Winter Reckoning

I feel like an ass for not seeing the weather big picture. I was looking at the forecast and was fixated on the coming Tuesday night low. It is now forecast to be at 0 (zero) degrees. When I first noticed that Tuesday’s low would be bone chilling, it was forecast to be 13.

The big picture that I didn’t recognize until this morning is when the sun goes down this evening it will not get above freezing again for an entire week. Thursday of next week is showing 37, but I’m think that’s just some guy working the models spreading a glimmer of hope.

Bad new: I’m unprepared for a week long event. Good news: I have time (today) to recover.

So I’ll be off to Wally-world a little later in the day and pick-up some 2nd class goods via 3rd class services. Here’s a little cold weather cabin porn that’ll remind us that it is going to be as beautiful as it is torturous.

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