27 Days and Counting

1 May is the average last frost day at my place. Experience has shown that if I put anything that can be harmed by frost into the ground before then, I’ll end up scrambling to get a heavy layer of straw over whatever that might be. Almost always, that will end up being tomatoes and peppers. They are typically out of control before the temps stabilize.

I’m a slow learner, but I got it. 1 May. 27 days from now.

I’ve put a couple of days into rehabilitating my garden plot. Here is a picture I took today of one of my three raised bed areas. It’ll take a day or so to bring this back up to snuff. I could take less time, but the small tiller has given up the ghost again and so each of these 10 beds will need to be turned by hand.

When I get done it’ll look like the area I’m currently working in (below). That little tiller is perfect for lifting into and out of the boxes (when the son-ofa-bitch runs).

I’m thinking that we are past the point where we could get a hard freeze, so I reestablished the water supply to the garden and watered those things that I have in the ground. The lettuce is coming along, I’ve got 5 varieties going.

Strawberries were happy to get a sprinkle of cool water as well. These are a ever-bearing and will produce throughout the summer

Everything is beginning to flower, the strawberries above, the thyme below, and I’ve got so many bees on my blueberry bushes I’m afraid to go near them! I’ve even had one of my apple trees show off a bloom…..just one.

The Thyme (above and below) is getting ready to get some company; oregano. I’ve carved out a space in the box where the garlic and thyme is, dirtied up the soil (if that makes sense) and lined it off with rocks.

Those four blocks in the center of the photo below are seeded with oregano. There’s maybe 25 or 30 plants.

All of those things I had in the mini-green house needs to be replanted. I’ve got my red solo cups all loaded with soil and lights erected.

I may have waited a day or two too long, as some of the seedling are getting ‘leggy’ . Those long legged guys below are cabbage! I’ve replanted most everything that got this far along, buried them up to nearly their leaves in a solo cup..

So now the little mini-greenhouse will be reloaded with the next batch of goodies for the garden: I’m thinking cantaloupe, watermelon, zucchini, eggplant, pattypan squash. Just thinking about cool, fresh, juicy cantaloupe makes the whole garden experience worth it!.

Y’all enjoy your quarantine and pray for those that are away from their loved ones at this time. It’ll be over soon enough and we will all be eating cantaloupe.

Comments? Whatcha Got?