A Rant on Truthiness

I’m normally not one to rant and rave, I’m the guy that pretty much takes things as they come and marvel/remark at the wonders and weirdness of this place/reality we’ve all been cast into. But as of late I can’t help but notice that what is usually a tolerable level of incongruence, mischief, and deceit has dramatically escalated. I’m being swarmed with untruthfulness and chicanery from every quadrant.

Has this always been so and I never realized it? Have I been blind and only now shaken off the innocence and naivete to process it?

While not on the top of the list of falsehoods being visited up me is the notion that we should jail the former president for 34 (turdy fo) felony counts for signing a lawful check? It was a just debt incurred for a lawful act. 34 felonies because the CFO of his multi billion dollar firm chose to use ‘services rendered’ instead of ‘reimbursement’ in the notes section of the check? Are you shitting me?

Next, my inbox is now a minefield. Here is a sample of the trickery some endless stream of Nigerian never-do-wells have decided needed to be sent my way.

I turn to the news and get this:

The intertubes are swamped by AI entities that can’t seem to get it right:

Until the AI can figure out how a mirror works or the number of fingers that belong on a hand I’m not worried about them taking over the world.

I am worried that given enough time the technology will become proficient enough and prolific enough that a tipping point will be reached. Until then, a false image (and narrative) such as that shown below will receive north of 12 thousand up votes without anyone realizing the ‘boy’ has 3 arms.

The worst part of all of this is that the government, under the guise of solving the ‘truthiness’ problem, will develop and deploy a set of cyber tools that squash all narratives that don’t match the reality they choose to impose.

We all knew it was to good to last anyway. Right?

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