With This Harvard Crowd?
The Evil That Men Do

Have We Become a Pedo Nation?

About Those ‘Protect and Serve’ People

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has launched a probe into multiple gangs hidden within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
The Banditos, Spartans, Regulators, and Reapers are literal gangs that exist within the roughly 10,000 members of the Los Angeles law enforcement agency. The investigation was triggered by allegations of abuse by the Banditos in March.
Each member of the Banditos is tattooed with a skeleton wearing a sombrero, bandolier, and pistol. Allegations against them include using gang tactics to recruit young Latino deputies, and punishing those who reject their advances.
An unidentified source told the Los Angeles Times that FBI agents “have been trying to determine whether leaders of the Banditos require or encourage aspiring members to commit criminal acts, such as planting evidence or writing false incident reports, to secure membership in the group.”
Deputies David Silverio, Gregory Rodriguez and Rafael Munoz, and Sergeant Mike Hernandez were put on paid leave following the aforementioned allegations, but Sheriff Alex Villanueva has repeatedly minimized the danger. He labeled the gangs a mere “cultural norm,” and believes the problem has already been solved by past investigations.
Nothing to see here folks, move along
When Mother Nature Points Out Your Faults

Hero or Zero: Here’s a Clue

Now That’s Hard to Explain Away

Instruments of Power

A Needed Pause From Last Month’s Madness

American Representation: Your Holier Than Thou and Oh So Woke USWNT
Responsibility Explained
Fat=Not your fault=not your responsibility
Pregnant?= Not your fault=not your responsibility
Bailed out of High School?= Not your fault=not your responsibility
Have a STD?= Not your fault=not your responsibility
Broke with $K’s of debt?= Not your fault=not your responsibility
Had a distant relative who lived near a man that once owned a slave? Totally on you, you bigot.
Unraveling | It Begins (Continues?)
When History Hurts your Colin


Another Reason She Dreamed of the Presidency
Is there any doubt that had she become President that the FBI and AG would have quashed this investigation in its infancy. It’s going to be a long hot summer !
On the Plane? Depends on What the Meaning of the Word ‘On’ Means

Are You a Monster?

Being Democrat Means Never Having To Be Rational

More Than Just a Little Out of Touch

Resistance is Futile

The Extended Application of Flawed Logic

The Coming Civil War | The Northeast Battle Zone
The Empty Promises Con Game

About That White Privilege Thang

Tenerife and the Farm

Tenerife is an island off the coast of Morocco once inhabited by the Berbers. The inland villages are depopulated and there are many abandoned houses. Shops are shuttered. Survivors? The ghosts of the past and the ugliness of wind farms.
What Our Future Holds | This Genie Won’t Go Home

When Google Dominates

Women’s Sports and the Law of Unintended Consequences

A Brief Review of Concentration Camps (For AOC)

You Will Be Made to Watch

Collusion Exposed at the Highest Levels

That Huge Sucking Sound? | Our Southern Border

I’m pretty sure that you will create the largest humanitarian crisis ever seen if you fail to secure the border and give away free shit. Ten’s of Millions will flood in and absolutely demolish the economy. We’re not talking Latino’s, we are talking all of Africa and India. Subjugated population in China will be heading our way as well.
Where will they be housed, how will they be fed, into which homes do the enter and plunder when the system collapses?
I will absolutely guarantee that we will experience Ebola (and other exotic plagues) in the homeland if this crap at the border persists.
A Clever Attempt | Gas-Lighting Society

Where Your Betters Would Have You