Catch of the Day (Mass of the Ass)

Here’s three more for the best of bad AI and/or Photoshop.  All have errors of a skill level 1 variety.  Can you spot them?  Answers posted in the comments.   Hint: it’s never the tits.

One Reply to “Catch of the Day (Mass of the Ass)”

  1. One: Three fireplaces in the image; two of which are ablaze. The fireplace on the lower right has two issues: the leg of the grate is sitting outside of the firebox and if this fireplace existed in the real world the would ignite the wall immediately to it’s left.

    Two: The top of the safety rail magically changes height every time it intersects with ‘her’ body.

    Three: The mass of ass is so great that it bends light as it passes nearby (as evidenced by the door on the left of the photo). Did you notice that there are actually two doors in the image?

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