In My Neck of the Woods

Today didn’t turn out like it was forecast to a few days ago (go figure). I’ll see if I can’t get the boat into the water on Friday and catch some Ceviche worthy fish.

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For the last two days we’ve been getting rain bands from what remains of Barry. Cannot do much in the garden other than pull in a few squash and more jalapenos. I’ve put the peppers into jars using a simple brine: 6 cups vinegar, 2 of water, three cloves of garlic, and 2 Tablespoons of salt.

I tested those that I canned the other day using pickling spices added to each pint jar, they taste fantastic but elements of the spice mix (most notably the peppercorn) can get in the way during munching time, a hazard that I can avoid by placing the spices in a cheese clothe and adding that to the brine.

Out of curiosity I drove by my favorite boat launch and found that Alabama had gotten it fixed. It doesn’t look like much and it isn’t! It’s out and away from the hustle and bustle and rarely crowded. Simple is the best description.

A small country store sits a hundred yards or so from the launch and provides for bait, or if needed a greasy short order cook will crack you some eggs in the morning or sizzle up a burger at noon.

Now if I can get the weather to cooperate all will be right in my world!

In My Neck of the Woods

The last couple of days have been great and both today and tomorrow promise clear skies, light winds, and warm temps. It’s hard to believe its the early half of January and we such great weather. I’ll take it.

I charged the batteries on the boat yesterday afternoon and have a full tank of fuel. The better half promises a hearty breakfast after which I’m headed for the Elk River.

Around Southern Middle Tennessee

We dodged the small caliber tornado bullets that whipped through the area the night before last.  Not everyone in the area was as lucky, and we saw minor damage between our place and Loretto TN.  While there was not that much that got tore up from the half dozen touchdowns, those that were hit didn’t have much to start with, a little damage to those that have little is devastating.  No loss of lives or significant injuries.

I changed out the fishing line on all of the poles yesterday.  The Crappie are said to be begging to be caught.  Checked the weather this morning and saw this:

I don’t feel much like getting wet so will defer the outing until Saturday. 


Here is a shot of my Jeep and Triton as I prepare to launch on the Elk River.  The boat is about 19 ft and powered by a 115 HP Mercury 4 stroke.  Caught no fish!


Looks as if things will turn more seasonal later in this week. Will take some time away from the daily chores on the farm to coax a few catfish into the boat !

Fishing on the Elk

Elk River near Elkmont Alabama

One of the great things about living along the state line in southern middle Tennessee is my proximity to the waterways of Alabama.  In 20 minutes I can trailer my boat to multiple launch points on the Elk River and Lake Wheeler.  Another 10 minutes will get me on Wilson Lake.  More here.