You and Your Willie

Why not just let people keep their own money?
There is a huge difference between what we see happening in Hong Kong and what the ANTIFA movement is doing in the United States. I think the major differences is how members of the two groups value “self determination”.
There are large segments of the US population that have lived their entire lives coddled and bathed in privilege; they have no understanding of ‘struggle’. This is true for rich and poor alike, that is to say that even the poor in the US are coddled (free housing, food, phone, internet, healthcare, etc). They have not experienced life threatening poverty. Anyone that pulls there self from the depths of poverty (or the threat of abject poverty) by his own means knows that his own self determination has changed the world.
The ‘struggle’ that any given ANTIFA member is involved with is not a struggle at all. It’s an activity that satisfies the social needs of its participants. It would stop immediately, if “Maslow’s Hierarchy Model” has any merit whatsoever, by pulling the rug from under their support mechanism and sending them back to the physiological level of the model. The world changes big time if you have no food or shelter.
So the members of ANTIFA are being manipulated because they are simpletons. Here is an example of the sirens cry:
PAIN! HEARTBREAK! BEING SADISTICALLY VICTIMIZED [primarily by psychotic billionaires]. most people are decent. most people form progressive political convictions through desperation to attain the environmentally, economically, societally just/equitable/free world universally recognized as BETTERMENT. most everyone’s biological imperative is to make a comfortable living [build a civilization] doing far more good than harm. however, by about 16yrs old, most everyone discovers that a sadistic few gain the greatest rewards [$$$] by capitalizing [corrupt capitalism] on the suffering of the many.
They recognize only real democracy can weaken, destroy and replace the cruel despotism of psychotic billionaires. 1% of children are beaten and grow up passionately seeking to become the punisher [republicans] rather than the punished. wholesome political convictions of the most passionate individuals are crushed [punished] by the psychotics who rule today. how do we overcome evil, billionaire rule? see my website and call me
Trust me, I’ve been there: If you’re struggling to find food and shelter you wouldn’t get past the first sentence before abandoning this drivel and beginning a search for a resolution to your physiological needs.
Remember when Jill Stein raised $7 million for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania expecting it cost $2.5M per state? Then they only recounted Wisconsin?
What happened to the rest of the money and where has Jill been? This is how socialism works.
Here is what I believe is going on: these three lawyers are pawns. The purpose of challenging the results is so that when additional information comes out down the road the conspirators can ‘we’ve been down this road’ or ‘this is old news’.
There is a game being played and an illusion being created that protects powerful pedophiles. The object in this opening portion of the illusion is to have us look at the events in the prison and ignore the events that put Epstein there. Such is the world in which we find ourselves