Quite Operational

Why on this God’s earth would someone have a twitter handle of ‘catturd’? That said, he/she/it makes a good point about viewership, as folk tend to tune to the network that supports their political view.
What most folk don’t know (and the news corporations do) is that the networks leverage this tendency to emotionally hook their audience. They trade in emotions. Crafting messages, typically outrage, that create a strong emotional response. The emotional response is physiological and the body becomes dependent on the chemical response. So much for what you thought was free will.
The justness or righteousness (wokeness) of their position on an issue is carefully managed, as keeping you emotionally involved requires that they have the appearance of a moral thought leader. Should that facade fall their audience will quickly fall away as well.
I was hesitant to post the ‘manifesto’ produced by the shooter in El Paso. After some thought I figured that it may beneficial to understand just what that kid was thinking. It may be especially beneficial if you are on the fence post over whether to carry a firearm or not.
I’m a CC permit holder. About half of the time if I leave my vehicle while I’m alone I do not carry my sidearm. If I’m with my family I never fail to carry when we are out and about, they count on me for their safety. In the last 6 years of having a permit, I’ve never walked into Wallyworld (with or without my family) without my pistol. But that’s just me.
It’s hot out there right now. My guess is that it’s going to get a lot hotter. The text in the manifesto is at Drudge. The link is below.
Slow postings today folks, I’ve been gathering from the garden and canning up batches of salsa. I pulled in a couple of hundred Roma tomatoes, about a hundred Jalapeno’s, some bell peppers, banana peppers, parsley, and oregano. I’ve got bunches of salsa put up in pint jars and expect that a couple hundred more tomatoes will be ready to pull tomorrow as well.
A good day is any day that you’re able to can veggies straight from the garden. I’m havin’ good days!
Postings will be up to snuff once I get this bounty onto the shelf.
Late breaking news for you democrat candidates and the moonbats that support them: you’re not forgiving or cancelling college debt: you’re just shifting it from those that incurred the debt to those that did not.
Many Americans chose a career over 4, 6, or even 8 years of listening to socialist drivel in the safe-spaced halls of academia, these are the hard working folk that you now want to pick up that tab.
What you are trying to do is to buy the votes with other people’s money. If you had any shred of decency, and you don’t, you’d ask the indebted idiot to grow a pair and live up to the promise they made (pay back what they borrowed).
Two debates complaining about the costs of education and nobody has called her out for making $400k in 2 years to teach and consult ONE class.
I’ve sat outside this theater in the 60’s on a five gallon bucket and watched many a film. The building did not have air conditioning and the windows were covered with adjustable slats that held out the light yet permitted the air to flow through the screens. As long as we were quiet the theater staff would not run us off…..we could rarely be quite !
This is what happens when the government assumes to much control over the lives of it’s population. There is good news however for the next generation of Brits; the government has allowed so many savages into the country that life will become so much more challenging. The downside is that the new purpose of life for these wayward souls will be to avoid the murder and mayhem that is sure to emerge.
Buckle up buttercups, your life is about to become much more ‘interesting’.