Most of this false misogyny, white (or male) privilege, white nationalist (or supremacist) crap that is so damn prevalent in our public sphere really doesn’t exist. I know, that’s no surprise to you, but it makes me wonder how it is that so many seeming disparate groups came to conclude that it does. It also has me wondering what impact this will have on our society.
Here’s a thought; given that this so widespread and that most of these adolescents don’t have the brain power to necessary to reach these conclusions unassisted, someone (or groups of someones) have planted and nourished these seeds in their simple minds. Probably the same group that honed their manipulation skills on our citizens of color. That’s a problem.
What makes this so problematic is that this “victimhood” flows from the perception of inequality. Inequality, of course, is that damn effective and powerful socialist tool used to subvert a free people. It’s enduring, effective, and almost impossible to counter by a freedom loving people. We’re hosed !