Cosmic Background Radiation. An AI Take

So I’m reading an article on Cosmic Background Radiation and the author throws up a picture that looks pretty different that the green and blue splotch image I’m used to seeing, like this:

It looked pretty different so I checked out the caption directly below the photo. Photo and caption from a screen shot I took:

Turns out, like almost every other ‘photo’ taken of objects in our galaxy or in the friggin universe, it’s not real. While most are color added manipulations of data produced by the instruments, this, if the caption holds true, is a “purple and red shape on a black backround”.

Now I can live with that color modified data thingy, but what is being pushed our way now is the phantoms of somebodies mind or, perhaps more appropriately, some AI generated graphic that ‘it’ believes is plausible enough to pass human scrutiny. What hurts most is that the author (or automation) didn’t even care enough to generate a decent caption. My stab at creating relevant media and captions (below):

Or, you can just fall into line and believe your betters when told that the image below is an actual image of a young lady advertising for a mate on Farmers Only DotCom.

It’s all good though, it’s part of that brave new world thingy you hear everyone talking about.

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