Fierce Quads

There was a time many years back, in the mid-70’s, when, as a soldier, I was stationed in Seoul Korea. I was young, bold, and (until I began studying Kung Fu) thought I was pretty hot stuff.

Three nights each week I’d wander off the base an climb the rickety step to where this old Chinese Kung Fu Master had set up shop. I kept up the courses for a couple of months. It took that long for me to figure out that there was no way that I was ever going to understand what the old man was trying to say (he spoke no English) and there was no way I was ever going to get my ass low enough to the ground to effectively perform the moves the art/exercise required.

I can still feel the pain in my quads from having the old man manipulate me into a stance and have me hold it for what seemed like an eternity. My but never got closer to the ground than 2 feet, while the other students (12-15 year old boys) were scraping their balls across floor while doing sweeps and moving from stance to stance.

All of this was brought to mind not because I was reliving my glory (or in this instance not so glory) days but because I stumbled across this video and noted how effortlessly the lady appears to posture and hold a stance. While she must have quads of steel, that position she takes at the 3:28 mark is not of this earth.

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