He’s left an amazing legacy but in doing so he pissed off so many people so completely that he needed to move on to his life after Presidency unceremoniously. Hate him or love him he did it his way.

While determining if the election was free or fair is important work, and Americans need to know just WTF happened, it won’t change the outcome and it damn sure will not change the trajectory of our society. The pendulum is swinging toward socialism and anarchy, two seeming opposing political structures (or in the case of anarchy the absence of a political structure). These folk will coexist until control (centralization) of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of resources is complete. That day is closer than we yet realize. Then the anarchists will be either fed or shot. They will not overcome the crushing weight of a socialist regime.
I’m being a realist, not a defeatist, when I suppose the hard left voices in the nation have poisoned enough gimmedat minds to influence every future decision at the national and many state and local levels. In my mind the only uncertainty is in the velocity of the fall.
With a totally malleable President and control of all of the levers by power hungry socialists, a hot civil war is unwinnable and thanks to the advocacy of a fourth estate with the intention and ability to both frame every narrative and squelch every dissenting voice, the cold civil war we are presently engaged in will shortly end. I’m sorry to report that we will not be the victors.
So then what’s a man to do? We should do what we should have been doing all along regardless of which millionaire or billionaire sits on the throne: live a good life and worship our God in the way he would have us.
Ya’ll have a great day.
He may have pissed off some of the people….but he is a builder; as in physical buildings. And he knows that eventually the investor will need to invest his money someplace. And the investor will eventually have to lick his wounds, wash his face, put on his power suit and go visit the builder.