What Freedom Looks Like | CJ Gets It

Whites claiming that whites have privilege not only prove themselves to be idiots, it sets them up as sheep to be slaughtered. Your enemy (yes you have enemies) knows you as a easy target. You tee yourself up so well, others cannot resist the urge to swing.
Because you’re not going to win this argument (regardless of which side you take) show a little backbone and self respect. Never apologize for who you are.
It’s sposta be a free country, let’s let folk decide how to run (or ruin) their own lives
After a first look at her shirt I thought the odds of these dweebs picking up a long gun or side arm is remote; that would be politically incorrect. But, you know, nothing says revolution like appropriately applied high explosives.
They’ll be strapping on explosive vests and taking out soft targets during the winter holiday’s. Place your bets.
You know, the numbers just may be correct on the graphic above, but they damn sure don’t match the bar chart. Making bull-shit charts does not aid any cause; it only weakens the legitimate voices of others.
I snatched the below from the Independent Sentinel . It seems that the layers are being pulled back from that onion we call the deep state. The light is shining in and what it reveals is not pretty.
DOJ lost their own notes, won’t turn over evidence in Flynn case
There was a hearing in the National Security Advisor Michael Flynn case with Judge Emmet Sullivan in D.C. Tuesday. As a result, Flynn’s attorney might seek to have the case thrown out.
The DOJ is still playing games. They ‘lost their notes’ and ‘forgot’ the memo exonerating him in the case.
Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney is calling the behavior by the government “egregious” and even “hiding evidence.”
She also noted that there was significant pressure on the General to accept a plea, especially when they had permission from Rod Rosenstein to go after the General’s son.
A DOJ memo was withheld that stated Michael Flynn did not lie. Flynn’s attorney still does not have that memo. There were also a number of discrepancies in the 302 reports.
Flynn’s attorneys are not withdrawing the plea for now but asking to have the entire prosecution dismissed on the grounds it was “egregious government misconduct” and there were “stunning Brady Bunch violations” then and now.
“There never would have been a plea, to begin with, if the government had disclosed Brady information about what it knew before the plea agreement,” Powell said.
Significantly, the DOJ “identified material differences between the agents’ notes from their interviews of Mr. Flynn on the 24th and the 302 they produced.” The original 302 is missing.
Regardless of whether you like her or not (I fall into the latter group), you’ve got to admit that she has her head screwed on straight in this response. She gets it: Trump won because he was looking out for the forgotten American.
As for the media’s part, it’s still all about Russia, Russia, Russia
A long time reader (Phssthpok) has found a little corner of YouTube that has a good assortment of solo guitar artists. If you have an interest, this link will get you there. Here’s a little sample to get you over the hump on humpday.
Yep, if the planes did it then we don’t have to crap all over our preferred victims group. If planes are capable of self determination, then those terrible Assault Weapons are as well…..that folks is how we shape the narrative. They are playing the long game, this crap will continue unless folk like Rita (and you and I) call them on it.
When Chicago tees it up like that, you have to hit it. Look, the place is a disaster. It’s the fault of those in charge. Blame away, but this is on you.
It’s a terrible thing that Lincoln did to the country. When he assumed office we were independent states that had voluntarily banded together for our common good. We were ‘These United States”. After the war we became ‘The United States’. At that point the identity of our nation ended. The dreams of our founders perished at the hands of the first activist president.
It’s hard not to see the irony in his statement. How about that confederacy of states that tried to throw off the yoke of an overreaching federal government? Were their citizens not entitled freedom? Entitled to self-determination?
Don’t feed me that holier than thou we had to preserve the union crap, once you initiated a war with half of the country it was no longer a union. Slavery? It would have died on it’s own moral weight in a few short years.
Lincoln, the man that destroyed these United States.
Most of this false misogyny, white (or male) privilege, white nationalist (or supremacist) crap that is so damn prevalent in our public sphere really doesn’t exist. I know, that’s no surprise to you, but it makes me wonder how it is that so many seeming disparate groups came to conclude that it does. It also has me wondering what impact this will have on our society.
Here’s a thought; given that this so widespread and that most of these adolescents don’t have the brain power to necessary to reach these conclusions unassisted, someone (or groups of someones) have planted and nourished these seeds in their simple minds. Probably the same group that honed their manipulation skills on our citizens of color. That’s a problem.
What makes this so problematic is that this “victimhood” flows from the perception of inequality. Inequality, of course, is that damn effective and powerful socialist tool used to subvert a free people. It’s enduring, effective, and almost impossible to counter by a freedom loving people. We’re hosed !
I really take no joy in seeing someone lose their job. In this case, however, he thought the job was about promoting himself and not serving the nation. If you can’t get along, you might as well get gone.
This is the lunacy that we now face. This is not some one-off airhead blathering on her cell phone, its a slick presentation who’s backers have millions to throw at ‘reprogramming’ you and I.
Remember, it’s not made to influence you and me, it’s targeting the weak minded and those without a developed sense of self worth—our kids.
What the left offers:
–Gun confiscation
–New green deal socialism
–Open borders
–Government run healthcare
–Banning damn near everything
–Restricting free speech
–Massive tax increases
The RINO’s are exactly the same (saving they fly a different flag).
What we want is something these despots not only cannot offer, but something they seek to destroy: Liberty. We are not asking for it, we will not beg; it’s ours and no matter who wins an election or who rules, Liberty is ours.