A Comforting Thought

I encourage all parents to familiarize their children with both the constitution and with the tools necessary for them to defend themselves. Teach them to secure the blessings of liberty.
Remember, the media colludes to force the outcomes their owners desire. They expertly rig this game. They’ve done exceptional well and failed once. Now they will redouble their efforts and come at America with a vengeance.
Classic socialist nut-case. Create a riot and then play the victim. When will we learn to shun these folk and condemn their actions? How is it possible that this hideous communist now occupies one of the seats of power in our government?
It seems to me that China has always played on the fears of other nations. They’ve postured themselves as powerful and dominating and the world has viewed them as unrelenting in their pursuit of national objectives. That well crafted image may be nothing more than that, an image; we are about to find out.
By demonstrating the willingness to take them to the mat, Trump has shown them that America will not play by the rules that they’ve crafted. We will exercise power across the spectrum (military, markets, capital, society, political, etc) to ensure that their long game will be ineffective. The tactic of waiting out this President, that he is a temporary setback, will fail for two reasons: Trump’s willingness to apply pressure so quickly and forcefully and their realization that he may not go away two years hence.
They are now faced with the prospect that their economy may be so damaged that social upheaval may be unavoidable. And that folks, ancillary to the economics, is what worries these Communists the most.
The deep state globalist plan was to destroy Trump and ruin anyone close to him. They couldn’t have conceived that Trump would survive everything they’ve thrown at him. He’s only starting to growl, just wait until he starts taking bites. Payback is coming, & it will be legendary. I for one can’t wait to see the fallout.
A good number of outlets are reporting on crime statistics this morning and how over the last several years the trends are changing dramatically . I’m a big believer that stats are made to be manipulated, and while that may be going on here, there is no doubt that the numbers reported are startling. I snatched this assessment from Breitbart this morning. I note that we have to get pretty far into the article until we learn that a very large number of these arrests were for immigration violations. I guess this goes to show that regardless of the source of the news, each of us has to assess for ourselves the biases of that source. The numbers are still staggering, but need to be understood in the context of increased federal activity in enforcing immigration law. Here’s Breitbart’s article (in part):
A report by DOJ finds that while federal arrests of U.S. citizens rose just ten percent between 1998 and 2018, federal arrests of non-U.S. citizens rose about 234 percent over the same period.
For example, in 1998, 63 percent of all federal arrests were of U.S. citizens, while non-U.S. citizens accounted for about 37 percent of all federal arrests. In 2018, about 64 percent of all federal arrests were of non-U.S. citizens — accounting for 24 percent of all federal drug arrests, 25 percent of all federal property arrests, and 28 percent of all federal fraud arrests.
U.S. citizens, on the other hand, make up a small minority of federal arrests today, accounting for only 36 percent of all federal arrests in 2018. The data is not broken down on how many of these U.S. citizens are naturalized citizens, foreign-born, and how many are native-born U.S. citizens.
Though non-U.S. citizens represent just seven percent of the total U.S. population, they accounted for 15 percent of all federal arrests and 15 percent of all prosecutions for non-immigration related crimes in 2018. This indicates that non-U.S. citizens were about 2.3 times as likely to be arrested or prosecuted for non-immigration related crimes.
Last year, about 85 percent of federal arrests of non-U.S. citizens were for immigration offenses, and another five percent of the arrests were for immigration-related offenses. For perspective, in 1998, about 19,556 non-U.S. citizens were arrested for immigration offenses. By 2018, that number has ballooned to nearly 106,000 arrests — more than five times, or a 441 percent increase, the total of just 20 years ago.
So let me see if I’ve got this right: he’s a she because he identifies as such. Using that logic then he is a hamster because I identify him as such. Ok, got it. What if I begin to identify whole groups of folk as something other than what they actually are? What if I identify others as sub-human? Using this idiots logic I’m free of the burden of science and rationality and can do as I damn well choose.