The Imposition of a Global Theocracy

Thomas Lifson over at the American Thinker has a great write-up on the three amigos and the damage they are doing to the Dem party. It reads, in part:

To say that Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ihan Omar have chips on their shoulders would be an understatement.  Both women embrace the notion of Muslim victimhood in a party that stokes the grievances of a variety of minorities who are encouraged to see themselves as victims and seek balm in the form of concessions from the majority. When the interests of these subgroups clash, the standard operating procedure of the Dems has been to co-opt the minority leadership and have them smooth over those conflicts in favor of the goodies that come from unity at the expense of the malign majority against whom they nurse their wounds.

But when religion becomes the basis for grievance, and when the radical version of that religion seeks as its sacred mission the destruction of an existing state and the imposition of a global theocracy based on its dogma, compromise becomes much more difficult.

So, we can expect Reps. Omar and Tlaib, backed up by their glamourous amiga-in-grievance Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, to continue to press demands that are unpalatable not simply to mainstream Americans, but to fellow members of the minority collation of the Democrats (such as Jews and black Christians). By criticizing the party’s treatment of them as tokens of diversity, they sow the seeds of a split.

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