When Shit Goes South

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, dismissed the Supreme Court’s ruling against his coronavirus restrictions on religious services.  Sparkles claimed the decision to be “irrelevant.” If you’d like to understand the details there’s a story over at Brietbart that demonstrates his disdain.    About the ‘irrelevancy’, he’s right you know, it became so the moment he dismissed their decision.  He now chooses not to subscribe to our ‘consent of the governed’ social paradigm, once the bedrock of democracy, and in doing so joins the ranks of the ANTIFA and BLM crowd (albeit with different means and motives). 

Once the administrative branch of government decides that it will not be bound to decisions rendered by the judicial branch, it’s game over for our form of government.  We once believed that there were three branches of government, and each was dependent on the other for their operation.  The legislative branch could make law, but not enforce law; enforcement belonged to the administrative branch.  The judicial branch’s function, of course, is to interpret and apply the law and provide a mechanism for the settling of disputes. The judicial branch does not make laws nor does it enforce them.

So what happens if this entire checks and balances scheme goes south?  Tyranny.  The moment any powerful person in any one of the three branches assumes powers he is untitled to, and he is not stopped, the whole construct fails. Because there is no way the judicial branch can enforce it’s own decisions, the Gov. of NY has assumed the role of a benevolent master rather than a servant of the people.

This entire ‘stay your ass at home’ fiasco is an exercise in tyranny.  Some would argue that the termination of the Bill of Rights is warranted due to our dire circumstances.  Follow the science they say.  Remember the ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ appeal?.  Somehow that has progressed to ‘we will absolutely destroy your life and livelihood to compel you to obey’.  It’s not pretty, and now that ideas foundational to a government of/by/for the people have been ripped asunder, it’s about to get a whole lot uglier.