
Have you ever noticed that the press moves from one Trump ‘disaster’ to another? Were the collective media a single person they would have been committed long ago for severe obsessive compulsion disorder.

The press has such a hard on for Trump they’ve completely lost all objectivity.. For instance, they have completely forgotten that ‘Trump’ and ‘The Trump Organization’ are separate entities. That’s how you end up with headlines like:

Even if their audit ‘suggests’ that the corporation took an overly aggressive view of the tax treatment of a loss (and this hasn’t been adjudicated), it’s the corporation that’s on the hook not Trump. This same approach by our nations impartial news organization occurred when they torpedoed The Trump Organization’s CFO for failing to tax his perks.

When Trump (actually The Trump Organization) gets the IRS on his ass they come with the full force of a politically charged and deep pocketed nemesis. Here is why he/they are so exposed (from Wiki) .

The Trump Organization is an holding company for all of Trump’s business ventures and investments, with around 250 of its affiliates and subsidiaries using the Trump name.

The Trump Organization has or has had interests in real estate development, investing, brokerage, sales and marketing, and property management. Trump Organization entities own, operate, invest in, and develop residential real estate, hotels, resorts, residential towers, and golf courses in various countries.

They also operate or have operated in construction, hospitality, casinos, entertainment, book and magazine publishing, broadcast media, model management, retail, financial services, food and beverages, business education, online travel, commercial and private aviation, and beauty pageants. Retail operations include or have included fashion apparel, jewelry and accessories, books, home furnishings, lighting products, bath textiles and accessories, bedding, home fragrance products, small leather goods, vodka, wine, barware, steaks, chocolate bars, and bottled spring water.

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