Greenies: Hunkered Down While the Fires Burn

If you were to sharpen your pencils and calculate the amount of carbon released annually from fires world wide, you’d soon realize just how ridiculous and nefarious this ‘man made climate change’ scheme really is. This is not to say that the highbrows and pencil necks within august group won’t/don’t pin this tremendous release of carbon on man (they will/do). But not very loudly as the globalization scheme they are pushing gains no traction when the ‘marks’ (us) realize that climate is going to go one way (or another, or both ways) all of it’s own volition. The climate is going to go where the climate is going to go and nothing that we can do is going to change that.

Combating climate change has never been about climate change; it’s been about restructuring the societies and controlling populations. Climate change is the crisis/catalyst that moves great nations to destroy themselves. On a scale less grand it is greed and/or self actualization (think Maslow’s tip of the triangle) that motivates a person within a nations power structure to use hot/cold/wet/dry as the means to an end. Bending the will of the peon for these folks is a good thing.

The good news is that once they can get the great republics to fall technology will have been developed to the point that every individual can be easily manipulated to act in whatever manner the state feels is best for the state. China’s development and implementation of ‘social credit scores’ regimens provides a solid foundation to build out a effective and ubiquitous system capable of rewarding/punishing at the whim of ‘our betters’.

Speaking of China, I’m pretty damn sure that they are quiet pleased with the trajectory that our world wide body’s are hell bent on taking (centralization/control) and with their own technological achievements. Good to know that things are coming together nicely for some.

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