Even Still

Hillary was back in the news this week, she has provided the nation some more gloom and doom in an Instagram post that is undoubtedly designed as an ‘I told you so’.

I suppose the constant rearing of her self centered head can be thought of as therapy, or perhaps she is trying to stay relevant in case she is called on by the nation to save us all.

I did not bother to peruse her post, just knowing that she posted was enough for me to pity her further.

What the enemies of Trump don’t understand is that his supporters agree with them to a large extent: he is brash, self centered, and contorts the truth beyond understanding. We know this, and in knowing this we would elect him again in a heartbeat. We don’t care to hear about it any longer, what we do want is for him to continue his America first fight.

From the Ash Heap of History

The Wall Street Journal has published a compelling article on how and why Crooked Hillary will rise again to run in 2020.  It states:

The generation of Democrats who have been waiting to take over the party from the Clintons will be fuming that she is back and stealing their show. But they revealed themselves to be bungling amateurs in the Brett Kavanaugh nomination fight, with their laughable Spartacus moments. She will trounce them. Just as Mr. Trump cleared the field, Mrs. Clinton will take down rising Democratic stars like bowling pins. Mike Bloomberg will support her rather than run, and Joe Biden will never be able to take her on.

Full story and all of the ugly details here.

And the Beat Goes On: Hillary Edition

A longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, Philippe Reines, hinted that while it’s unlikely, it’s not impossible that the United States gets a rematch election in 2020.

He  made the comments in Politico and examined, in detail, what Clinton’s role might be moving forward in Democratic politics. She is fighting hard to remain in the public eye after her shocking election loss to Trump, and she’s set to embark on a speaking tour with Bill. 

While her future could be limited to appearing at rallies, if the door were to open, I’m sure she would dash right in.

October Surprise for Mid-Terms?

Congressional Republicans are collecting evidence to show an extensive, election year, anti-Trump conspiracy between Hillary Clinton operatives such as Fusion GPS and Barack Obama appointees at the Justice Department and the FBI.

The investigation took a new turn last week. Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson decided to invoke the Fifth Amendment rather than testify under subpoena before a special House Republican task force.

Go, Please Just Go

This woman could not do enough damage to this country when she was a Senator or Secretary of State.  Now she has to sow the seeds of division as a washed up and failed politician.  Can you imagine the damage this scum would have done as President?