Inward It Shall Be Opened

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Jesus asked of Thomas: ‘Compare me to someone, who do I resemble?  
Thomas replied that he was incapable of describing him.

Jesus said to Thomas: ‘I tell my mysteries to those that are worthy.  Because you believe, those things that are hidden will be disclosed to you.”  He took him aside and revealed what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, and what has never occurred to the mind of man.  These are secrets that Jesus revealed to Thomas and from Thomas to mankind.  The light within them remains concealed in the image of the Fathers light.  When you know the meaning, those things hidden will be uncovered and you will overcome death. 

Know yourself and you will be known.  To know yourself is to become solitary; you must make the two one; inside like the outside, above like the below, male like female. Become a passer-by and take the council of no man

Know the Kingdom within you and the Kingdom without will become manifest.  Recognize what is in your sight and the hidden will be revealed.  To enter the Kingdom fashion eyes in place of eyes, hands for hands, foot for foot, likeness for likeness.  

The fortunate lion becomes man when consumed by man; unfortunate is the man whom the lion consumes even though the lion becomes a man.  This is a great wonder:  when flesh came into being because of the spirit.  There is a greater wonder: a spirit that came into being because of the flesh. 

You consumed what is dead and made it come to life. When you make the two one, you will become a Son of Man. Even in your poverty you make a home for this great wealth.

You exist in a time and place that is not your own.  Stay vigilant and arm yourselves for the difficulty ahead.  Remember that you came into being before coming into being.  Remember that where the beginning is, there will the end also be.  Take your place in the beginning and know the end and you will find the Kingdom.  You are from it and to it you will return.

When asked where you are from, answer: ‘I am a child of the light and come from the place where the light came into being on its own accord.  A place where  the light established itself and became known through the image of the Father.  I am the elect of the living Father.” 

If asked what is the sign of the Father in you, tell them ‘It is movement and repose’.  You must find that place within repose for yourself lest you become a corpse.

He who seeks shall find and to him who knocks inward it shall be opened