The Great Marginalization

What’s different about today vs yesterday in Chicago is that some of the minions are beginning to recognize that importing thousands of new ‘citizens’ (visitors?) has a cost and there is no way they are going to avoid paying it.

For those that think the gimmedats in Chicago don’t have anything of value that can be taken, consider the comments made by the homeless man in the tweet below. His condition almost proves out Matthew 25:29 (which by the way has a mirror in Thomas 41): Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. I guess they can kiss all of those sweet social services they’ve been basking in goodbye.

The Great Marginalization V2 is inbound.

What’s also astounding is that the people in the windy place have managed to create a society that is impervious to their own will. They are locked in.

There is an upside to this: In 2 years when all of the ‘newcomers’ have jobs and are settling in to their middle class life, they’ll be generating the revenue needed by the city to produce/distribute more Soma for the generationaly less fortunate.

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