Captain Oblivious

You’d think that with all of the criticism Dirty Joe has received over the last several week he would have found less intimate way to greet his granddaughter. Damn Joe just give the ladies a little space!

Salsa Round Two | A Surprise

The Roma tomatoes are coming into their own, so I rounded up enough to make another batch of salsa this afternoon. The way I keep the sauce from becoming to runny, after I get the pot simmering for several minutes with the tomatoes, peppers, parsley, garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper I take a large spoon and lift out as much as the liquid as I can. I do this because I know that I will have to add vinegar and lemon juice back in.

Well I was looking at the glass 4 cup measure I use to hold the juice and thought: ‘bet that would be good over ice’. It was! I’ve been making salsa for years and this is the first time that I tried this. It’s not just good, it’s damn good. It’s so good that I’m tempted to make batches of the liquid alone!

Stock in Frito Lay

Yesterday afternoon I noticed that I had way to many tomatoes laying about and, rather than feed them to the compost pile, I’d crank up some salsa.

The problem is that they were not Roma tomatoes but rather Bonny Best and Besser (cherry sized). What the hell, it was bunches more work but I did want to see how it would work out.

So I pealed and cored roughly 10 cups (drained) added 2 medium bell peppers, 2 banana peppers, 10 jalapenos, 4 cloves of garlic, parsley, oregano, and 3 medium onion and cooked it for about 20 minutes in 1/2 cup of vinegar and 2 Tbls of lemon juice. Of course I used a little canning salt and ground black pepper. A 20 minute water bath was used to seal the jars.

This produced 5 pints of absolutely great salsa. I wolfed down an entire jar in one sitting and in the process devoured half a bag of Doritos. Doritos are made by Frito Lay and I’m in the market for many more bags this summer!

Roma’s are producing some ripe fruit so expect that I’ll be canning daily throughout this next week.