A Thoughtful Comment on My Absence

I got the note below (less the photo’s/graphic) from ‘Gleason’. Thank you for the kind remarks and thoughtful contribution.

We are all in this together

Together? No, No, No! Sorry, that should have read TO GET HER! We are all in this To Get Her. Her and that Lil Bitch Barry. Heavenly Father Promises us that the road we travel won’t be easy,. But, it will be worth it. We must ENDURE TO THE END my friend. You needed a BREAK! Everyone who visits this site fully understands your distress with all that is going on. We are in it To Get Her.

THANK YOU for posting something again. It IS APPRECIATED.

It is Heart wrenching, if not heartbreaking, to witness the Left’s constant march toward Socialistic Progressive Marxism. One has to ask, Why are they pushing so damn hard all the sudden? It is because they know that they are trapped. The Patriots have these Rats Trapped. Frigging Nancy Piglosi runs off/ESCAPES/Avoids Capture, to Spain. She is our Self-Appointed Ambassador/Representative to attend some EnvironMENTAL Conference, as if that is more important than sticking around with the other RATS at this Particular time? She is a NATIONALD ISGRACE, an EMBARRASSMENT. Her Timing is Curious to say the least. We have to keep the SPOTLIGHT on these RATS. They are like fish in a barrel.

You have a beautiful farm from some of the picks that I have seen here on your site. My Dad was a farmer too. He also raised hogs. He worked his AZZ off everyday driving a delivery truck. He came home to a cluster pluck every night, and worked that into the night, every night, and weekends too, for nearly 30 years. You have a tough row to hoe on a daily basis. It ain’t easy. Thank You for ALL THAT YOU DO!! And Thank you for this New Posting on one of my FAVORITE SITES.

One Reply to “A Thoughtful Comment on My Absence”

  1. Thank You Again. I saw the 40th Anniversary of “The Wall,” Pink Floyd, over at Irish’s site this morning. Made me feel kind of old. Thought I would share it.
    That is a GREAT Picture of Lil Bath House BARRY. He looks upset. :<)

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