Discovering the Tooth Fairy is Fake

The Week has an excellent article on the probable outcome and impact of the Mueller investigation.  It begins with:  “Perhaps the best argument I have seen in favor of repealing President Trump’s pointless tax cuts is the superabundance of disposable income American liberals apparently spend on things like Robert Mueller bobble-head dolls, “Mueller is Coming” and “It’s Mueller time” T-shirts, Mueller “prayer” candles, and even children’s books featuring a super-buff bare-chested but tie-wearing Mueller lookalike hero. Turning the affectless head of a special counsel investigation into some kind of badass comic-book character who is going to rescue America from the nefarious clutches of — I wish I were making this up — “President Ronald Plump” could not be more childish. Goodness knows how many adults really believe all this stuff.”

Matthew Walther continues with “I feel bad for them, in the way that I feel bad for kids who are about to discover that the Tooth Fairy is fake.”

Full article here.