Folks on the hard left and the slugs in the ‘media’ really need to buy some vowels and catch a clue.
It’s been almost 5 years since the Donald announced and they still don’t understand his appeal. Here’s a clue: being impeached by leftist commie partisans is a badge of honor. It’s applauded by 75 percent (or more) of the US population. This is true regardless of which party they support.
That’s how the MAGA movement has been able to transition from a band of hunkered down supporters with their backs against the wall to what is now a growing national movement across party lines.

The question that keeps nagging me is why in the world would these knuckleheads continue to push impeachment knowing that it stands an absolute certainty of failing? Is the alternative to trying worse than the sure and certain blow-back? If that’s so, there is some sinister shit going on in the halls of government.
What the hell are they so afraid of?
“What the hell are they so afraid of?” Of being found that not only do career politicians not work for the public but work solely to enrich themselves at our expense. DJT pretty much has been solely responsible for proposing legislation and writing measures that actually help people, White deplorables REALLY like that – pretty much reflects what they think of the ‘Ivory Towers’.