If They Had Known Then What We Now Know: Would They Have?

Grammy nominated pop star Lana Del Rey wore a mesh mash at a signing event for her new poetry book at a Barnes & Noble in Los Angeles, California, where she met with her fans.
Her mind is an absolute crisp
NBA Finals Game 2 Ratings Crash by 68%, Least Watched Finals Game in History.
Both Game 1 and Game 2 of the NBA Finals between the L.A. Lakers and the Miami Heat have suffered the worst ratings crash in the league’s entire TV broadcast history.
Despite the matchup including two of the league’s biggest stars (LeBron James and Anthony Davis), Game 1 of the Finals on Wednesday was a huge ratings disappointment for the NBA.
Game 1 averaged only a 4.1 rating and 7.41 million viewers on ABC, “comfortably the lowest rated and least-watched NBA Finals game on record (dates back to 1988),” Sports Media Watch reported.
But if the league thought things might improve for Game 2, it had a bitter pill to swallow because the second in the series did even worse than the first.
Game 2 cratered with just 4.5 million viewers and a dismal 1. 9 in the ratings. This embarrassing showing was down 68 percent over Game 2 in 2019. Not down to 68 percent, down 68 percent. They lost 2/3rds of their viewing audience.
Now lets see if the miserable sons of bitches loose 2/3rds of their salary !
The opening game of the series between the Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat brought 7.41 million viewers to ABC, the smallest audience for the finals since at least 1994, when total viewers began to be regularly recorded. The previous low was 8.06 million for Game 3 of the 2007 NBA Finals.
It would be a shame if the whole friggin league went broke and the holier-than-thou players learned to shut their mouths and just dribble the ball.
Looks like the 47 years message, consistently applied, is beginning to take root.
This was once a stately manor a few paces off of 99 just south and east of Salem AL. I suppose the land that lays to the south of it (to my back as I took this picture) was part of estate. That land has been cleared for many, many years and runs about a mile to the Elk River.
At night a light still burns in the single story (right side of picture) portion of the home and despite the state of decay I’m guessing that some elderly person still inhabits the tired old home. There is a man that comes by every week to mow and trim and clean up around the place.
Is there is anyone in the country surprised at the conduct of President Trump last night? I think not. What we saw is what we expected to see, a strong assertive ass with little tolerance for politics and less tolerance for idiots dress down one of the corrupt members of the deep state. If you didn’t see this shit show coming you’ve been in a coma for the last 5 years or so. Trump is Trump.
Yes, I called him an ass. I have that right, I voted for a bold, no-holds-barred, mo-fo last go round and he didn’t disappoint. I’ll be doing the same once again a little more than a month from now.
Now come the little commies demanding that business do more (note I did not say do something, I said do more) to support the BLM objectives. Those objectives are of course the destruction of free enterprise, thus businesses are asked to participate in their own demise. So it goes.
I can’t help but believe that these ‘outbursts’ , along with those Antifa riots, the soon to be freedom of choice riots, and the election riots are part of a conspiracy that feeds into a larger game-plan. Over at Breitbart Mansour and Pinkerton worked up a lengthy and well reasoned article on the Democrats and a 7 step plan they are implementing to win the Presidency. Here’s the link, the 7 steps they describe are below.
Let me say that I disagree with this being a Democratic plan. The Dems are cheep tools used by more sinister forces to accomplish a much more nefarious end than snatching the Presidency. The nations politicians, both Dems and Repubs, are so hungry for power that they become very easy to manipulate. Take Nasty Nancy for instance, she would sell her soul to have a Dem President and Senate. How friggin powerful would she then be?
Here are the 7 steps Mansour and Pinkerton list.
I’m pretty sure that number 7 is a step that’s nice if you can get it, but not completely necessary to execute the overall vision. I don’t believe that the objective of this entire exercise is to win the Presidency, (not that that is not desirable) but the goal is the destruction of America itself. We are a sharp stick up the ass of those forces that want to globalize mankind and the sooner we can be brought to heel the sooner they can get on with their global conquest.
The bad guys can execute 1-6 and bring this country to its knees regardless of who talks from the Capital steps on 20 January.
They’ve thrown everything they could find, nothing stuck. I guess it just goes to show you that what was said of old holds true today: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.
It looks to me that the truck that emerges from the top of the frame was stationed there for the express purpose of running down any car that broke through the road block. That level of planning suggests that the group did not only want to stop traffic but to assault people in the vehicles that were forced to stop.
Just don’t stop. If you do, be prepared to use deadly force to free yourself from the clutches of these barbarians.
Here is another view
Just before 4:00 am, Brooklyn Center police officers and firefighters were dispatched to the report of an explosion and fire in the area of 69th Ave N and Morgan Ave N in Brooklyn Center. Officers located a fire at a residence in the 6900 block of Morgan Ave N. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire, but not before a detached three car garage and three vehicles were destroyed. There was minor damage to the house. There were no injuries during this incident. Officers and firefighters were able to save the three dogs in kennels and four puppies located in the garage.* This fire is considered suspicious and our investigation remains extremely active. The home occupants had a fairly large “Trump 2020” sign that was destroyed, and our officers observed what appeared to be fresh spray paint on the garage before it burned down. The spray paint included “Biden 2020”, “BLM” and capital letter “A” with a circle around it.
More of this would go a long way to solving this childish problem
A man who had led violent protests in Seattle, Washington, and who was convicted of running a prostitution operation — including pimping underage girls — now has an office in the city’s municipal building and a paycheck of $150,000 a year to act as a “street czar” to advise on “reforming” the police.
It’s a racial issue you see says Andre Taylor: Black people are not normally paid for positions nor their organizations but white people with the same positions are paid and this is an ongoing problem not only here but all over this country. White people have been paid for some of the same stuff and nobody has ever said anything about it. But the moment a black man demands respect and you value the work and you want to use my credibility, that should have some value to it.
Seattle is definitely a ‘Big Tent’ type of city !
In an interview with New York Times, Pelosi said she had the power to impeach Trump again. “Well, we can impeach him every day of the week for anything he does,” she said.
“Go ahead. I want them to do that … I’m the only guy in the world that could get impeached for trying to fill a seat on the Supreme Court,” Trump said during a rally with supporters in Ohio on Monday night.
I spent a little time wandering around on Twitter a short while ago. Two observations come immediately to mind: it looks as if the Twitter Nazis have taken the day away. (Probably some alphabet based intersectionality training event.)
The second thing is there is an amazing conservative Millennial presence. I truly believe that this generation is beginning to get it. I don’t know when or how they latched onto the clues, but they are beginning to make some very enlightened (not woke, enlightened) observations.
Perhaps the nation may be around for a few more generations.
The folks over at The Washington Free Beacon had an interesting article on all of the preps being made by the loyal left. Not a pretty picture to be sure. A little snippet below:
The point person for the Fight Back Table, a coalition of liberal organizations planning for a “post-Election Day political apocalypse scenario,” leads a progressive coalition that is part of a massive liberal dark money network.
Deirdre Schifeling, who leads the Fight Back Table’s efforts to prepare for “mass public unrest” following the Nov. 3 election, founded and is campaign director for Democracy for All 2021 Action, a project of Arabella Advisors’ Sixteen Thirty Fund. The Sixteen Thirty Fund is a dark money network that provides wealthy donors anonymity as they push large sums into the left’s organizational efforts. The connections suggest that post-election mobilization isn’t just the project of a liberal fringe, but that powerful Democratic Party interest groups are also involved.
The post-Election Day prep follows other doomsday planning scenarios by liberal activists. The Transition Integrity Project released a 22-page document that mentioned “violence” 15 times, “chaos” 9 times, “unrest” 3 times, and “crisis” 12 times. The Fight Back Table, likewise, is preparing for extreme outcomes, including violence and mass mobilization efforts following the elections.
“There are a lot of scary scenarios,” Sean Eldridge, a former Democratic congressional candidate that leads Protect the Results, told the Daily Beast, who first reported on the Fight Back Table’s efforts. “We have to be prepared to mobilize in unprecedented ways.” Protect the Results’ massive coalition also includes other groups involved with the Fight Back Table, including Demos and MoveOn.
The liberal activists are planning for “civil and political” unrest following the elections if Biden does not win in a landslide. According to the Daily Beast, their simulations have included scenarios where Trump’s camp releases “classified documents for political purposes, fueling manufactured rumors,” halting “assets of individuals and groups the president determines to be a threat,” and “restricting internet communications in the name of national security.”
and words are all I have to steal you voice away……
The four horsemen.
I got the opportunity to see this documentary the other night. I’ve never seen poorer and more destitute group of folk than these coal minors and their family. I’m not much of a union guy, and this show does little to paint the union leadership in a positive light, but I can’t image being pressed into the hell these folk were without taking some desperate action. Anyway, I recommend it. Trailer below:
Now here is the full video if you have a couple of hours to kill:
Patty Loveless has a great tribute to these folk in a video titled “You’ll Never Leave Harlin Alive”. A Great voice :
This is an excerpt from an excellent article I found over at Issues and Insights.
It’s been rare in the modern era for Americans to go to bed at the end of Election Day not knowing who won. But we’ve been warned: Due to unique 2020 circumstances – primarily Democrats insistence we vote by mail – it might take days or even weeks to count all the ballots and determine who won this year. So unless Joe Biden is the clear winner on election night, be ready for the heat. Because the heathen will rage.
The Democrats have, in fact, already told us this. As we noted a few days ago, the party has gamed out “a possible coup if (President Donald) Trump wins in November.” In the simulation, former Bill Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta played the role of Biden. He refused to concede the lost election, and “pressured states that Trump won to send Democrats to the formal Electoral College vote, and trusted that the military would take care of the rest,” Michael Anton writes in “The Coming Coup” published by The American Mind.
No surprise, there. Hillary Clinton continues to claim she was robbed. At least Al Gore, who tried to steal the 2000 election, didn’t whine incessantly for years afterward. He just ramped up, with an eager and collegial assist from the media, his global warming crusade. As it turns out, though, the Democrats’ refusal to accept a loss in 2000 was foundational to what we’re likely to see in November.
It seems everywhere we look we see signals that trouble is to come. In The Atlantic, which at one time was a serious publication, Brookings Institution senior fellow and Atlantic contributing writer Shadi Hamid says he is “truly worried about only one scenario: that Trump will win reelection and Democrats and others on the left will be unwilling, even unable, to accept the result.”
He follows with the astonishing claim that “a loss by Joe Biden under these circumstances is the worst case . . . because it is the outcome most likely to undermine faith in democracy, resulting in more of the social unrest and street battles that cities including Portland, Oregon, and Seattle have seen in recent months.”
“Undermine faith in democracy”? Now that’s a funny way to say “foment endless rioting.”
The overall tone of Hamid’s screed is there is something profoundly wrong with this country if it doesn’t elect Biden. Voters are simply too dense to understand what is good for them; “normal” politics no longer work. He doesn’t say it, but the implication, or at least our inference, is the outcome might require a radical response.
“Acting outside the political process, including through nonpeaceful means, becomes more attractive,” he says.
Riot related insurance claims found that the left-wing riots that occurred between May 26 and June 8 of this year could reach $2 billion. Lets be clear here…..that is for a little more than a week of rioting, not the whole shooting match.
By way of illusion (the same illusion that suggests the riots are mostly peaceful affairs), the estimate is being compared to the Can’t We All Just Get Along (Rodney King) riots of ’92 ($1.42 B in today bucks). The illusion emerges when we recognize that the current riots have never ended. We’re starring down MONTHS of rioting with more sure to follow.
If you add up the insurance cost in 2020 dollars for the six major riots during the good ole days of Vietnam Protests (’60s for those of you that were not around), the total is a little shy of $1.2 billion — which means the terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter caused more mayhem and property damage in a little over a week than this country saw throughout the 1960s. Importantly these estimates are based only on insurance claims. No insurance and the loss goes unnoted.
So even in the face of all this murder, property damage, assaults, looting, and burning, the clown show continues: the “Mostly peaceful” narrative floats on the wind.
All bets are off if Trump prevails this November. Insurance may help you recover your riot based losses but it won’t patch the hole in your chest.
The storm is continuing to build, it’s gonna get epic in America.
The consensus seems to be that “things are going to get worse” regardless of who wins in November. Not something I’ve given much thought to, but now that I do I suppose that that’s a reasonable assumption. It’s probably so reasonable that the odds significantly favor that outcome.
So, I guess a rational person would begin assessing how they feel the future will unfold and take prudent steps to ensure the impact of any downside is minimized.
There are some really bright folk and corporations that go beyond ensuring their survival and are trying to figure out how to capitalize on chaos; today’s and that which may come. Of course those folk/corporations/organizations that can see a way to profit tremendously will do all that they can to ensure that ‘things’ degrade sufficiently.
The battle at this time, it seems to me, cannot be fought (let alone won) by the average Joe/Jodie, because…..damn it…… the enemy is obscure and shady and moves unseen in the background. Those that we see on the streets of our cities are useful minions, nothing more. They know nothing of the end-state their masters pursue.
It’s a dangerous game these ‘Masters of Technology and Wealth’ are engaged in. In their shallow minds they believe they are pushing the western world toward a more just and equal society. Should they weaken our society much further forces much darker and more sinister will certainly convince themselves that the destruction of our way of life is preferable to our position of leadership. After all, we were able to convince ourselves that dropping nuclear weapons (not once, but twice) on the homeland of a defeated Japan was justified.
If America becomes disjointed enough that the Chinese believe the advantages of thermo-nuclear war outweigh the downside they will begin lobbing them our way. Wave after deadly wave.
As EA Poe might again say:
Death was in that poisonous wave,
And in its gulf a fitting grave
For him who thence could solace bring
To his lone imagining
Whose solitary soul could make
An Eden of that dim lake.