It’s really hard for those of us that live in flyover country to understand how it is that folk in the socialist stronghold of Chicago manage to retain any dignity or sense of self worth. You would have thought that the dictatorial mayor and criminal political operatives would have been enough to cause a rational people to rally and rail against the injustice; I guess that’s just not the Chicago way.
Now, that unholy alliance consisting of the ‘aldermen’ and the teachers union have decided that it does not matter if the population wants the schools opened or not, they won’t allow it unless an entire laundry list of conditions are met; not the least of which is ‘increasing equity for students’. The list? Here goes:
- Establish and promote clear public health criteria and a detailed testing and contact-tracing plan
- Improve internet access and connection
- Reduce screen time, especially for younger students
- Strengthen hybrid-learning plans
- Give advance notice to social workers, speech therapists and other clinicians about returning students, those opting for remote learning, or both
- Provide timely and transparent decisions on accommodations, including those under the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Offer clearer guidelines on paid leave
- Provide regular public updates on the 2,000 employees to be hired for pandemic-related responsibilities
A union attorney has said that members have a right to work in a safe environment. “We expect a lot of members will invoke that right,” he said, adding. “This isn’t a strike. We haven’t called for a strike. We’re not saying we’re refusing to work … (we’re) willing and available to continue working remotely”.
He’s right, it’s not a strike: It’s blackmail.
“If CPS responds by taking draconian measures, that could result in our entire membership deciding they want to engage in a work stoppage.”
Do they have all of the exits blocked in Chicago? Are there any freedom loving people remaining in lefty land?