Extremism Explained
What Kinda Folk
A More Preferred Victim Group
The Founders Got It Right
Logic Lizard Want’s to Know
SJW Job Interview
Millennial Job Interview
Just To Put It In Perspective
Cheering Up Alyssa
And, So What?
Raise Them Right
Just So We Can All Work Off the Same Baseline
Life Off Of The Plantation
Black Hebrews
But, but, it’s the whites that are raysis.
Those That Forget The Past…..
It Had Slipped Right By Me
I spent a little time this morning reading the ‘After Action Reports’ of knuckleheads testimony before what I thought was the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) . What I did not realize is that when the the Dem’s came back into power in the house, they changed the name, and apparently the scope of the committee. Below is an extract from Breitbart (full article here). What this means is that we now have a congressional committee with the charter to overlook/investigate/implement ‘reform’ in the country. I’m so naive, thought we are/were a free country.
I do take exception to the conclusion that the article’s author reaches (the scope of the committee authority being about Trump), this about as huge a power grab as any I could have imagined. The article reads:
And now it becomes crystal clear why Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the chair of the committee, renamed it last month. What was once the “Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR)” is now the “Committee on Oversight and Reform (COR)” — i.e. no “government.” Cummings said the new name reflected the committee’s “true jurisdiction, which covers both government and the private sector.” By “private sector,” he meant “Trump.”
Mike Presupposes He Has One
Any Questions ?
Sounds Like a Good Plan
What The ‘Great Society’ Looks Like
How To Get To Gender Neutral
She’s Right
When you lay down with dogs…..
It Don’t Make No Sense
Junior Nails It
Confirmation: Who Dim Raysis Be
Damn, I meet all of the exceptions except being a Republican. I was a Republican and then it dawned on me that the party had quit being conservative and turned to lining their pockets.
Meanwhile, In California
Check Your Privilege
Only In A Socialist Utopia
100 Years of Feminism
Feel Good Story of the Day
Venezuela: What Happens to a Disarmed Populace
The Truth About Guns has a great article that talks to all of the bad that comes from having a socialist government and a disarmed populous. It only took a couple of years before the fruit of that tree bore true. Article can be found here.
If you think that this could not happen in America, think carefully about what is now going on and how absolutely the democrats have a hard on for both socialism and ‘common sense gun control’.
Let’s Get This Straight
A Revolution in Blue
I wonder how long it will be before AOC is stomped? She seems to think she is the new sheriff in Sodom town, and that the swamp will allow her to kidnap the direction the party takes. Careful AOC, the Clinton’s may still believe they are the leaders of this circus. Bad, bad things happen to those that chaff the Ugly Woman.
No Greater Truth
How to Become a Slave of The State
Putting the Squeeze on PP
Trump’s folks announced on Friday that it will bar organizations that provide abortion referrals from receiving federal family planning money, This could strip millions of dollars from Planned Parenthood. Court battle to follow.
How You Know
The Coming: An Ugly Future
The nation is edging toward what once would have been thought the impossible: socialism. In times past it would have been entirely possible to toss off bonds that this miserable social system brings with it, but I expect that technology has progressed to the point that the surveillance state will now have the means to identify and punish anyone that leaves the straight and narrow. A look at what is currently going on in China and how they are using technology to control their masses is a harbinger of things to come in America should the socialists succeed in gaining control. An ugly picture is forming.
On the NY Times Editorial Board
Lest We Forget
Alyssa the Victim
I like this crowd. No matter which way the girly-man story broke, Alyssa was going to be a victim. How does one go through their entire life being a victim?
When Science Doesn’t Matter
Ok, this is getting pretty damn weird. It seems that when reality doesn’t match your your narrative, then reality can be modified to suit your needs. We are headed for the dark ages folks, but instead of religion exerting influence over science, it’s now ‘group think’ that wields the whip.
A Chink in the Armor
The Evil that Men Do
Which one of these two boys do you think is being demonized by the media and having his parents deemed irresponsible?