Rusty Goes to the Groomer

Wifey and I were finally able to get ‘Rusty’ into the vets for his shots and what will be his first professional grooming. We’ve had him for 6 years and he’s never had a bath. The only way we’ve been able to brush him is to put a muzzle on him and then I’d hold him down while my other half brushed. Usually we could get 5 minutes (or so) of compliance before he started flipping out.

Rusty has never met a human that he didn’t want to bite and so his presence has always provided a sense of security. No one and no thing was coming close if he were loose. He bites everyone (except immediate family) that turns their back on him. We finally got him to stop biting the vacuum cleaner, but if we want to use a broom we’d have to put him outside. If outside he will attack a leaf blower, weed-eater, tiller, mower, etc. and has to be put indoors for half an hour or so before he will calm down enough to be set free.

He’s smart and knew something was up but still he played along and was marginally manageable as we handed him off to the staff there without bloodshed.

We are to call this afternoon to see what time he’s to be picked up. I can only hope that my strong warnings to the staff about his demeanor were heeded.

We’ll see.

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