Breitbart is reporting that the DNC is making changes to the next debate (March 15th). Story reads: The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is changing its debate format to limit the rigorous standing required by candidates, at a time when there is renewed scrutiny over former Vice President Joe Biden’s fitness for the White House.

The DNC announced on Friday that the format for its next debate, to be held in Arizona on March 15, would have the candidates seated behind a desk, fielding questions from the audience. The format change, which was first reported by Politico, would be a departure from the past ten debates, where candidates stood behind lecterns and faced questions from moderators.

Bernie, on Monday evening, inadvertently alluded to their ages when he said:
” I lead the opposition against it. Joe voted for the Wall Street bailout. I voted against it. Joe’s been on the floor of the House over the years talking about the need to cute Social Security, veterans programs, and other benefits.
I have led the opposition to those cuts. Joe supported the Hyde Amendment, which would deny low income women Medicaid funds for there own reproductive needs. I strongly disagree with that approach.
They should try this debate format:
Instead of both Democratic candidates, they should include our current President for a LIVE debate that allows ALL voters to view ALL the candidates at the same time. The questions would be from 5 senators from BOTH parties, allowing the 10 senators to ask 5 questions addressed to the opposite party (i.e. Dems ask Trump, Republicans ask both Sanders and Biden. No audience – everyone gets to concentrate on filling in their answers which would be 5 minutes minimum. A 2 hour debate. A 10 minute concluding speech.
Having all the candidates on stage would allow everyone to judge them together, rather than having to watch two different formats. Lets face it, not many Dems will watch the Republican convention or vice a versa. But if together, all the candidates have an opportunity to explain why their view works the best.
Never happen – but I think it should.