Time to Smoke that Mirror
About the only way to battle back against the damning ‘Joe’s an Idiot’ report out of the DOJ is to have the news media circle the wagons and confuse the issue as only they can. Take a look at headline below and then read the first sentence under that. I thought we were going to talk about Biden?.

I guess an editor someplace thought that wasn’t confusing enough and the only patriotic thing to do was make the entire issue as un-understandable as possible, here is how it reads:
An overwhelming majority of Americans think President Joe Biden is too old to serve another term, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.
According to the poll, conducted using Ipsos’ Knowledge Panel, 86% of Americans think Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. That figure includes 59% of Americans who think both he and former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, are too old and 27% who think only Biden is too old.
Lets see if I understand: the 86% that think Joe is too old is made up, in part, by the 59% that think Trump is too old? If I exclude the Trump numbers do Joe’s rise to only 27 percent?
Is it ‘their’ intent to create so much damage to the credibility of the 4th estate that it will no longer matter whether what is being reported is true (or not) as no one has any faith in the media.
Those elements of the media that are meeting the issue head on are not being kind to the stumbling old man.
I’ll say it once again, the only person that thinks Joe is just fine is Joe. That being the case, the person with the least objective view on his ability to serve is Joe himself. And yet they push him out in front of the cameras with the whole world wondering if this is just a bad SNL skit.
One final point on how obvious his senility is: AI wouldn’t touch it. Not a peep from that ‘helpful’ little algorithm that dominates every response on Yahoo. Even it knew better than to defend the indefensible.
Colon Cleaner
I have, in the past, written a time or two about the hot sauce and salsa (among other goodies) I conjure up from veggies in the garden. I’m always on the lookout for innovative recipes that others are using/creating to see what twist(s) I can add to my stock and store. I ran across this earlier today. I thought that this was surely a joke. . . anyway it gave me a laugh.

So I did a simple search on Yahoo and two things became apparent: It’s no joke, and AI sucks at what it does.
First the no joke info. I found the guys/gals that crank this stuff out and it is indeed Professor Phardtpounders Colon Cleaner Hot Sauce – Elixir of capsaicin extremus. They have been around for years and have actually entered and took second in a hot sauce competition. They have other equally intriguing offerings:

The AI part of this post is my continuing rant on how dangerous and ridiculous (it can be both at the same time) this shit is. Here is what was pasted to the top of the search results when I went hunting for the hot sauce:

It just made shit up! It scrapped together BS pulled from other articles or encyclopedia and threw it at me. I suppose in the not too distant future that the little ‘Created by AI’ symbol/notice will grow smaller and smaller until it disappears completely. We’ll all be at the mercy of algorithms.
UPDATE: A short while after I posted the above I got a call on my cell phone. I guess I’m about like half of America, if I don’t recognize the number I don’t answer. The area code is/was 659 and I wondered where that was at.. . . a search on Yahoo produced the following results.
AI says:

Reality says:

Why Tucker was so Thoroughly Criticized
Seems like the western press might have been holding back on us a little.

Oakland: The Land of Opportunity
That’s some bold shit right there! Cop car was right outside the door and he’d double parked to grease the get-away.
And here all of this time I thought that the low hanging pants were a fashion statement.
Not News
The DOJ released the Special Councils report on Old Joe’s mishandling of classified information. Accompanying the release was the explanation (misdirection by the way) of why he wouldn’t be charged: the jury would be sympathetic to an aged old man loosing his memory. In fact, the reason he won’t be charged is he is not fit to stand trial.

What is telling is that the DOJ said the silent part out loud: He is unfit for office. That is damning not only to the President, but also speaks volumes about the group of weasels that prop up this walking sock puppet. If you have/had any doubts about the existence of The Deep State consider the depth and breadth of the deception visited upon the citizens of our nation. OBTW, there is a broad swath of brainiacs that still deny there are little men behind the green curtain pulling the levers. They will not easily abandon the belief that you and I are conspiracy theorists and that all remains well in the city along the Potomac .
If an investigator picked up on his incompetence in a simple interview, surely those with a seat at the table knew his elevator had quit functioning sometime in the distant past. Here then is an indicator of just how hosed the nation is: not one of the thousands of folk that knew of his incompetence said a fuqen word. Not a peep. Was this because they lacked ‘free choice’? Nope. It was because they would sacrifice the country (indeed the future of the free world) in order to save their own jobs and the perks that flow therefrom.
That this guy is incompetent is not news, that little secret has been in the public domain from the time he started staying in his basement to run for public office. What is news is that a series of ‘someones’ decided that now is the time to deep six his administration.
I don’t blame Biden, he is probably the only person within the halls of Whitehouse and the vast administration that didn’t know he was well beyond his use-by date. I blame all those around him that would do whatever it took, including destroying the nation in order to satisfy their need to self actualize in the Democratic party.
New news would be an investigation into who knew this guy was this far gone and when they knew it. Those heads need to roll.
Abused by the News
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of folk.
Ms Karine Grabapussy’s pained face during her response is priceless. Most telling is that even the paid propagandist couldn’t even take a try at explaining the unexplainable.
Knicky had a rough night in Nevada; loosing by more than 32 points to ‘None of the Above’. I haven’t found Mr. Above’s victory speech nor is there a concession speech splattered across cyberspace by the former ambassador. There must be a tremendous financial upside compelling her forge on well past the use by date. Who is she working for?

Time to pass the hat for poor Taylor Swift. Having been nominated for 54 Grammy’s and bringing home no less than 14, America’s sweetheart has landed on skid row and is forced to sell one of her two private jets. Pass the hat around folks.

Not that I particularly care about your health (my own being another matter altogether), but I was kinda/sorta intrigued by the company that issued a nation wide recall on dairy products: Rizo Lopez. They are recalling 61 products including cheese, yogurt, and sour cream (crema) sold under 13 brand names. The real news here, for us in the general population, is we are operating under the false perception that we are choosing from an array of alternatives in the market place when what we really have are choices in the packaging.

Breitbart says: “26 Americans have been stricken with the virus, with another 23 hospitalized in 11 states.” Which means, if their reporting is correct, that 49 Americans have been stricken. But, alas their reporting is not correct: The CDC says that a total of 26 have been effected and 23 of them have been hospitalized.
While it’s a damn shame that we have to fact check everything we see, hear, or read, the future may bring changes that will remove that ‘burden’ from our tool kit.

From Microsoft: Microsoft is launching several collaborations with news organizations to adopt generative AI. In a year where billions of people will vote in democratic elections worldwide, journalism is critical to creating healthy information ecosystems, and it is our mission, working with the industry, to ensure that newsrooms can innovate to serve this year and in the future.
The good news is that Microsoft is teaming with the a firm called Semafor to get this effort off of the ground. Semafor is a firm founded by notorious former Buzzfeed editors Ben Smith and Justin Smith. The hits keep on coming.
Thomas 38: A Warning

Anything for Shits and Giggles
I can understand a couple of airheads making the mistake of thinking hot peppers are just hot (vice deadly), but to then post it online is telling.
The term ‘bimbo’ has sort of fallen from favor as of late so I applaud these fine young ladies for doing their part to resurrect it.
The Promise that is America | Feral Children
Unwashed | Ubiquity
Produced for the consumption of unwashed masses. By highlighting the failure(s) of these innocuous platforms many (most?) will chalk this up as another proof that the promise of technology is both empty and harmless.
These clumsy physical objects are kept in the public’s eye, while the non-visible cyber technology blasts it’s way toward ubiquity unobserved. The physical bots distract us from the nefarious bots and their relentless march.
OK, time to go back to sleep and to the comfort of my ignorance.
21-Light | Not Sweetness and Light
Can any necessary message, regardless of how unpleasant, be unwelcome?

Interestingly, this portion of the 21st saying has also been interpreted as: “gird up your loins with a great strength so that the robbers will not discover the way to come towards you, because the advantage you expect, they will discover.”
Have a great Sunday!
Our Brave New World
This is a perfect example of how our world is evolving: A bad AI produced piece on the death of Mike Gill?

Or, it could be what now passes as journalism. This at the bottom of the article.

In either case I do expect that there are powerful interests that benefit from ignorant societies. I guess it doesn’t much matter if that ignorance is born from misinformation or from mistrust.
Even Breitbart cannot seem to give an article a quick smell test before going to print:

The Miami Herald and Telegraph (respectively) below:

Then, whenever the narrative gets uncomfortable, we can count on the gatekeepers to shield us from unapproved thought.

It’s a good thing that we are no longer teaching follow on generations how to think (vice how to access a search engine) who knows how much damage could be done.
Thomas 78 | When the Answer is Yes

Not a hint. Nope, not a smidgen.
So many have now flooded over the border that it’s impossible to remove them. Given the heart felt gratitude shown by these bellwethers why would we want to?
Diversity, the gift that keeps on giving.
All Righty Then | Dim Big Sity Blu’s

Smells Like Chapstick

OMG It’s Early | Subtle Morning Wake Up Call
35 Years as a Mouthpiece
This azz spent his entire naval career as a mouthpiece for one PR element or another. When he retired he continued with the only job he knew how to do: twist words and placate inquiring minds.
Not to worry folks it was only traumatic brain injury and only to a few patriots.
Another indicator of the decline in the American conscience.
Nice Irish Kids and Village Idiots

That line in the sand that constitutes our southern border is rapidly fading and the wild west, complete with Comancheros, is returning. It’s what the environmentalist might call reverting to it’s native condition.

The po-po, using the latest in artificial intelligence software and professional programmers have produced images of two of the victims. Kinda hard to believe they were able to identify the perps but not the victims. If you know of a village absent it’s idiots you may want to call those boys in blue.
I’m not on a Latinx kick today, all the attention they are getting they have earned on their own merit. Fruit of their own making I suppose.
It Begins
I’m really of two minds on this whole immigration/migration thingy. I’ll not go into that forest here and now, but I will say that it is utterly insane not allow these folks the ability to support themselves (think work permits) and then complain that they are a drag on the public treasury.
With that thought behind us, just wait until similarly minded folk discover the wonders of firearms. There is a great upheaval brewing and I’ll bet dollars to donuts that the big city politicians will find a way to ignore the evolution/revolution on their streets until it explodes.
Dammit (Wrong Laser)
I was so damned pleased and excited as I opened the box of my Ruger’s new laser sight. Slapped the battery in that puppy and went to mount it…only to find that it was made for the Ruger LCP and I had a Ruger LCP II. Dammit. Good thing that Amazon gives do overs (at no cost), so I’m back to waiting for my new laser once again.

Holster arrive and It’s great. New below and old above.

I’m pretty safe around fire arms. Even still, there are things in the environment that will remind you just how deadly they are and how quickly things can go south. This last November one of my neighbors sent me a note asking if I knew who it was that shot himself in front of my place. That kinda talk gets your attention real quick. Turns out it was a hunter that lives about 15 miles south of here (near Rogersville) and he was on the road that separates my property from Alabama. I found this on his Facebook page a short while later:

What got me thinking about this event was the challenge I have with clearing my LCP. It was made for shooting, not for unloading. Here is why:

That is a 380 round sitting on the ejection port of the LCP. There is zero clearance for an undischarged round to clear the port. It fires well, and I’ve never had an expended shell fail to eject but clearing it with an undischarged round is a real pain. Here is another view:

In the grand scheme of things this means that if you own an LCP and carry with one in the chamber then you will always have a challenge clearing the weapon. That pesky round in the chamber just becomes too comfortable in it’s circumstances to dislodge easily. Despite these two major drawbacks (no external safety and undersized port) the weight and ease in concealment make it my weapon of choice.
If understanding the mysteries coded in the Gospel of Thomas is/was a prerequisite for obtaining the ‘Kingdom’ then its disappearance for more than 1,600 years is truly tragic: all of those lives without a single salvaged soul. It’s difficult for me to envision a One God that would let that happen.

I’m thinking that the sayings of that work (as secret as they are) are a gift, of sorts, to bring comfort, provide directions, and impart wisdom to the ‘newly ungrounded’.
I suppose that we will all find out sooner or later.
Wars and Rumors Thereof
I was sorry to hear that a three US Soldiers bought it in Jordan over the weekend. Today they released the names and the unit they were affiliated with. They were reservists. I have no idea why they forward deployed these folks, but it seems to me they would have gone through a whole slew of active-duty units and staff before reaching for reservists.

I don’t mean to short those that serve our nation in the reserves; I do mean to question what the hell happened to the active-duty end-strength for engineer units that necessitated that staffing solution.

Photos and maps of the area show that territory to be on the pointy edge of the spear. My condolences go out to the family of those who gave all and those injured in Jordan.
On a related note I saw this headline and it gave me great concern. Either the leadership at the Pentagon, the Biden administration, or the snowflake reporters over at Reuters don’t understand how the national command authority works or where (what body) the constitution allocates the authority to wage war.

Sadly, most Americans don’t understand that either.
On a brighter note, I found this while I was passing through the pasture a short while ago.

Wars and rumors of war in far flung lands while life goes on and anew here in rural Tennessee.
A Dollar a Seed | Heavy Drug Use in Rochester
Yesterday was a welcome reprieve from the constant rain here in southern Tennessee. It’s back again today with all day showers/storms forecast/expected.

A constant breeze yesterday set up conditions where I could get out and work without sinking into the saturated soil so I took a stab at clearing out some of the gravel around the planting beds in the garden and stuffed some more hay into the hay rings so that I wouldn’t have to do it today. I won’t melt but the tractor will tear up the pasture when They’re drenched.
Today is a different story, the rain came for a good long while and I spent the morning working up my veggie and seed order from Victory Seeds (site here). I found everything I needed but the Besser Tomatoes. Amazon has them and they did just fine last time I went there.

Just as I was rounding out my ‘shopping cart’ at Victory I got spam mail from another seed provider that I’ve purchased from in the past: Harris Seed. A quick look at their site and one thing became immediately apparent: Someone is doing drugs in Rochester.

I thought someone had had erred so I dug a little deeper and found that the people over at Harris (site here) must really love their seeds.

When it comes to tomatoes there is no limit to the varieties. The same goes for other edibles but not quite so apparent. Baker Creek (site here) has some pretty wild heirloom varieties. I’ve done business with in the past and they were the only firm that bothered to mail me (as in someone carries a physical object and places in a box near your home) a color hard copy of their seed catalog. Unsolicited.

I’m was going to pass on all of the novelties this year and get back to the very basics of a country garden, but what’s the fun in that? I’m ordering these multicolored gems and the large yellow beefsteak (below).

I’ve still got to order root-stock and scion wood for apple and pear, but that’s an adventure (and story) saved for another day.
Comfortable in Their Ignorance
Why attempt to confuse the issue by providing all of these facts?
Father of the year brought the receipts.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 30, 2023
Enough with the lies. Protect the children. pic.twitter.com/PJ0TVnfJzi
The Essential Crow
COVID Scaremongering
Remember when ‘they’ told you the vaccine was perfectly safe? Remember when they blocked social media sites and folk who raised the alarm?

Well, it looks like the those that tried to inform the public on the risks were right all along. Turns out the CDC did not send an alert on COVID-19 vaccines and heart inflammation because officials were concerned they would cause panic. That’s what The Epoch Times is reporting:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2021 drafted an alert for heart inflammation, or myocarditis, and the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. Officials prepared to release it to the public, taking steps including having the agency’s director review the language, internal documents show.
The alert would have been sent through the CDC’s Health Alert System (HAN) network, which goes to state and local officials, as well as doctors, across the country.
The alert was never sent.
I guess what comes next is a well reasoned argument. It would go something like this.
OK everybody, now you can go back to sleep.
Wisdom from the Aged | Buckle Up

About Time | Improving LCP Target Acquisition
After several years of practicing, I’ve finally came to the realization that there is no way that I’ll be able to knock down a threat with my 380 before it closes the distance on me. Truth be known, a threat wouldn’t really have to break a sweat getting to me as it takes that damn long to pull the pistol from my pocket, focus on the sights, and gain a sight picture with a Ruger LCP. The sights are tiny and the length of the pistol is minuscule. I had accepted that everyday my carry was only good for distances within the reach of bad breath.

To improve my speed, I’ve gone to 6+1 (carry with one in the chamber). Pretty dangerous for a weapon with no external safety. Theoretically the ‘safety’ is provided by the cloth holster it comes with: you cannot pull the trigger through the cloth.
As bad as it is/was there is no way I would consider a concealed carry that is any heavier or larger. That old sag about a concealed carry being no good unless you carry it still holds true.
Now it came to pass, after these several years, the holster had all but given up the ghost. I went online to see what was available and how many kidneys I was going to need to give up and I was surprised to find that every mom and pop outfit on the mainland of China produces holsters for a LCP and about half of them produce holsters for LCPs outfitted with laser optics.

Laser optics for a LCP? I had no idea. Laser optics that are available for under a hundred dollars and weighing in at less than 8/10th of an once? I’m all in.
For the holster I chose one that’s ‘convertible’ and can be used either as pocket carry holster or a ‘Inside the Waist Band’ (IWB) holster. made by DOTM (stands for Don’t Tread On Me) Pocket/IWB Holster. 20 Bucks.

The holster comes with two retainer clips that change the height of the carry along the waist or it can be quickly removed for pocket carry. It weighs in at a little more than an once.
I see some more ‘range time’ in my future, lets see if I can get the time to engage a target down to something I can measure with a watch (vice a calendar).
I’m With Jack

Everything but Flying Monkeys
All of the ice and snow has converted to liquid and started it’s long journey to the sea. Last week we got down to -6 and it stayed at or below freezing from Sunday the 14th until the afternoon of Monday the 21st. Just when we cleared that hurdle another is being thrown in our path: flooding.

Wifey was able to get out to her hairdresser who lives/works about 5 miles away; I drove the route in advance in my Jeep to make sure all of the residual ice was cleared from the road and that she’d be OK. Between the time she left at 9:30 and the time I left to make sure she could get back in (noonish) enough rain had fallen to flood the low areas along the route. The most significant was along my drive. Here is what my valley looks like in ‘normal’ times:

Now here is what it looks like when the wicked witch of the west frowns over my piece of paradise. Looking down at the valley during a heavy rain.

My drive that crosses a ‘feeder’ (or wet weather stream) that feeds the creek.

Now here is a photo looking east along the ‘feeder’. Notice how much higher the wall of the trench look in the distance than they do near the road. As the water washes down it flows out of the banks and spreads across the terrain from near where base of the tree that is on the left of the photo near the road.. It also flows out of its banks past the tree on the right of the photo. In short, it flows broadly and swiftly through this area.

So after weathering the ice and snow of last week the rain and floods are thrown my way this week. I guess flying monkey are next. All of this for a boy that spent his formative years in an environment that looks like this:

I Guess We Just Look Stupid
I wonder if this idiocy is effective? I don’t like much about the current admin and it’s overly woke brown nosed staffers and administrators. I do know that 50 percent of the time I can correctly identify when someone has pulled out a dog whistle and is playing me a tune.

I don’t care if your an R or D, this constant ripping at societies wounds serves no good end. Did the author at Breitbart expect the SecDef to go out looking for him? Do you know how utterly inept the Navy would appear if their mission success depended on having Austin available?
At this point I’m no long angry at Austin (whom I always presumed was a fool) but at Breitbart for playing me as one.
Dreams of Dirt
I posted about my garden ambitions a short while ago and this morning I got to wondering why it is that the garden is on my mind at this time of year. Then it hit me: sauerkraut and hot sauce. I made a couple of hot dogs the other day and placed store bought (Vlasic) sauerkraut over the dog and splashed on just a few (a judicious few) drops of some hot sauce I had made a couple of years ago. That stuff is both hot and has a great flavor and I’m down to my last bottle. Oh, by the way: to say that I made it a few years ago is only kinda/sorta correct as it is still slowly continuing to ferment.

It’s made from fermented ‘Super Chili Peppers’ shown above. These weigh in on the top of the medium range of Scoville Heat Units (SHU) at 50,000 SHU. They are also know as ‘Asian Super Chili Peppers’. They are a dead ringer for the ‘Thai Chili Pepper’ (shown below). Thai Chili Peppers have a SHU rating of 100,000.

If you had bushes from both varieties in your garden then you’d not be able to distinguish between them on looks alone. Here is how to tell the difference: pick a couple of peppers from the plant, then reach down and grab your genitalia. If you quit screaming within a week then it was a Super Pepper, any longer then it was Thai.
I found a site that shows 470 pepper varieties and their respective Scoville Heat Units (SHU). It is located here. The table is by SHU (vice alphabetical) so the search/find feature of in your browser is your friend.
Ferment the peppers by coarsely chopping and then toss them in a jar with salted water. Things will get wild for a while and then calm down after a couple of weeks (I let mine go long). Everything, including the brine, goes into the blender until it is completely liquid. Poor it into bottles (Amazon is your friend) and you’ve got a great hot sauce that is, as far as my tastes go, on the upper limit of heat.
The sauerkraut made me think about the garden as well. Once you make your own, at home, with cabbage from the garden (notice I didn’t say your garden), store bought just doesn’t quite scratch the itch. Beyond remembering the great taste of past ferments, I ran across this as I was looking through old links.
Ingredients: cabbage, red apple, caraway seeds, whey, salt and spring water. Can’t wait to see if I can make this ferment work!
So even though I can’t get out of my driveway I’m thinking of a garden and what kind of great stuff can be created from 5th year soil (vice the dirt Ive been growing in for the last 4 years).

I feel like I’ve crossed the finish line of a long challenging race. Today, at 9:01 the temp got above freezing for the first time in more than a week.
With some luck the driveway will be clear enough tomorrow to permit passage.
See? There is a God.
I Weep for the Nation | Veep Speak
A Little Rhythm to Help Get Your Ass out of Bed
A little less than 55 years ago. My God how the time has flown!
One Day a New Day Must Begin | Thank you Anna Mae
One More Day
We’ve been locked down since Monday of last week and it looks like that’s about to end come this Monday. Still have to get through one more night of damn cold (vice fu@king cold) weather tonight but 6 is not unbearable. It was 6 when I took the dogs out for a walk at 5 this morning.

The rain may pooh-poo a Wednesday fishing opportunity, but it’s not like there’s not plenty to do around here. My largest major project is the downsizing of my garden. It’s not that it is too large for the amount of planting I want to do, it’s just too large a task maintaining the ground that I’m not planing into.
Generally I’m set up as in graphic below. Excluding the fruit trees the area is 60 feet by 120 feet. The small rectangles are 4×12 foot raised planting beds made with treated deck lumber. The large rectangles are 30 by 40 foot planting areas. The planting area at the top of the graphic is covered in heavy woven plastic sheeting with holes burned into them at 1 foot intervals.

The area between them is covered with ‘crusher run’ (gravel) over a heavy plastic cover. Here is a view (south side of the garden looking north north east) of my Roma tomatoes in the raised boxes.

This photo taken from the north side looking south. Young pepper plants in the foreground.

The perimeter fencing is 8 inch by 8 foot treated poles (little black squares) concreted 2 feet into the ground. between these poles I’ve pounded in tee posts and then wrapped the area in 5 ft high fencing. To keep the deer out I’ve run two lines of metal weaved plastic line (normally used in electric fencing) across the top of the posts and then half way between the post and the fence. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that what I’ve done will not keep deer out of a garden. That may be so, but it’s kept deer out of my garden.
The maintenance problem arises from the spaces between the planting boxes. Any blown seed that lands on the gravel will begin to grow. I know it’s hard to believe but 80 percent of the time I was spending in the garden was spent on beating back the weeds. I’ve had enough of it, I’m going to cut the garden in half lengthwise.
- move the boxes that are on the south side to the north sided and place them on top of the existing boxes.
- Cut the large planting area on the top of the graphic by more than half
- Overlay the large planting area on the bottom right with plastic weave.
- Reestablish the fencing

Taken together the total time I spend on weeding should be reduced to a very doable 40 percent.
But first, I’ve got to get through these next two days!
Settling In for a Mid Winters Nap
I was able to get to the hay barn and get a couple of roll out to the cattle yesterday. It was a day ahead of my ‘every three days’ schedule mandated. I could feel the tractor sliding on the hills so I did use the alternate route I mapped out and posted earlier. No warning lamps or error codes on the New Holland, that’s a relieve as the previous use had me staring at a dash that looked like this:

a=power takeoff RPM b= warning light c=hours d= DEF system performance e= error code
Simply read what the panel says is there is a non-critical problem with the engine and the error code is 17359. Now, I’ve got an operator’s manual for the New Holland and no where in the book is there a list of error codes and how to fix them; no where. If you go online you find exactly the same information you find in the operator’s manual: none. As fortune would have it, when I started the machine yesterday the fault and the lights associated with the fault had cleared. Another mystery to go along with the mystery from last week. The machine went down hard and ‘de-rated’ and so I had to borrow a Kubota 108 from my neighbor. The mechanic came out from Huntsville and said ‘I don’t have a clue, I’m going to have to dig into it’. I haven’t got the bill yet, but I’m sure Huntsville Tractor is going to make the trip well worth their time.
The coon hound (Maggie) absolutely loved the snow and once she hit the door she was gone for a couple of hours. I could hear her up and down the valley treeing squirrels and running deer. That attitude changed today as the partial melt from yesterday refroze the top layer of snow and created a pretty significant ice layer on the surface. She, and our other border collie (Rusty) struggled to get to a spot where they could stand and take care of ‘serious’ dog business.

We got to 6 below zero day on the Tuesday morning with no major problem. I did have the pipe running to the downstairs toilet freeze and the down heat unit would not hold 68 degrees: the auxiliary heat was on and the temp was 65. Not bad for a cabin with 23 ft. ceilings. I built this cabin using ‘pex’ vice pvc or copper so there was no busting of the pipe, it just froze. Tonight will be 9 degrees and I really should be more worried than I am, but just can’t seem to get there when its going to be 15 degrees warmer than it was two nights ago.
The coming week promises a warm up and hopefully a little time on the river is in the cards.
A Predictable Outcome | Sports Illustrated
Looks like Sports Illustrated has finally succumbed to their own wokeness and is forced to fire it’s entire staff. They missed a $2.8M payment and breached their licensing agreement.

Ok, the burkeni was bad. I mean bad, bad. But it got worse: After all of that straight male shaming and pushing clearly unhealthy models on a gasping (I mean I was gasping) public they’ve gone down in flames. The union the employees belonged to took it hard and is demanding that they continue publication of the rag.

I guess when they ran out of ladies in the plus sizes willing to put it all out there they went with the crowd that, to the man, was hugged to much as a child. One problem they should have saw coming with these girly-mans is/was they were all clamoring for the spotlight at the same time.

The owners of the debt are very unhappy with the chaos, multiple leadership changes, elimination of top staff, insufferable articles written by artificial intelligence. The obvious fixation on plus-sized and trans models in the swimsuit issues was not helpful.
If we had done a Barney Fife (nipped it in the bud) we wouldn’t have a world filled with these great wonders
This Guy Gets It | An Argentine Treasure
Comments/Speech begins at around the 6 minute mark.
I seriously doubt that the WEF knew the contents of his speech before he began. It they had then I expect that they would have prevented him from pooh-poohing on their socialist designs.
While we can score one for freedom, I expect that Vegas is now carrying a line on how long this guy lasts before going tits up.
Circling the Drain | Chicago (Again)
These video’s are a little dated and the 3 month delay between the events captured and the video’s wandering around in cyberspace until finally grabbing he attention of the news media (the ‘non-news’ media that initially shared he video’s was Carscoop) reinforces my belief that our society is in it’s last throws. While almost all of the insanity that permeates our culture radiates from large cities, those hell holes compose a far greater center of mass (population wise) than the tamer environs of the burbs or distant countryside. That ‘mass’, importantly, drives the focus of the rule-makers and thus most new rule-making is designed to bring to heel (thank Hilary for this great expression) the ungovernable.
Such is our fate now: every new rule/law now either diminishes our freedoms (in a vain attempt to bring the unheelable to heel) or to increase the power/wealth of those making the rules. It very well could be that that ‘great experiment’ of of/for/by the peeps didn’t quite work out as planned.
The good new is that mankind has many more thousands of years of experiment time. Given enough time we may just get it right. The bad news is that until we do the great majority of the population will suffer under the thumb of tyranny. That’s not to say that living under tyranny is in-and-of-itself the cause of suffering, rather it means that tyrannical governments insert themselves into every facet of a populations life. Given the great and wonderful new tools flowing from our embrace of technologies, that insertion can now be nearly complete and overwhelming.
The very wealthy and very privileged are well isolated from the ills of the world and it’s that isolation that encourages their meddling. After all the greatest gift proceeding from acquiring great wealth and power is the exercise of that power and the use of that wealth to demonstrate power.
Yep, I got all of that from what looks to be a few lowland gorilla’s and a Tesla.
Thank God
Books to Your Chickens

The Barbarians at the Gate
I’m pretty vigilant, but it’s only a matter of time before an errant click of the mouse closes the site and sends me scrambling to block access to my bank account. Not quite the same challenges our homo erectus forefathers faced, so guess I shouldn’t snivel quite so loudly.

4 Wheeling the Tractor
There’s a guy on the Weather Channel explaining why the ‘primary’ roads will be cleared before the ‘secondary’ roads; I’m not sure that anyone who didn’t know why that’s so before he explained it would understand why after he explained it.
I’ve got 18 head of cattle in the front pasture. They are OK right now but will need to get more hay into the hay rings tomorrow after the snow quits. I suppose that getting to the hay barn will be as challenging as it was the year before last when I had to go off-road with the tractor. Here’s the set-up:

The tractor is in the barn at the lower right of the image above. The hay is stored in the barn in the upper left. Both sit on high ground and the terrain between the two incorporate low ground. The normal path is along the solid red line: down a steep hill then up a steep hill. The ‘backup route’ is via the dashed red line: I go down the hill in the pasture adjacent to the equipment barn where it is not steep. Through the woods along the side of a ravine and after crossing a cattle gap (pictured below) I go left into the woods and climb the hill.
Here are a couple of pictures from last year that shows the challenge:

This taken while standing in front of the cabin and looking towards the equipment barn.

This from the valley floor looking back at my cabin. That’s my good girl standing adjacent to a concrete drive in 5 inches of snow.

This photo was taken from the same place as the previous one but facing the opposite direction. It shows the road going up and to the left and the valley running along the right side.

Finally, this is the alternate route. Photo was taken from the same spot as the previous two but looking up the secondary valley (red dashed line). On the extreme right in the photo is the starting point of the steep path through the woods.
Trying to get up and down very steep roads consisting of ice covered concrete is a fools errand so will be off-roading the tractor come tomorrow.
Effusive Words of Praise: She Was a Good Girl

For more than 7 years this had been part of our morning routine in our little spot here in Tennessee. ‘Dixie Star’ was her name and, like clockwork, she would wake us up at 5 AM for her morning walk. There were no shortcuts with this girl, you were required to trapse down the shallow draw, up the opposing side, across the field to the barn and then weave your way back to the house.

After the walk she and ‘Rusty’ our other border collie would get a couple of treats to hold them over until breakfast and then Dixie and I would watch the news; actually, I watched the news and she had her belly rubbed for 15 or 20 minutes.
Day in and day out.

That ended this last Tuesday when she suddenly got sick. We had her at the vets in Loretto on Wednesday morning and she passed that afternoon. She was a good girl.
Flying Saucer Creature?

Is a new species? ! How many other flying saucer creatures species are there?
The Way We Were
Staring the worlds greatest of all time air guitar player.