An Altogether Sorry State

To be honest I haven’t been following the Trumpsters legal problems.  He has had so many over such a long period that I suppose I’ve become numb to the constant thumping in the press. 

Now, because abstinence has brought me to an arms-length and because I’m looking over the issue(s) with fresh eyes, I’m pretty appalled at what is being done in our name.  Yep, if you are being tried in federal court that venue represents the interests of the citizens of the United States.  When a judge or prosecutor acts for or against a man on trial for a federal offense then they (supposedly) act with our interests in mind.  Do these folk think the nation agrees with the way this defendant is being treated?  

I have questions:
–How in fucks sake did an accounting entry result in 34 felony charges?  What gymnastics of the mind leads an impartial person to believe that this is fair, or right, or rational?

–Contempt of court?  How in the world did our nation get to the point where a black robe could jail a citizen for speaking the truth?  What a bunch of power-hungry egotists we’ve allowed to sit on the bench.

–Are they really talking about holding Trump in contempt for stating the absolute truth about Michael Cohen when he called him a ‘disgraced attorney and felon’?  I mean, damn folks, he’s a disgraced attorney and felon!  These clowns are not trying to protect Cohen (who is beyond redemption), they are trying to railroad Trump.  Now, because Trump had the huevos to speak up, they have to ‘rehabilitate’ Cohen in the eyes of the jury or the state’s witness does them more harm than good. 

–How about the truthiness of Trump saying that Fox News reported that liberal activists were trying to get on the jury when (1) that is exactly what Fox News reported and (2) that’s exactly what happened? We’re going to bust his balls for stating the obvious?

–Final question I’ll ask (although I’ve got a hundred more): if ‘they’ can puff up charges and gag a Presidential candidate (and former President) with the sole intent of forcing their will on him, just how fair do you think such a system will be to you and I?

These folk are so self-centered and so caught up in their 15 minutes (actually months) of fame that they are far beyond being able to see the damage they are doing to the country.  What power in earth, heaven, or hell could mend a nation shredded by such petty tyrants?

While the nation of America will continue on, the great American Experiment is about to fail.  A government of, by, and for the people cannot long endure in the presence of power-hungry politicians, prosecutors and judges.  Freedom had, for a reasonably long time, a good run.  I wonder how far into the future it will be before man has another opportunity to beat back the beast of tyranny and breath free air again?

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