Light Posting

I kicked my own ass yesterday with the weed-eater. I knew better than to get out during the heat of the day, but was jammed up on time and wanted to make sure that the ‘fiber guy’ could access the clam shell they put in on the edge of my property a couple of weeks ago. I started at 9 AM and by 3 PM the body started pushing back with heavy cramping in the fingers and toes; it was time to quit for the day.

Today, if the weather holds this afternoon, I’ll finish what I started yesterday and trim up some around the house. I also need to get the water line cover back in place from my ‘improbable’ water leak from last week. It’s improbable because the place that the leak occurred was a crack in brass connector between a 3/4 inch PEC tube and the pressure regulator adjacent to the cabin. I have no idea how that brass cracked/split.

And so with the promise of rain, the need to reinstall the water cover, trim around the house, finish trimming the fence line on the front of the property, run to the vet to get the dog her pharmaceuticals, clean up the mess I made while the wife spent the last couple of days at the kids house, and cucumbers/egg plants/potatoes/beans that need to put into the ground (all of which needs to be done today) I’m thinking the posting will be light for the next day or two.

One thing for certain though, I’m going to slow down enough to experience the beauty and wonder of this place. Have a great week.

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