A Rant: Immigrants

Wifey was watching Fox News when I went into the living room this morning.  She knows I have a real aversion to national news networks in general and Fox News in particular.  I vote R, but it is in spite of these idiots rather than because of them.

The newscast highlighted AOC’s district in New York and the reporter(s) were hyperventilating over the ‘illegal’ aliens setting up shops on the sidewalks.  The words ‘third world’ were continually used.  Wifey was all blown out of shape about immigration (again) and how terrible things have gotten (again).  This happens every time she watches Fox.  So I tried to explain to her (again) that we (both R and D) have been whining the border problem every single day for the last 40 years.  For more than 14,000 days this has been thrown in our face by politicians of all stripes and news folk hell bent on invoking an emotional response.  Every single day the screams get louder and the urgency more pronounced.  She still doesn’t get it:  she’s being played. 

Here are a couple of my bottom lines on the topic: 

A)  If the government of the United States let them across the border, then they are not ‘illegal’.  B) If you’re going to let them in the country and know at the time you let them in that they could not support themselves then you had better be prepared to care for them.  Not everyone agrees with this but I am personally averse to watching folk starve to death on the public streets.  C)  If you complain about these folk using public resources then you cannot complain when they try to fend for themselves. 

D)  How in the world, in the ‘free country’ we claim to have created, is a permit required in order to work and feed yourself and family?  Do they have to ask for permission to live?

As far as the news networks go, I get it:  their attempts at invoking an emotional response is so that folk will ‘affiliate’ with them and return to watch. .  day after day, after. . . I’m certain that they know that some of us have figured this out and refuse to drawn into the little nightmare they’ve worked so hard at creating.  I gaze at them and see fools reading from a script that pads the pockets of network owners at the expense of viewer’s best interests and the needs of the nation.

As for the street vendors in NY, Chicago, Detroit, etc:  Damn folks, give them a break and let them participate in the American dream.  After all, you opened the door and then invited them in.

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