Three Types of Poop

Same game, different day.

The no shit line of the day? ‘Both countries face growing confrontation with the West’.
The oh shit line of the day? ‘A pledge of mutual defense if either is attacked’.

No shit: we are just shy of WWIII over Ukraine
Oh shit: Ukraine is currently attacking Russia and North Korea has pledged ‘mutual defense’.

No Shit, Oh Shit, and Bullshit: Now the ‘No Shit’ and ‘Oh Shit’ elements of this article are concerning and I don’t want to diminish their import, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out the ‘Bullshit’ portion found just a little further on in the piece. It reads:

For the first paragraph in the narrative to be true, then the second would have to be false (and vise versa). The relationship building narrative (bullshit) cannot be the purpose of the visit as North Korea is already (2nd para: had been providing) so cash/energy strapped they would sell every single production item they had. Russia on the other hand has an excess of both cash (albeit rubles) and energy.

Now for absolute proof my ‘Bullshit’ contention: “six senior US officials” . Probably a subset of the same folk that weighed in on Hunter Biden’s lap top.

The world is a dangerous place and I’m sorry to report that the actions of our nation have done little to tamp down on the tyranny that threatens us all. Let’s go Brandon doesn’t seem to quite cover it.

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