Deja Vue

The BBC is reporting that:
— 21+ Ugandans have died from a landslide in a garbage dump near the capital city of Kampala.
—-Kampala has a population of 4 million people
—-The dump covers 36 acres and is the only one servicing Kampala
—-More than 1,000 people live in homes in or directly adjacent to the dump. That has to be one ripe smelling neighborhood.
This one little 36 acre slice of paradise is one of thousands, if not tens-of-thousands, of places where good people in bad circumstances are condemned to live out miserable lives.
I am genuinely surprised that our southern border is not more busy than it is.
Am I all confused about how things work or is the Sec Def and the media pulling my chain?
First, I hadn’t thought war with China was either imminent or unavoidable. I thought they took a look at the US, looked at their watch, and then shrugged knowingly; they are willing to wait while we tear it all down ourselves. BUT now that he has said it, I can’t think of anyone less intellectually trustworthy to receive that message from. Why did he feel the need to share that message with us, and why now?
Now, the real scary part is in small type on the graphic above; The Sec Def doesn’t inform ‘top security officials’, they inform him. If what the article says is true then where is the Sec Def getting his information from? China?
Who is feeding this line of shit to the Associated Press, and who in there is still naive enough to slurp this stuff up?
While most folk were watching the clown show in New York someone quietly moved us a little closer to a shooting war with a nuclear armed adversary.
Via The New York Times: “President Biden, in a major shift pressed by his advisers and key allies, has authorized Ukraine to conduct limited strikes inside Russia with American-made weapons, opening what could well be a new chapter in the war for Ukraine, U.S. officials said on Thursday.”
“Mr. Biden’s decision appears to mark the first time that an American president has allowed limited military responses on artillery, missile bases and command centers inside the borders of a nuclear-armed adversary.”
I feel so much more secure knowing that Slow Joe and a cast of his minions are prosecuting a war on the Russian homeland. It’s not like they’ll retaliate in any way.
I ran across this a short while ago; on it’s face looks innocuous. I mean we all got it right? Were in debt and it’s going to get worse.
But, when you give it a little thought, why would the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) throw this out there? Why, do tell, is the forecasted future debt depicted as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)? And why the strange title: ‘Global Financial Crisis, Pandemic Drove up US Debt.’
While there was some debt that accumulated because of these two events, it’s important to remember that we are talking about dept as a percentage of GDP (not debt alone). When all of those folk fell idle due to the recession following Lehman’s collapse (by the way, the fall out could have been minimized but congress pooh-poohed the solution) GDP took a huge hit and the table was set for last meal of anything resembling rational budgeting.
So, Congress explicitly voted down a $700 M solution to the largest financial crisis the world has seen in 80 years. This chart, produced by the same ‘honest brokers’ in the CBO that advised Congress against saving the nation, introduces ‘the pandemic’ as a cause of the debt problem (actually the debt to GDP problem).
It’s all bullshit designed to deflect.
Here is the same chart with two added lines. The solid yellow starts exactly where the CBO started their line (2000) and ends exactly where CBO ends their line (actually I moved it a little lower so that their blue line would remain visible.
The second line, the yellow dashed line shows what our debt to GDP ratio would be if Lehman had not happened. The bottom line demonstrates something all of us already know: Congress is the cause of all debt problems. How nice of them to have the CBO, an office they control, publish propaganda for our casual consumption.
Here is how hosed we are: Everyone knows that the CBO is using the most optimistic assumptions about what the out-year GDP will be. When they use the most optimistic assumptions and the debt to GDP still rises by at least 50 percent, then the true level of the debt, in absolute dollars (vice a ratio of GDP), must be mind boggling.
OBTW, it’s now safe to begin wondering what the GDP would be without all of the ‘new arrivals’ at our southern welcome centers. Without the demand signals they place (purchases) and the labor they provide our GDP numbers would be so far into the tank that taxes would go through the roof and those untouchable institutions known as Social Security and Medicare would collapse.
When you really think about it, the movie ‘The Matrix’ is pretty much spot on in terms of the value of a human life: it’s to produce fuel (revenue) for ‘the machine’.
If you’ve ever seen what a static line does do to a bicep you’ll understand just how tough this trooper is/was. I went to a Jump School taught by 3/7 SFG in Panama (81 ish) The SF O3 that gave our pre-jump briefing before our first jump removed his ‘blouse’ and showed his upper right arm. He had been towed a couple years earlier. I’ll never forget that sight.
If he had not been is such a hurry to un-ass the aircraft the Jump Master (the last man out the door on the starboard side) would have noticed the low hanging static line and stopped. All kinds of bad can happen when you go out the door while a trooper is being towed.
Gotta love the Air Force, the female ‘Load Master’ has her head so far up her ass that the trooper was lucky to have survived. How in the world did someone think that it was a good idea to post a 5’7″ woman in the position she’s in? She can’t even reach the cables.
Toward the end of the video the Safety (the man handling static lines as folk go out the door) can be heard giving instructions and you’ll note they were complied with immediately and without question. That’s what adult supervision looks like.
By the way, the last few seconds of the video shows a slow motion replay of how it is that the static line became mis-routed.
Where have I heard that before…….Oh, of course…
This biological shit-show just keeps getting more deadly with each passing day. The creation and release of a deadly virus wasn’t enough for these brainiacs, now we have to deal with friggin biological robots.
It’s getting real ugly out there and it seems as if there is no constraint on the stupidity being exercised.
This is being carried in the ‘Daily Mail’:
The first ‘living robots’ that can REPRODUCE: Microscopic organisms made from frog cells assemble ‘babies’ in their Pac Man-shaped mouths.
Scientists have created the first-ever living robots that can reproduce. The millimetre-sized living machines, called Xenobots 3.0, are neither traditional robots nor a species of animal, but living, programmable organisms.
Made from frog cells, the computer-designed organisms, created by a US team, gather single cells inside a Pac-Man-shaped ‘mouth’ and release ‘babies’ that look and move like their parents.
They can self-propel using hair-like ‘legs’ and have the ability to keep memories.
‘We found Xenobots that walk. We found Xenobots that swim. And now, in this study, we’ve found Xenobots that kinematically replicate,’ said study author Joshua Bongard.
Shit, it won’t be long until Democrats demand that they have voting rights!
I wonder if any of these self-replicating frog cells have found their way into the vaccine supply?
Wouldn’t want that little tid-bit of information to leak out.
Yeah, I know I’ve been sounding like a whiny little bitch as of late and I know that this weather has certainly placed other good folk in much more uncomfortable, and in many cases dire, circumstances than I’m in. But (insert appropriate expletive) I’m iced in and the forecast says the temps will remain low enough to keep me locked down for the next couple of days.
Placing my self-centeredness aside briefly, let me wish each of you safe passage through this terrible winter storm. Stay safe out there !
I ran across this at the BRM’s site and could not quit watching it. It’s absolutely incomprehensible to me that folk would allow their world to degrade to the point where they fear so completely the city in which they live.
I feel a little naive for having posted all of the ‘the sky will soon be falling’ warnings when for some, the SHTF moment arrived some few years back. What they should know, but obviously don’t, is that no one is coming to help.
We should all learn from their terrible circumstances.
The author of this piece talks to the 10 things that happen after a societal collapse. I had been thinking they were ‘leading indicators’. Almost all ten of these things have happened in the last year, it’s just that they haven’t happened all at the same time (or in the same place).
Are we close to ‘spicy time’?
Every so often I post a video created by this young lady in China. For me it is relaxing to watch and listen as different produce/products cycle through the year. You may have noticed their posting and thought less of them (oh well).
If you haven’t looked into what is actually going on with this child, your missing an amazing story. I’m not going to repeat the whole story, but the short notes (as I understand them) are:
–she ran away from an abusive home when she was 14.
–waited tables in a huge city
–move to her grandmothers to take care of her.
About the videos: Her objective early on was to show people who lived in cities how food was really grown and prepared. There are million upon millions of Chinese that have never lived outside of these overcrowded cities.
–Originally she filmed every shot.
–She set up the camera, performed the action needed and then moved on.
–She actually performed all of the work necessary to prepare, plant, grow, harvest, cook, and then serve what is shown.
She now has a photographer and an assistant as she is kind of busy: she has about 24 million (or so) followers.
When you think about it, this kid is a prepper. She’s missing the weapons and ammo, but there wouldn’t be a survival community in the world that would kick her from the train once the balloon goes up.
The pendulum has swung in America’s population centers. It will be a good long while before it is safe for the poor slobs that remain to cry out for law and order. It’s bad now, but just wait until the anarchy is more fully subsidized and the constraints (primarily our boys in blue) are themselves shackled.
Just wait. Longer, just a little longer. Wait, and you’ll understand how the frog felt.
I would strongly suggest that it doesn’t now matter who becomes/remains President; we’ve managed to hose ourselves. Both Trump and Biden are viewed by their opponents followers (both halves of the nation on opposing sides) as illegitimate. If I’m right then you may want to consider an alternative lifestyle. Here is a good place to start. I’m sure you can figure out how to navigate around that site.
Yep, I think that its gotten bad enough that you should consider moderately remote relocation. Use the map in Zillow to zoom in (or out) on any area in the country and find available acreage. I’ve noticed that they ain’t making any more of the stuff (land) except in the UAE, so things are getting pretty pricey. What was going for 2000 an acre a few years back is now pressing 5000. The price will continue to rise. We purchased 111 acres for $187,000 a little more than 6 years ago.
If you could get a group of like minded folk together, this little place is available for $2.4 Mil. Not a bad price for 2800 acres
Your call.
A number of survival camps with bunkers, weapon arsenals, guard towers and enough food for 25 years will activate after the election amid fears of ‘widespread loss of law and order’ and ‘looting and violence’.
Fortitude Ranch camps in West Virginia and Colorado will open on election day to protect members.
For $1,000 a year, members can vacation at the camps in good times or use them for survival if the collapse of society comes. Camps are fitted with bunkers, guards towers and enough food to last for 25 years and members are expected to come armed and prepared to assist in defending the camps.
The camps are equipped with solar panels, wells, radio equipment, greenhouses and a farming environment. Full story is here.
For folk that live in and around the city this is probably the best route to go. I can’t see how membership of a grand buys you food for 25 years (or one year for that matter), and I can’t imagine how much space is required to store food for 500 people for 25 years. Activating the camps serves good purposes thou, it will allow organizers and the organized to walk through what initializing the camp encompasses and shakeout any critical errors in planning.