Meanwhile, Over At Yahoo

When it comes to what news we view on many web sites, including Yahoo, we know that most of the articles are aggregated from a variety of sources. The choice of which of the gazillion articles that are floating around in the MSM however is Yahoo to make. They choose to exclusively run with those stories that portray this administration in the worst possible light.

The question, for both the MSM and the news aggregators, is why are their articles (and the aggregators choices) consistently biased against the administration. I think that there is more than simple hatred against all things conservative, I think that there is a long term strategy at work: to completely destroy any faith that American’s have in their institutions. And it’s working.

As for me, only article on Yahoo provided a rational response to this overwhelming push against our institutions. I’m getting off of the train-wreck the Fifth Estate has so craftily engineered.

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