Her First Calf

This from out in the front pasture a short while ago. The mama’s name is Ginger and she was one of the first calves that was actually born on our Tennessee property. Today Ginger gave birth to her first calf. We have 22 head on the farm right now: 17 cows, 4 calves that have appeared in the last few days, and a borrowed (very, very large) bull. All of the cattle are Herefords.

The calf has no name yet because it seems that the only one qualified to name creatures that appear here in the woods is our granddaughter Brooke. Brooke has named both of our dogs (Dixie Star and Rusty Red) a stray cat (Tom), a huge black snake that inhabits a nearby woodpile (Bob), and every calf. While I can only tell the difference between most of the cows by the ear tag, Brooke knows them as ‘Booger’s mama’, or Ginger’s mom, etc.

Both cow and calf are doing fine. All is good in southern-middle Tennessee

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