As Certain As Day Follows Night | The Nations Response to Obama

I have yet to understand why the left hates the President so completely, but they do.  The next time you find yourself in that unhappy place where a lefty is bitching about Trump, ask them these 10 questions:

Has he proposed taking away our constitutional rights?
Have any of our rights disappeared?
Has he proposed higher taxes?
Has he caused the economy to fail?
Has he started any new wars?
Have minorities suffered more under his leadership?
Did he run guns into Mexico?
Did he direct the IRS to target enemies or non-profit groups?
Did he spy on other politicians or journalists?
Has he used the Justice Department to savage his enemies?

His only ‘sin’ was in humiliating the left and those within the entitlement culture.  I once heard that ‘elections have consequences’; that’s true.  It’s also true that Trump’s election is the consequence of our nation’s repudiation of Obama and his minions.  

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