A Heavy Burden

This is scene I’ve seen play out dozens of times.  As a senior NCO I was routinely called on to lead funeral details for soldiers and veterans that were interred in North Alabama.  If you’ve ever had to pass that flag to a widow or child you realize just how great that soldiers sacrifice was. 

Harley’s Error

Your host at the headwaters of the Arkansas River.

Breitbart ran an article on Harley that implied that the drop in sales was due to his feud with President Trump.  While I agree, without holding myself out as a representative of the the rider community, that most riders are Trump supporters.  Most of them know that presidents come and go.  What doesn’t come and go is our love for the country.  The Harley brand has always stood as a symbol of our country.  When Harley decided to move some production to Taiwan (or wherever OCONUS) for money, it showed that that the firm was less interested in Harley as a symbol of America as long as they were able to line their pockets.  While I no longer ride, I believe that those that do will bring the leadership of Harley to their bony knees.  

Breitbart article here.

Paglia Knows What Happened

“What has happened is these young people now getting to college have no sense of history of any kind. No sense of history. No world geography. No sense of the violence and the barbarities of history. So, they think that the whole world has always been like this, a kind of nice, comfortable world where you can go to the store and get orange juice and milk, and you can turn on the water and the hot water comes out. They have no sense whatever of destruction, of the great civilizations that rose and fell, and so on, and how arrogant people get when they’re in a comfortable civilization, etc. So they now are being taught to look around them to see defects in America – which is the freest country in the history of the world – and to feel that somehow America is the source of all evil in the universe, and it’s because they’ve never been exposed to the actual evil of the history of humanity. They know nothing!”

Full story at Breitbart (here)

That Every Man be Armed

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…. The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun.” –

Patrick Henry