Sure They Do

Hat Tip to Mike over at 90 Miles. Mike has also posted a follow-on video that gives some hope.
The U.N. has named an abortionist who advocates for teen prostitution to its top post on health and human rights.
Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng has risen quickly at the U.N., from “sexual health and rights advocate” to the top post of Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, a role that will give her a global platform to urge the decriminalization of the sex trade.
“Mofokeng’s reports advancing sexual rights, including the legalizing of prostitution, will likely be cited as authoritative interpretations of human rights law by U.N. agencies and like-minded Member States,” C-Fam observed.
Campbell County Sheriff’s Deputies Joshua Jeffers and Brandon Gross went to the residence on the evening of Aug. 30 where the homeowner told them a female, who was later identified as Cynthia Lynn Teeple, was standing in the backyard and had taken her shirt off. The deputies went to the back of the home to a fenced area where she was standing with two miniature horses. Teeple was wearing a blue jean shorts, no shoes, and a bra, according to a report from the sheriff’s office. When asked where her shirt was, she looked down and did not know her shirt was missing. Gross found her shirt about 30 feet from her.
That meth must be some powerful shit. My sympathy to anyone who has a family member inflicted with this disease.
Here are a couple of photo’s of 29 year old Lourielle Aviles. He’s a she. He ain’t even trying to be she but she she be.
According to Justice Department court documents, Laurielle Yvette Aviles, of Portland, assaulted a police officer in an attempt to de-arrest a fellow rioter on July 3. She was charged at the time by Portland Police and was released on her own recognizance. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s office announced this week that Aviles is charged with one count of felony riot, one count of attempted assault of a public safety officer, one count of resisting arrest and one count of interfering with a peace officer. Following an FBI investigation, she now also has a felony civil disorder charge.
The he/she shit has gotten well out of hand. Don’t know how folk over on the left coast are able to keep up with the rules.
Trying to raise that next batch of oppressed and downtrodden victims.
Imagine what our world will become if the BLM/Antifa crowd is successful.
I see what the problem is here, it’s that that damn majority won’t let us bleed them dry.
No newly discovered writing from the early Christian era has generated more controversy and prompted more (or renewed) examination by scholars, philosophers, churches leaders and laymen than the Gospel of Thomas. As a guess, a good many folk who have given up on formal religious creeds have eagerly approached the work in the hope that a new promise in the Christian tradition would be found.
Most have come away without becoming appreciably enlightened. Not that they lacked in determination or faith, but rather the work seems to be a paradox: extremely esoteric while at the same time saying (or leading to) nothing. More than a few scholars have stated that they believe that the organization of the volume has been intentionally scrambled and that the sayings are deliberately puzzling. A great many believe that this intentional obscuring is designed to introduce mystery where none would otherwise exist. I disagree.
Lets take a look at three adjacent sayings 6,7,8. They are apparently completely discontinuous. Or are they? This is going to get tricky, so see if you can follow along (or perhaps more properly stated, lets see if I can explain my thoughts).
One of my favorite sayings in the Gospel of Thomas is Saying 7. The reason I like it is because it should be easily understood, yet is not. It seems that this gospel provides no shortcut to understanding either man or God. Which is not to say that the sayings are not (to coin an oft used phrase) pregnant with meaning. Whether I can express that meaning remains to be seen.
Here is Saying 7
Blessed is the lion which the man eats, and the lion will become man;
and cursed is the man whom the lion eats, and the lion will become man.
Now, here is 6
His disciples asked him (and) said to him: Do you want us to fast? And how shall we pray (and) give alms? What diet should we observe? Jesus said: Do not lie, and what you abhor, do not do; for all things are manifest in the sight of heaven; for there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered which will remain without being uncovered.
But, as you may recall from one of my earlier posts, I believe that the second half of Saying 6 is ‘polluted’. The original second half of Saying 6 is found in Saying 14. It reads:
If you fast, you will put a sin to your charge; and if you pray, you will be condemned; and if you give alms, you will do harm to your inner spirits. And if you go into any land and walk about in the regions, if they receive you, eat what is set before you; heal the sick among them. For what goes into your mouth will not defile you; but what comes out of your mouth, that is what will defile you.
We will leave the second half of 6 alone for right now, you can add it back to 6 once we understand what 6 means and how 7 and 8 relate to 6.
Here is Saying 8:
And he said: Man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea; he drew it up from the sea full of small fish; among them he found a large good fish, the wise fisherman; he threw all the small fish into the sea, he chose the large fish without difficulty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Here is a link to what all of the smart folk think about Saying 6. The other sayings can be accessed from the navigation section (upper right) of the linked page.
Now here is what I believe is being said (in part). In the first half of 6 the only possible reason that the apostles could have for asking about diet, alms, and fasting is because they have either been told or have come to believe that the old ways (Jewish beliefs and rituals) have passed away. The old law has been laid aside. If for them that was not the case, then why the question?
Now for 7: The lion represents the old laws and the old leaders. The old beliefs and systems have served mankind well, but now, with a foundation laid, they support the future, not define it.
Finally, 8: The saying can be read several ways, each of which reinforces its position in the three saying sequence as it reinforces the relationship between the kingdom of heaven and mankind. Click on the link above and navigate to Saying 8 and read the expert commentary on this saying. Most experts agree that this saying appears in other works. When it does, it does not begin ” Man is like a wise fisherman”, rather it begins: “The Kingdom of God is like a wise fisherman”. Let us note that in that day and age that this was written no one is referencing the Kingdom of God except the followers of Christ and no one is looking for a path to heaven except those that have been exposed to him. I’ll also note that the “Man is like…” and the “Kingdom of God is like….” is a difference without a distinction to those that take to heart Saying 3 (But the kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you).
Well, all of this has sort of pushed out some ‘meaning’ of what is in the sayings. That’s OK given the poor odds that three in sequence obscure sayings in a text intentionally scrambled actually produced a coherent message. Here is what I’ve learned
Finally, let me suggest two important ideas. The first is that none of meaning of the Gospel of Thomas is lost because of the several different ways the text can be translated. The second is that I don’t believe that the Gospel of Thomas needed to be understood in order for man to find a path to the Kingdom of Heaven; if it had been required it would mean that no one has made that journey in the last 2000 years.
Australians have been shocked to find that they have no right to free speech shortly after giving up their guns.
On 16 June 2017, the Minister for Justice Michael Keenan announced that a national firearms amnesty would commence on 1 July 2017 for three months until 30 September, to hand in unregistered or unwanted firearms. Australians complied and handed over hundreds of thousands of firearms to the government.
Now Australians, especially in the province of Victoria, are shocked to find that they are being arrested for Facebook posts.
There is a reason that fascists are pushing for a global society. Imagine the power that can be wielded once all of those pesky human rights are removed.
Today Australia, tomorrow the world
There was a time in this country when a comedian was free to express their art in anyway they chose. We were free to watch, or not. No one forced us to watch or to participate in an uprising for or against the either the message or the medium. Richard Pryor was one of the many great comedians that could shamelessly get us to laugh at our plight regardless of the race or creed of the subject or sensitivity of the topic targeted.
So then, it occurs to me that if we could apply a lesson learned by Richard to the riots du jour, we may have found a solution to one of society’s ills. If your short on time, skip forward to the 40 second mark,
Now, imagine if each of those that wished violence on our cities were to suddenly come to the realization the Richard came to. Well, as a guess, there would be a lot less children running wild in our streets!
When that fire hit your ass, it will sober your ass up quick! I saw something, I went, “Well, that’s a pretty blue. You know what? That looks like… FIRE! Fire is inspirational. They should use it in the Olympics, because I ran the 100 in 4.3.
–Richard Prior
How bad does your campaign have to be before you begin taking advice from these ass hats?
Here’s the question; What list?
Snatched from the pages of the public editor: Mostly’ community service oriented democrats assist amazon driver with deliveries.
Democrats are threatening violence if Joe Biden does not defeat President Trump in November, New York Post columnist Miranda Devine said Saturday.
“If you think that they were sore losers in 2016, you ain’t seen anything yet. … Democrats have no intention of accepting defeat at the ballot box,” Devine said on “Fox & Friends Weekend.”
Devine called it “information warfare” to benefit the Biden campaign, citing a Washington Post op-ed by Georgetown law professor Rosa Brooks, who says Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything short of a Biden landslide.
“It’s just a variation on the theme … when [Biden] said if you don’t vote for him, you ain’t safe,” Devine said. “It’s pretty despicable, but that is everything you need to know.”
A government-run recruitment agency told a salon that they could not post a job advertisement looking for a “happy” hairstylist because the word was “discriminatory” against unhappy people.
Alison Birch from AJ’s Unisex Hair Salon in Stroud, Gloucestershire, claimed that Jobcentre Plus, part of the Department for Work and Pensions, had contacted her after applying to post an advert with them that stated: “This is a busy, friendly, small salon, so only happy, friendly stylist need apply.”
On Thursday, Mrs Birch told The Mirror that the government agent had called her to say that they could not run the advert because the word “happy” was “discriminatory”. At first believing the phone call to be a prank, the experienced businesswoman was astounded once the caller offered to read her the lengthy rules about discrimination.
He allegedly said: “Should we change the word in case somebody thinks that they can’t apply for the job because they are not a happy person?”
“But I only want happy people,” Ms Birch recalled telling the man from the job shop.
He allegedly responded: “As I said, it is a discriminatory word and you are not allowed to use it, somebody who is not happy will be discriminated against.”
The salon owner then pulled the advert from Jobcentre Plus after refusing to change the wording.
Mrs Birch said: “I just can’t see how it is discrimination to anybody. Everybody is so politically correct these days.
“But he insisted he could not list the advert on their job site with that word on it.
“I told him I was perfectly happy with the use of the word ‘happy’, and that he could just take it off their site and I’d find somewhere else to list it.”
Gotta love the boys and their toys, especially when those toys are lifted.
“The Golden State” became the official California nickname in 1968. “Between California’s explosive growth following the discovery of gold in 1848, the fields of golden poppies that appear each spring throughout the state, the golden gate bridge, and the clear, golden coastal sunsets over the Pacific – California truly is the golden state! Gold is also one of California’s official state colors and the state mineral.“
Things are just a little different now, but it seems only appropriate that the nickname remain the same.
There are enough of these videos floating around without me tossing another one out. What’s unique about this one is that it is composed of many separate/distinct events and that it comes from a site that is dedicated to accumulating and distributing protest/riot scenes. The site is woke.net
This site also accumulates and publishes information on when/where you can meet with your fellow snowflakes and riot away until the wee hours.
The good news keeps coming as the site provides useful info on whether the NG has been called out, if there is curfew (or not) directions to the riot site, and a means both stream and upload videos to their site..
American ingenuity at its finest!
Ripped the the above from Kenny’s place.
I’m just paranoid enough to believe that the constant string tragedies (real and imagined) visited upon the nation are part a grand scheme to wear down the will in our population. While I hope that their plans are an abject failure, there are plenty of folk that will not be voting for what is best for the country, but rather what will sooth their pain. These folks would vote for the meteor !
I saw an interesting read over at Free North Carolina and thought that I would share most of it here and make a simple observation; this is what a Karen is. All this crap for what? What was she trying to achieve? Here is her story:
I went to Walmart Guildford. Upon entering the store, -I was told by Sandy (Walmart door checker) that I must wear a mask to enter. I explained that Walmart Customer Service told me that it is not mandatory to wear a mask – and I told Sandy I have a doctor’s letter excluding me from a mask. Sandy told me I have to leave without a mask. I asked to speak to Customer Service – and she said I could not come inside. I asked to speak to the Store Manager and Sandy said, “there she is” (she was just walking through the door behind me.) This woman Manager was 35 – 40’s in age. She had straight blonde hair past her shoulders and medium build. She was medium build. When I asked for her name – she refused to give it to me. (I have never encountered a Manager refusing to give their name before.) I asked to speak to her – so I could tell her about my doctor’s letter and explain how Walmart Surrey Place told me mask wearing was not mandated. She told me to leave their store. I told her I plan on leaving – once I get her name. I told her I spend a lot of money in this store and I will never shop here again. She said she does not have time to talk to me and she scurried off after refusing to release her name.
Along with Sandy (Walmart door checker), and the Walmart Security doorman – another plain clothed Paladin Security Manager came up. He said he was the Paladin Manager – his first name Isaac. I kept telling everyone – I just want the Manager’s name and I will leave. Various people were coming up to me – one older woman store clerk told me I am putting people in danger – she went on about how her relative died from Covid. I just wanted the Manager’s name so I could leave and deal with this incident in writing when I got home. Sandy (door checker) – who happens to be an older friend of my daughter – had her back to me. I tapped on her shoulder to get her attention. I told her “do not ever talk to me again.” (I only mention me tapping on Sandy’s shoulder because when the Police arrived later they accused me of assaulting people and coughing on them). While every employee was refusing to give me their name – I made it clear- I will never shop here again.
A younger man (30’s) came up to me and told me I was embarrassing myself. I asked him if he works here – and he replied “yes.” After telling me to put on a mask – he called me a “whoring slut.” Sandy heard it – the door Security guard heard it. I asked for his name – and he would not give it to me. I did not have my cell phone so I asked several Walmart employees to call the police. They all refused. This guy then darted off towards the back of the store and I followed him as he was heading to the area where employees go in the back/middle of store. (I was thinking – this Walmart employee just called me a whoring slut and I wanted his name to complain about him). He was alone – and headed towards the back of the store. When he realized I was still following him – he changed directions heading towards the front of the store – and then over to the food section. At the food section he teamed up with a female who completely ignored me. She pretended to be shopping with him, but they just threw a few grocery items into a hand held basket before quickly heading to the check out. By this time I was yelling to the Walmart employees – can someone please call the police for me. I wanted to know the name of the Walmart employee that had just called me a whoring slut. Finally, a Walmart woman employee told me she would call the police.
After this guy paid for his purchase they headed out the doors into the parking lot. I followed them both out of the Walmart door – hoping that the police would arrive in time so I could finger this twerp. The police were not outside so I waited outside of Walmart in the parking lot – next to cars – well away from the Walmart doors. Another reason I stood away from the Walmart doors was – Paladin Security (Isaac) and Walmart’s Manager were standing there. I wanted nothing more to do with these people.
I still believe the guy that called me a whoring slut was in fact – a Walmart employee – just as he told me. Maybe he was one of those undercover plain clothes detectives that watch shoppers. But when Walmart realized I was verbally assaulted by one of their own employees – with the ‘whoring/slut name – they tried to fudge the facts by making it appear that he was just a customer.) Whoever this guy was – employee or customer – he has a lot of disdain for women to call an elderly woman (any woman) a whoring/slut.
I waited outside in the parking lot for the police to come – well away from the Walmart doors. The Walmart Paladin Security (Isaac) and Walmart blonde haired Manager were also waiting outside – close to the doors. The Manager was on the phone to the police I assume.
The police showed:-
FILE NO: 2020 – 128246
Cst. Chris Froats 50354 – (Officer that searched my purse, and took my picture, and gave my dob and address to Paladin Manager.)
Cst. Janine Boyer 60729
Cst. Bawa Sidhu 62428
Isaac – Paladin Security Manager
When the police arrived I was first talking to Cst. Bawa Sidhu – She was reasonable enough at first and was listening to my story of my doctor’s mask exemption letter and how I was called a whoring slut. I explained that all I wanted was the Manager’s name – so I could go home and deal with this complaint in letter form. I made it clear to the Police – I will not be shopping at this Walmart again.
Then Cst Chris Froats interrupts and tells ME to listen. He told me I can never go into Walmart again for one year. I explained – I already told Walmart I will never be back here.
Cst. Bawa Sidhu then said I was under arrest and her and Cst. Froats put handcuffs on me and put me in the back of the cruiser. I asked “what am I being arrested for?” Cst. Sidhu said I was being arrested for disturbing the peace.
When I was in the cruiser – Cst Bawa Sidhu said I was assaulting people and coughing on people – she said it was on tape. I explained I know Sandy (door checker) – because she is a friend of my daughter. I said I only tapped on Sandy’s shoulder to get her attention – to tell her “never to talk to me again.”
While I was in the cop cruiser – parked in front of the Walmart entrance – Cst. Chris Froats had my purse on the front of the cruiser. He was going through everything in my purse and wallet and making lots of notes in his little writing pad.
While I was still in the cruiser – Cst Chris Froats asks for my birthdate and address to give to Paladin Security (Isaac) – who was standing right there. I said I do not want Paladin having that information. Cst Chris Floats then verbally gave Paladin Manager (Isaac) my DOB. I was then given a Wal-Mart Canada Corp. Notice Prohibiting Entry notice (see enclosed) – and I noticed my address is listed on this form (so Cst Froats gave Paladin my dob, name and address against my wishes.)
By the time I was let out of the cruiser – I was standing in the front of the cruiser with my handcuffs still on. Cst. Chris Froats said he wanted to take my picture and I said no. Cst. Froats then took my picture with my handcuffs on – from a cell phone. I am not sure if this cell phone belonged to Paladin Security (Isaac’s) or Cst. Froats – but Cst Froats took my picture. Unbelievable.
Why couldn’t this person just have stayed at home? She knows that Walmart both delivers and has curb-side pickup, right?
Anyway, I rarely leave comments on other folks sites but just could not pass quietly without splashing a little fuel on this fire.
I am surprised that the idiots didn’t see this coming.
One day.
One day many of those precious souls that are busy wreaking havoc in Portland, Seattle, and other sundry environs across our globe will run up against real men. Men whose days are filled with hard work and the hope of furnishing their families with creature comforts and a warm meal. ‘Privileged’ men with little time or patience for childish drivel or piddly social causes.
The game, when the real men become engaged, will be played by a set of rules so barbarous that ANTIFA, BLM, Reds for Eds (or Reds for anything else for that matter) will learn what terror is; what pain is.
Bad things happen when honorable men are dishonored.
Our nation is headed in the same direction as China did during the Cultural Revolution. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution kicked off in August of 1966 and lasted about 10 years. Mao shut down the nation’s schools, mobilized the nations youth, and formed paramilitary groups (Red Guard) to harass the elderly and any group that disagreed with their social goals. The end-state: to rid the nation of the ‘four olds’….old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas.
One of the first iconic pictures that flowed out of China during this period is the one below, taken just as the revolution was kicking off.
The posters in front of and behind the men in the photo are handwritten curses. (One says “Buddhist sutras are nothing but dog farts”) The men are Buddhist Monks standing in front of the Jilesi Temple (Temple of Bliss).
This kinda reminds me of all of the police officers and other sycophants bending a knee before the BLM Red Guard in our nations public square. As the revolution ramped up it grew well beyond dog fart banners. The result then, as it will be now, is humiliation, death, and destruction to those unfortunate enough to be overtaken by one of these mobs.
You know, some of these pictures don’t look all that different than what we saw during the 2016 election cycle.
We are not that far from the fall.
The rampant mobs ripping at wounds once healed in this nation have no noble purpose. Their motivation is one that has plagued man across all time: jealousy. And its precisely because the motives are impure any attempt to address the purported grievance will result in failure. They want from us what we cannot give. When we give what we can it will not satisfy the itch, it just encourages them to demand anew.
I’m working real hard not to get wrapped up in all of the media sponsored doom/gloom bullshit that pervades every possible platform and outlet. One article on Breitbart by Joel Pollak titled “Democrats Want a Second American Revolution — a Socialist One” did catch strike me as both entirely plausible and completely devastating (should it come to pass). A short extract below, link is here.
“We are staring down the barrel of a ‘Red November,’ and I don’t see how we recover from that politically if [Donald] Trump loses because Democrats have made it clear … they’re not interested in solving the problem they’ve identified with policing. They just want the issue, and that tells me they want to keep fomenting this sort of unrest.”
They started defunding the police in various cities. They’ve abandoned policing in the Oakland [Unified] School District. They’re disbanding the police in Minneapolis. They are cutting a billion dollars from the New York City police budget, and even that’s not enough for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, so they’re going to dismantle institutions of law and order.
“Finally, they are going to permanently alter the rules of the game. The proposal to make Washington, DC, at least partially a state — to make a 51st state — was passed by the House of Representatives, last week. They know it’s not going to pass the Senate under Republican control, but if Democrats win the White House, the Senate, and the House they will pass D.C. statehood.”
My best guess is that when all of the crap that’s roiling in the cities comes to fruition, when all of the big money/media players place their thumbs on the scale, and if (and its looking more and more less iffy) the blues can take the Senate and Presidency then that experiment called America will have played out. When and how (and ultimately if) a new great nation comes into being is hard to imagine.
I’m very pleased with how my pepper jelly turned out. If you get the opportunity you should crank up a batch. Even if you must purchase the peppers, it’s worth the relatively inexpensive cost. The recipe I used was my own that was created/mandated by what the first fruits of the garden were.
I used:
3/4th cup of banana peppers
1/2 cup jalapenos
1 and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
5 cups of sugar
6 oz (two packages) of liquid pectin
It seems a little stiff coming out of the jar, but once ‘dolloped’ over a pile of cream cheese it has a perfect consistency. It’ll keep in the fridge for a couple of weeks or, if you’re like me, you can it by leaving 1/4 inch headspace and 10 minutes in a water bath.
The heavens opened up yesterday afternoon and we got a soaking rain that lasted for about 4 hours. I had just finished my second fertilization of the tomatoes and peppers (and egg plant) with a liquid 12-55-6 mix by Scotts. The Miracle Grow I used two weeks ago was 24-8-16. Here is what these two sets of numbers mean: the first set provides relatively more phosphorous (55) and contributes much more to blossoms and fruit production. The second set provides more (again relatively) nitrogen (24). Increased Nitrogen will cause the plants to focus more on growth and leaves.
The rain hosed up my opportunity to gather more blackberries and harvest more blueberries. The rain was hard enough to knock most of the ripe blueberries off of the bushes; I’ve got 4 cups in the fridge and need another 3 to make a batch of jam. As far as blackberries go, I went out on Saturday and gathered a quart. If the weather holds off today I hope to be able to gather enough for a batch of Blackberry Jam today.
I’ve been pulling in the basil and cranked up some pesto: that’s good stuff as well. I’ve planted twice as much basil this year as last, so hope to be able to get some of this into the freezer for a reminder of the summer once winter rolls around.
We are down to a dozen or so pints of salsa and we are almost a month away from having the garden produce all of the peppers, garlic, cilantro, and tomatoes needed. I did not plant oregano this year (an oversight) so that’s another purchase that could have been avoided by a little better planning.
Here’s the latest guess from the hacks at the weather bureau. What I make from this is the sun still rises from day to day and each day is what we make of it !
With all that’s going on in our brave new world, I can’t help but wonder what the end-state will look like. Will the nation still be the land of the free, home of the brave? Will it be a democracy, a socialist democracy?
One thing for certain is that the logic challenged idiots that are hellbent for change have no interest in having a society that closely approximates the status quo. The real bad news in all that is going on is it looks like the idiots will prevail. Plan accordingly.
And for those that are taking to the streets, here is an old Spock (Star Trek) line: “You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true.”
Great news out of Yankee Land, after voting to defund/disband the Minneapolis police, members of the city council are allocating private security to support their personal comfort levels.
As for the rest of you slobs that no longer have a police force for protection, you are on your own.
MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) – The City of Minneapolis is spending $4,500 a day for private security for three council members who have received threats following the police killing of George Floyd, FOX 9 has learned.
A city spokesperson said the private security details have cost taxpayers $63,000 over the past three weeks.
The three council members who have the security detail – Andrea Jenkins (Ward 8), and Phillipe Cunningham (Ward 4), and Alondra Cano (Ward 9)– have been outspoken proponents of defunding the Minneapolis Police Department.
Councilmember Phillipe Cunningham declined to discuss the security measures.
“I don’t feel comfortable publicly discussing the death threats against me or the level of security I currently have protecting me from those threats,” said Cunningham in a text message.
Cunningham added that the security is temporary.
Councilmember Andrea Jenkins said she has been asking for security since she was sworn in. She said current threats have come in the form of emails, letters, and posts to social media.
“My concern is the large number of white nationalist(s) in our city and other threatening communications I’ve been receiving,” wrote Jenkins in an email.
Councilmember Cano did not return messages seeking comment.
Minneapolis mayors have traditionally had a security detail provided by a Minneapolis Police officer who also functions as the mayor’s driver. The thirteen council members are not given the same protection.
Asked why Minneapolis Police are not providing security services to the three council members, a city spokesperson said MPD resources are needed in the community. The hourly cost of private security is similar to the cost for a police officer, the spokesperson added.
A spokesperson for Minneapolis Police told FOX 9 the department does not have any recent police reports of threats against city council members. It is possible a report could have been filed confidentially.
Jenkins said she has not reported the threats to Minneapolis Police because she has been preoccupied with the dual crisis of the “global pandemic and global uprising” over the killing of George Floyd.
Jenkins said the threats have attacked her ethnicity, gender identity, and sexuality.