At Days End

Two skill sets are involved in capturing a great sunset on film: a good eye and technical know how. Of the two the eye is hardest to acquire . When photography was all film we worked quite a bit harder to ensure everything was perfect; the scene, framing, light, timing, etc. There was nothing worse than doing all the work, and spending all of the time, to process and develop the film only to find crappy prints on the back end.

I was into film in the early 80’s and used a Mamiya C330 Twin Lense Reflex. It was unwieldy but brought great calm as I worked to understand what aperture setting and shutter speed would produce a decent image on the back end. There were times that I set up the camera and then waited for an hour or more for the light to get just right for the shot. A real calmness, a oneness with the subject, would come from photographing that way.

Sometime in the future, when all the worlds problems are solve and mankind moves into a higher plane of existence, film photography will return and with it the great calm that comes from managing time and light.

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