The Dem Nominee

Trump didn’t intentionally create the sharpie ‘conflict’, but once it began he channeled the lefts desire to discredit him. It was a ‘rope-a-dope’ of the highest caliber.
I really didn’t think she had it in her, but she put on her big girl panties and went there. A glimmer of hope for the health and healing of the nation?
A small business is nothing if it’s not agile. I’ll bet that Impact Guns has nowhere near the buying power that Walmart has, but they (and those similarly situated) will be digging into the big box’s bottom line in more product lines than Walmart abandoned.
As for me, I’m not a fan of open carry at all. I’m a little alarmed every time I’m in Walmart or anywhere else and see someone strapped. With that said, that person has the absolute right to carry his weapon anyway he chooses. My discomfort is something I have to wrestle with, not him. Freedom is like that!
We now live in a nation where the rich and powerful are intent on destroying any chance for future generations to ‘secure the blessings of liberty’. In their minds-eye the masses are ignorant, unwashed, and incapable of self determination. They are pushing hard to turn America into a communist nation. This push follows two general lines of attack; defining the great benefits a socialist society would provide (as we see our democratic Presidential candidates doing), and the disparagement of capitalism by the press and their sycophants in the arts.
We are constantly bombarded with these messages, sometimes its obvious:
–Jesus was a socialist
–Capitalism is equivalent to slavery
Many other times it is sneaky and covert; a word here, a gentle twisting of a story, the coloring of an individuals success as a failure or harmful for the hive.
History is being rewritten in ways that are also both obvious and subtle. Consider the many monuments to the Confederate soldiers that have been ripped away. The public outcry that prompted their removal was the claim that they were emblematic of slavery. I’m sorry to inform that they were actually a tribute to brave men that believed in, and fought for, self determination. Not only have the great deeds of these men been condemned, the very act of seeking self determination is now associated with the baser instincts of man and worthy of condemnation as well.
It’s a dangerous time. We absolutely cannot trust the press, the communications infrastructure, our political ‘leaders’, or our institutions to promulgate the American Dream. Once that dream is destroyed and tossed into the ash-heap of history, where then will freedom exist anywhere on earth?
I snapped the above from Breitbart this AM. At what point did vast swaths of the nation begin to take council from these simpletons?
–Hogg is now a social scientist
–Orange man bad: Now a tyrant
–Dorian is ‘inspired’ by global warming
–Greybeaver wants to kill off the white man’s economy
Guess it’s just the same ole shit on a different day
It would sure suck if the ‘rules’ the left seek to levy on Americans for exercising their constitutional right were applied to activities they hold close to their heart. Let’s take a look at how that might work.
Everyone just needs to calm down, no one is coming for your abortions. We just want common sense abortion control. I think we can all agree that those that want one should undergo:
–Mandatory background checks
–Mental health evaluations
–A $250 tax stamp
— A 1 year waiting period
Simple and non-intrusive legislation will make us all safer. To that end we will:
–Outlaw assault abortions after the first trimester
–Limit the number of abortions any person will have (no one needs more than one)
I very rarely, if ever, criticize the writing of others. This avoidance comes from my own shortcomings; I suck at writing. Despite graduating high-school at 17 I had to repeat Junior English in my senior year. While I 4.0’ed my undergraduate degree I had to take English Composition 3 times (‘withdrawing passing’ twice) before I could get it right. I languish over every comma and often read through what I’ve put down several times to determine if makes sense. This may be why I have so many meme’s on my site, they are like shorthand for my thoughts.
With that said, there is no way I could let what I saw on Yahoo yesterday pass without comment. The author’s English may be correct (I really, really am not the one who could fairly judge) but their understanding of what words mean, how the sciences inform us of earths history, and their ability to comprehend the import of what is said is sorely lacking. All of this points to a US educational system that not only fails the author, but fails all of us as well: we have to live with all of these ignorant folk stumbling around breathing our air.
The article is so poorly written it’s entertaining. Read through and see if any of this makes any sense to you. Originally posted by Yahoo here.
A new study with a Canadian connection reveals that all human life on earth was obliterated two billion years ago.
Researchers came to this conclusion after testing barite, a mineral found in Belcher Islands, in the southeast part of Hudson Bay, which is part of Nunavut.
The rocks were helpful for researchers as they “lock in chemical signatures” needed to understand what the atmosphere was like when they first formed, co-lead author and Stanford University Ph.D. candidate Malcolm Hodgskiss told CNN.
Ultimately the study determined that there is such a thing as too much oxygen, by examining the circumstances surrounding the “Great Oxidation Event.”
Billions of years ago, long before dinosaurs, the only creatures that were able to survive on Earth were micro-organisms. When they photosynthesized, they changed the chemical composition of the air, leading to a surplus of oxygen that couldn’t be sustained.
The Earth’s atmosphere was ultimately sent askew, as the micro-organisms drained all the nutrients they needed in order to create oxygen. In turn, the biosphere – also known as life on Earth – experienced an “enormous drop,” and scientists only recently began to understand just how enormous it was.
According to their findings, anywhere between 80 to 99.5 per cent of organisms at the time were abolished, since there were too many of them creating too much oxygen.
“Even our most conservative estimates would exceed estimates for the amount of life that died off during the extinction of the dinosaurs approximately 65 million years ago,” Hodgskiss told CNN.
Since the planet is still vulnerable to atmospheric changes, these ancient findings are pertinent to the current day. Warming oceans affect nutrient levels and runoff in oceans interferes with underwater ecosystems. This in turn threatens photosynthesizing organisms that supply more than half of the oxygen in the planet’s atmosphere.
What the hell is that on it’s collar?