Raising The Temperature | Time to Pull The Trigger?

Some several months ago I wrote about the quandary some preppers might find themselves in: when/if to pull the trigger. I wrote:

So how do you know when/if the SHTF moment is here and it’s time to start doing lion shit? This question is not rhetorical. Let me frame the same question a little differently: Does the corona virus have the potential to cause irrational responses in our communities and can those responses be disastrous enough to crash the economy/society. Can COVID-19 usher in a world wide collapse?

The rest of that drivel is here.

Right now I’m of the opinion that ‘The Great Unraveling’ will be more like the proverbial frog in a comfortably warm pot than the flash/bang of a singular event. But in all of the scenarios that run through my mind, none of them result in a world that is as equally (or more) free than the one we are in now. An that my friends, sucks.

So when I see a page like the one above from SHTFplan, I’m of two minds: (1) somewhat concerned about sensationalism used by these folks as they honestly attempt to educate others on how to survive the impending disaster. And (2) whether some folk were attempting to leverage the fear others feel in these trying times to make a few bucks.

Looks like #2 won out.

I entered my email, weaved my way pasted their captcha quiz and was presented this:

Then this:

And finally this:

I’ll let y’all make your own determination on what is going on here. For my part I’d question anyone that shows our billionaire President in a 50 cent face mask.

Comments? Whatcha Got?